Setting up earlier games with set 2+ in the box

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


So maybe I just missed it in the rules, but if you have the set 2 and above decks in the box when you are setting up a game in the first adventure, how should that be handled?
Should all the set 2+ boons and banes be switched out for set 1?
What if you acquire a set 2+ boon? Does it allow you to get a set 2+ upgrade? Or should that be downgraded to the highest set they are on?

I know if you are higher, you take out the lower sets. I'm just curious if there is a limit for how high of sets you should add.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

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I'm not actually sure we put anything in the guide about that. Common sense (and the Rule of Tanis) dictates that if you'd encounter a set 2 card, banish it and pull a random card of the same type from the box with a valid-for-scenario adventure deck number, then encounter that card instead.


Yeah that is what I have been doing. I just wanted to be sure on this. Probably something good to clarify. Especially about not getting deck upgrades higher than the adventure deck number you are on.

Sovereign Court

I don't know that it really needs clarification. I think it would confuse people so rarely, it seems pretty clear that you don't play with cards the adventure hasn't gotten to yet just because someone has added them to the box.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

See each adventure, under the header "This Adventure Requires..." For example, Adventure 1 says: "During this adventure, the game box should include only cards with set indicators of B, C, P, or 1."

If you're doing something other than that with your box, you're on your own with respect to how to make it function as though your box is set up correctly (though Tanis's suggestion makes sense).

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Vic with the save!


Andrew Klein wrote:
I don't know that it really needs clarification. I think it would confuse people so rarely, it seems pretty clear that you don't play with cards the adventure hasn't gotten to yet just because someone has added them to the box.

It does need to be somewhere, because to some people, if it isn't written, then the rule doesn't exist. People could assume that they can acquire high level boons at lower levels.

Thank you Vic for pointing that out.

A similar question. Using the base set adventure can I incorporate the Character Add On Pack, and the Class add on packs?

Yes, as B and C are both treated as 0 and are essentially the same (though the extra boons/banes are supposed to be added when you are playing with more than 4 people).

Ted Jordahl wrote:
A similar question. Using the base set adventure can I incorporate the Character Add On Pack, and the Class add on packs?

Are you asking about for card guild play (which is the forum this thread is in)? If so, then yes to the character add-on deck, no to the class decks.

Guide To Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play wrote:

Preparing the Game Box

The bulk of the preparation time for Adventure Card Guild sessions lies in setting up the game box to be used for the game. You may use the standard rules in the current rulebook for preparing the box, but the following options are designed to streamline your setup process.
Keep the Character Add-On Deck in Small Games:
With fewer than five players, the Character Add-On Deck is not required, but if it’s already in the game box, there’s no need to remove it.

If you are asking about in your home game, then yes to both.

S&S Rulebook p4 wrote:
For your first play session, you’ll need only the base cards, so leave The Wormwood Mutiny sealed for now. If you own the Character Add-On Deck, go ahead and combine that set with the cards in the base set as described in Organizing Your Cards (see below). If you own any Class Decks, you may also add any cards from them that have a B in the upper-right corner.

There is actually probably technically a loophole here in that he guild rules say to use the regular box setup rules, which do say you can add class decks. But since the guild rules assume you are using your class decks for the characters being played, I don't think it is intended that you do so.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Are you asking about for card guild play (which is the forum this thread is in)? If so, then yes to the character add-on deck, no to the class decks.

Sorry I wondered into the wrong forum. But My question is answered. Thanks!

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