Dualblades |
Hey guys i am running a pathfinder campaign and one of my players is working on trying to transform his character into a demon via the transformation ritual. Should i let him do this or should i stop him? and if i do let him how do i balance the encounters to make things still challenging in my game?
You should certainly let the character work towards such an end - it's a good thing when PCs have goals and motivations (as long as these don't interfere with the adventure at hand).
If the final transformation actually creates a character that's too powerful compared to the other PCs, then it's time for the newly formed Demon to become an NPC and for the player to roll up a new character. But until then, just say yes.
GMs who say "Yes, but..." create more fun than those who just say "No."
Vritra |
You can, assuming it works in your campaign and won't end up derailing your campaign. You can probably adjust the Half-Fiend template and the improved powers so that he won't be too powerful, but if you don't think that it will work in the party, feel free to switch him to a NPC (so long as you tell him such can be a result of the transformation).
axatillian |
If you chose to let him become one just add the fiend templet (this will slightly increase his power) or change his race to tiefling. This will give him a "demonic" feel with out blowing the party balance. If you chose to let him become a "real demon" do what VRMH suggests. Personally I would give him the choice spelling out the consequences before he makes the choice.
Note: If you do make him a Fiendish character you should give the other players a little boost such as an additional feat or a +2 to a stat just to keep everyone even. Also note that is for a 1-4 lvl fiend if you use the higher ones you'll have to give other players a little bit more.
Dave Justus |
Most likely this would have to be pretty much an everyone is trying this and this is the goal of the campaign, or it won't really work.
The transformation ritual takes a long time and involves continually being very very vile. Most parties wouldn't put up with a fellow party member doing that. Those that would, would probably all think this was a pretty good idea.
At the half-fiend stage a PC would probably be equivalent to being 2-3 levels 'cooler' than without the template. Either everyone needs the same benefit or a similar benefit (lich template, lycanthrope, etc.) if you want to avoid one character being way cooler that the others. At that point, when everyone has a bonus of some sort you just treat them as being a higher level when it comes to figuring out the challenges they should face.
The full demonic transformation results in significantly more powerful characters. Up to twice the character level alone. Probably at this point the PC is unplayable unless everyone in the party does the same thing. Even then you are dealing with some powerful abilities that are pushing beyond the boundaries where Pathfinder really 'works' so designing encounters will be a challenge.
boring7 |
This probably isn't super balanced, but I'd probably go with:
Tiefling, sacrifice a level.
Half fiend, sacrifice a level for Natural armor, flight, and claws, another level for special immunities (except SR), a third for the spell resistance and the ability score mods, and a 4th for the spell like abilities.
Full Demon, Doesn't matter, PC becomes NPC and move it right on.
Also lay this out beforehand so the player understand what it's going to take and where it ends.
Master of the Dark Triad |
The only real problem is the huge (for a campaign) amount of time that the rituals take to do.
As long as your campaign is that long (or as long as you're willing to house rule a shorter time), it should be fine.
If the character becomes a true demon, he WILL be unbalanced. This is fine, just make him work for it. If he isn't careful, then it isn't out of the question for a paladin to take notice of what he's doing...
RumpinRufus |
Is this a "long term character ambition" situation, or an "I want to play as a demon" thing?
If it's the former, you can basically let him do it at the very end of the campaign, so he gets the closure and satisfaction, and you don't have to worry about balance, party dynamics, etc. If it's the latter, things get more complicated.
Dafydd |
Of course, let them go for it. If they actually succeed in becoming a Demon, congratz to them, they found the BBEG for their adventure. Bonus, the player who wanted a demon PC gets to make a new character.
Players who are overcome by lycan or vampire typically become GM play things to throw at the party. I do not see why becoming a half fiend (the most likely end result) should be any different. I would also do the same for lichs, half dragons, half celestial and any other template a player could gain (exception, animal lord mostly cause that is a flavorful, but weaker template perfect for a nature hero)
Ascalaphus |
If you want to do this mid-game, but worry about game balance, you could also require the player to gain his powers gradually, through "monster levels". Rite Publishing has done some excellent work on this, for example Gargoyles and Giants; races that would normally be OP at low levels. However, by taking some levels in the race, the PC acquires the race's special abilities at a speed that's more in step with the other players.