Do psychic spells provoke?

Rules Discussion

Scarab Sages

The wording of the playtest document is as follows:

Page 59:
Psychic magic originates from the distinctive qualities of the caster’s composite being, rather than through arcane formulas or rote supplication to divine entities. Therefore, psychic spells never have verbal or somatic components. Because of this, psychic spells are purely mental actions, and they can be performed even while the caster is pinned or paralyzed. Psychic spells still retain focus components just as other spells. When a spell calls for an expensive material component, a psychic spellcaster can instead use any item with significant meaning and a value greater than or equal to the spell’s component cost. For example, if a spiritualist wanted to cast raise dead to bring her dead husband back from the grave, she could use her 5,000-gp wedding ring as the spell’s material component. Instead of verbal and somatic components, all psychic spells have components related to the caster’s inner being. The two psychic components are called thought components (marked as T) and emotion components (marked as E).

But then later the document mentions Concentration DCs:

Page 59:
Thought components are so mentally demanding that they make interruptions and distractions extremely challenging. The DC for any concentration check for a spell with a thought component increases by 10. A psychic spellcaster casting a spell with a thought component can spend an extra move action before beginning to cast the spell to center herself and avoid the increased DC.

So if a spell is a purely mental action, like channeling, and can be done while pinned or paralyzed, do they provoke?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Channeling does not not provoke because it's a purely mental action, but because it's a Su ability.

Psychic spells are spells, and spells provoke.

Shadow Lodge

Despite that clarification, that wording about "purely mental actions" still creates an element of complexity between those two explanations.

It might be clearer if it was changed to something like:

Psychic magic originates from the distinctive qualities of the caster’s composite being, rather than through arcane formulas or rote supplication to divine entities. Therefore, psychic spells never have verbal or somatic components. Because of this, psychic spells are purely mental actions, and they can be performed even while the caster is pinned or paralyzed. Psychic spells still retain focus components just as other spells.


Psychic magic originates from the distinctive qualities of the caster’s composite being, rather than through arcane formulas or rote supplication to divine entities. Therefore, psychic spells never have verbal or somatic components. Because of this, psychic spells are purely mental actions, and they can be performed even while the caster is pinned or paralyzed. Like regular spells, Psychic spells still provoke attacks of opportunity. Psychic spells still retain focus components just as other spells.


I'll flag this to be moved to the Playtest Forum, so your chances of getting an official clarification are increased.

It may have already been asked, too.

Spell-like Abilities are purely mental actions that provoke AoOs. Mental does not equal not provokable.

Psychic spells are spells, and spells always provoke.

Scarab Sages

Psychic Spells require intense focus to visualize the though component or focus the emotional component. The fact that you can do those with paralyzed or pinned doesn't mean that you would not provoke for casting the spell as you concentrate on the components needed to cast.

Not all purely mental actions don't provoke.

I'd say hey provoke. Trying to divide by zero while standing on a tangent to infinity isn't very condusive to also remembering to DUCK

Any answers for this yet?

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