Elf arcanist favored class option

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have read somewhere in the forum that the elf favored class option (FCO) only raise the maximum number of point you can have in your reservoir, not the number of point you recharge per day. But after reading the description of a feat i think RAW says otherwise.

Elf FCO description:

Arcanist: Increase total number of points in the arcanist's arcane reservoir by 1.

Extra Reservoir feat:

Benefit: You gain three more points in your arcane reservoir, and the maximum number of points in your arcane reservoir increases by that amount.

To me if you compare both descriptions it looks like the FCO increase the # of point you get per day, not the maximum number of point of your reservoir. Am i correct?

It needs errata IMO. Comparing it to the gnome FCB, it must not be intended to provide an extra point each day. But the fact it uses "total" instead of "maximum" is just confusing.

RumpinRufus wrote:
Comparing it to the gnome FCB, it must not be intended to provide an extra point each day.

Oh yeah, i did not see that...

It could be clearer, but the keywords are increase vs gain. "Increase" seems to refer to pool size, while "gain" refers to pool content.

Gnome FCB wrote:
Arcanist: Add 1/6 to the number of points the arcanist gains in her arcane reservoir each day.

Note the use of "gain". Also note that the Gnome FCB doesn't increase the total size limit of the pool.

And people think that the feat only gives the +3 in the reservoir the first day, since it doesn't say every day.

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