Before the Steel Doors...

Dark Archive

Silver Crusade

Sovliss stood before the massive Doors leading to the Archive. He wore New cloths of deep blue color lined and hemmed with a gold.
"Do I just knock?" It was his first day to be at the archive. He was a bit confused due to the simplicity of the entry.

...knock...knock...knock... The young elf pounded on the door figuring it was heavy he put some force behind each knock.

Dark Archive

A small humanoid walks through the doors, the metallic ping ping ping of his steps accompany his heavy full plate armor. Bleary eyed, though strangely calm he peers up at you.

"Do you know what time it is?"

Silver Crusade

Shaking his head he looked about quickly. He hadn't realized the time when he approached.

"I'm sorry sir," He elf replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not used to the Society's customs so I figured I'd start with a knock."

Sovliss reached into a satchel at his side and pulled a small piece of parchment from it.

"This paper Instructed me to arrive at the archives for further instruction."

Dark Archive

You'll get that here. The halfling smiles wryly and takes your hand. Take a deep breath, the first step can be daunting. He proceeds to walk through the door, pulling you along with a surprising grip of iron.

Silver Crusade

Following the halfling through, Sovliss found himself full of excitement and a mild bit of uncertainty. It was at that moment he realized he forgot his manners.
"I'm Sovliss' by the way." he said as he was being pulled.

Dark Archive

Hello Sovliss, I am Meridoc Esquire, public defender hell knight signifier and sometimes door chime.

The halls of the Darkive widen out to innumerable bookshelves. Patrons scurry here and there filling, ordering, reading, and occasionally sobbing over their work.

More private rooms are on both sides of the hallway, some with viewing areas and others very solidly reinforced.

I cant say that I have answers but do you have any questions?

Silver Crusade

After gazing about the many bookshelves that surely held countless amounts of information, Sovliss looked back to Moridoc then took a bow having realized the extent of the gent before him.

"Apologies ser, I've not been in the presence of a Hell Knight. I only have stories to go off."

Dark Archive

The stories are likely ones of dour angry humans rampaging across Golarion seeking to drink the blood of the innocent?

True there are those of us who like cruelty, but many oppose it, and some like me..simply don't care. My order is the scourge, we hunt organized criminals. He stares off into a memory, then says I wish we were unnecessary.

ha ha I like you, bowing to a slip. Completely unneeded my good fellow. The only recognition I crave is hers, he pulls up his shield to look on the inside. A very beautiful red headed and well dressed Chelish woman's portrait resides looks is Zarta Dralneen.

Silver Crusade

Peering over the portrait, Sovliss gives an approving nod to the Hell Knight.
"If anything can be said, at least you have a fine taste." He laughed lightly.
"So I suppose I should check in and find some assignments to prepare for then?"

Dark Archive

"Finding them is always good, but don't wait for them to fall into your lap," says an elvish voice. The elf in question was sitting at a desk off to the side wearing bronzed plate armor done up to look like it was made of various clawed limbs or hands over top of grey robes. He himself has dark bronze-like skin and black hair, as well as blue-purple eyes. In his hands were various reports that he seemed to be going through, noting details of them on a fresh piece of parchment.

"So, what's your specialty?"

Silver Crusade

"as you say, sir." He gave the elf a nod looking the man over. "I would not wait for opportunity to pass me by."

"My place of focus would be arcana, however I tend to enjoy the company of many for some easily earned 'funds' as it were." He laughed lightly as brought his right hand up casually, a large series of vines rolling from his forearm gathered and twisted around his fingers.
His deep blue eyes looked over the vines with a soft smile.

"What of you sir? I've met the HellKnight Meridoc, are you one as well?"

Dark Archive

The halfling rocks back and forth hugging his shield. He quietly sings, "She loves me she loves me more, she loves me more than you..."

"I met this elf fella today, he seems nice enough. Sovliss or something. I remember my first mission (evil chuckle). Oh gotta go, will talk soon."

Wierd illness there Sovliss, do you need a heal?

Silver Crusade

"No, thanks for your concern." He chuckled looking to Meridoc.

"I'm sure we'll meet again, hellknight." He smiled giving a respectful bow.

Silver Crusade

Giving the elf of bronze a similar kindness, Sovliss looked about the Darkive, strolling to unoccupied potions of book collections an occasionally looking into rooms that seemed of research.

"I'm getting the feel for this place." He smirked, nodding to himself.

Dark Archive

"It is as any book, just what you make of it. The Darkive, its not just an adult bookstore." Meridoc chuckles to himself as he walks down the hall, "Now where did hellhound go, he's been away for a while."

Silver Crusade

"A hell hound, Eh?" He said laughing lightly.

"I'm sure he'll turn up. Oh, hey, Ser Meridoc, Would you know anything on Osirian?"

Dark Archive

A shaved and painted (poorly disguised) ring dog lopes up to Meridoc.

"Ahh there's my boy. He breathes fire too, when I cast burning hands. My firstest and bestest gift of Zarta. Such a giver she is."


"Ha ha ha ha. Oh yes Osirian, really not in the history area check the Impy Catalog system, I'm sure they know where the right books are. I have spent some time in Osirian while I was Pathfindering. Big bug husk city... Some wierd catacombs with lots of mummies. Always bring your endure elements spell, I got a wand around here somewhere." Meridoc reaches over his shoulder and a stick appears.

Meridoc taps you with the stick, "But Baby! Something Beautiful's Dyin!" "I never ran out of charges."

The air once chill seems naturally and pleasantly warmer now.

Silver Crusade

Raising a brow to Meridoc, The elf was confused as he looked to the stick that tapped him.
"Huh" he managed to say.
"So that was some kind of incantation that is some kind of key phrase for wand of endure elements with infinite charges?"

Dark Archive

Ha, not infinite charges I just never used all 50. I thought it would go fast but Im barely halfway through the charges.

I also thought hellhound would die long ago, he soaked a lighting bolt pretty early in our career. I nearly blew a gasket on the guy who zapped him. The nerve of striking a mount in combat, its a crime! But he's a survivor, aren't you just a big lovable pup.

The old dog seems to smile and lay down on the floor, obviously feeling his age.

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