Claxon |
10 + spell level + ability modifier.
At 6th level, were talking 3rd levels spells max.
Start at 20 in casting stat at best. So +5 modifier. Level increase wouldn't increase modifier as you only gain 1. Magic item could reasonably make it +6. 18 or 19, without any other especially specific items/abilities to increase a DC.
DrakeRoberts |
Well spell focus, greater spell focus would be 2 more. Don't know if you count something like the racial (non-fcb) ability of a kitsune or gnome, which would be another +1 if so.
So that's now 20 or 21 depending on how you look at it. Oh, and potentially a fox's cunning/eagle splendor type spell would be another 2 DC.
Anyone else want to add to that?
Dafydd |
Base is 10
10 DC
Level 6, probably looking at 20, maybe 21 at best in the casting stat. +5
15 DC
Top spell level, full caster is a 3rd level. +3
18 DC
Racial bonus? wayang, kitsune, gnome. Each gives a +1 to a school. +1?
19 DC on a select school.
Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Witch Knife (witch patron only) +1- +3
22 DC tops.
Tossing magic items in, or favored class bonus like the kitsune's could push it higher.
Avoron |
Heighten Spell and the Magical Lineage trait could add a +1 for a certain spell. The Domineering, Overwhelming Beauty, and Strength Foretold traits could also add bonuses. Of course, these traits probably won't be available to you if paizo races aren't. Oh well.
Several sorcerer bloodlines can increase DC's, but a Crossblooded Fey/Serpentine bloodline would probably be the best, and with the Additional Traits feat for the traits mentioned above, the character (probably Sorcerer 1/Wizard 5) could cast a Heightened hypnotism against an enemy with their subtype with a DC of 26 once per day (before bonuses from buff spells and magic items). Obviously, this is a very bad idea for a character, but as long as we're talking about the theoretical maximum...
Another option could be a scarred witch doctor/barbarian/alchemist/sorcerer. This is also a very bad idea, but it could hypothetically get a DC at about 28 in similar circumstances as before without spells or magic items (but raging and using a mutagen).(not quite sure, just estimated this one based on the previous one) With bear's endurance, this could get to 30 fairly easily. Obviously, you can't get this without the orc race, so that wouldn't be helpful to you.
strayshift |
Some spells and skills also make saves harder, e.g. lullaby & intimidate, as I am sure you know.
Theoretically an intimidated opponent (-2) who then had a 'lullaby' successfully cast by a Dreamspun Sorcerer (-4) would give -6 on sleep saves on top of caster stat etc. This would boost the save dc into silly territory. Intimidate is also a charisma based class skill for sorcerers.
There is also the focussed spell metamagic.
Co-incidentally I have a Kitsune Sorcerer who did all of the above plus the racial bonus.
Dafydd |
Usually, as a GM for a group of 6th level PC, the highest DC you will normally deal with is 15-19 (1st level with 18 cast stat - 3rd level with 20 cast stat and a feat).
Sometimes, you will find an insane DC, mid 20s. But that is a large investment by that player into 1 spell. Typically, not something to worry about.
Magda Luckbender |
It's a Supernatural ability, not a spell, but a 6th level cleric can pump Channel Negative Energy (and it's attached variant channel) to at least DC26:
Base 10
Stat CHA 20 +5 attribute
6th level +3 (same as highest level spell)
Sacred Conduit +1 trait
Improved Channel +2 feat
Eagle's Splendor buff +2 enhancement?
Desecrate the area in advance +3 profane
Noctani |
Assuming no racial FCBs at play (like the Kitsune one), and no magic items, what's the highest possible spell save DC that can be generated at level 6?
Highest...assume 20 for stat. +1 for medium age +1 4th lvl boost. You could make a +4 item but it's a heavy investment. Spell Focus +1, greater spellfocus, Race bonus +1, trait bonus +1, probably some alchemical boost +1, and I'm sure someone can figure something else out +1.
So that's 26 stat +8 +4 for everything else.
Yea probably 25-26 on the high end.
Renegadeshepherd |
Spell specialization would have essentially the same effect as it relates to DC of a spell but could gain more than just that. So if you went with say fireball don't take elemental focus before spell spec because the DC is the same but spell spec gave more dice for damage. The same could be applied to healing spells on undead for example and vice versa.
And don forget that traits can boost effective CL for particular spells as well. So it is possible to further boost the DC at odd levels or even stack up CL boosters with racial traits so as to go well above normal levels.. My DC for my fireball throwing cleric is 10+1+1+3+6/2+5=23 with only spell focus and spell spec as feats taken and no equipment. Even if the enemies average reflex is +10 your well over 50% chance to get full effect. And truthfully that DC amount is conservative. Could easilly have made it another +1 and maybe a +2. Other races could probably do just as well.