keyafay |

Missing probably my favorite go-to force spell. Sign of Wrath from ROTR anniversary edition. 6th level evocation. Love the book, only thing I noticed that might make it better would be to separate the spells by school. Helps for favored school wizards immensely.
That is one of the "few" books I don't have. I will look into it and hophully have it purchased so I can add its content.
Zenith Games Comprehensive Guide to Pathfinder Guides -- Broken Zenith is great about adding materials to his guide quickly. I will point this thread out to him.
Very interesting. Added!
Thank you, This site looks really informative; I will have to bookmark it!

keyafay |

I notice in several of the classes that the letters 'one' had been replaced by the numeral 1 in a number of words. It likes like a global search and replace gone wrong.
That happened in the earlier stages of development. I have been slowly replacing them as I see them, if you list any on this thread I will fix them.

Amanda Plageman |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am making this my only post for this. I have spent the past year to year and a half creating PDF's with the full compilation of:
1. Feats
2. Spells
3. Classes (33 in total, one per base class and one for all prestige classes)
Wow. Thank you so much! This is amazing!
I feel your work should be honored publicly. If I had kids, I would name them after you. Since I don't, I have begun randomly re-naming other people's kids after you. The new little 'Keyafays' are confused, but I'm sure they'll get used to their new and improved names.
I'm also glad I decided to delay beginning the exact same project for another week, since here you are! Now all I need to focus on is Traits. Huge time saver! ;-)

keyafay |

Wow. Thank you so much! This is amazing!
I feel your work should be honored publicly. If I had kids, I would name them after you. Since I don't, I have begun randomly re-naming other people's kids after you. The new little 'Keyafays' are confused, but I'm sure they'll get used to their new and improved names.
I'm also glad I decided to delay beginning the exact same project for another week, since here you are! Now all I need to focus on is Traits. Huge time saver! ;-)
Not going to lie, this post made my day for two reasons.
1. My prophesy of taking over the world by a legion of children that are all named after me has begun.
2. The traits… I did start them... and gave up fairly quick because they are in the most random places and you only get two. I will "Not" be taking that project over again but I do have the old Microsoft Word document if you want it. It at least covers a good chunk.

Booloo |

Keyafay, thanks a lot really.
Found out about your compilation of goodies just this morning, and your files are already spread around my whole group.
This will greatly simplify our character creation and optimize our gaming time greatly.
And since everyone knows action economy is the key to victory, you, dear sir, just won Pathfinder.

AinvarG |

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. And I will keep my eyes out for little Keyafays in my town.
Some edits to point out on the first page of the Feat Book:
Bottom of column one: "Blood of Feinds" should be "Blood of Fiends"
Bottom of the page: "The most resent book" should be "The most recent book"
I have been debating a similar project. I can't see how I would have done it this well with my time constraints. Thank you so much for sharing.
Second column: "Osiron, Land of Pharaohs" is missing an "i", "Osirion, Land of Pharaohs"
"Quests and Campains" is missing a "g", "Quests and Campaigns"
On page 6, maybe others, I think "General and Miscellanies" should be "General and Miscellaneous"

keyafay |

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. And I will keep my eyes out for little Keyafays in my town.
Some edits to point out on the first page of the Feat Book:
Bottom of column one: "Blood of Feinds" should be "Blood of Fiends"
Bottom of the page: "The most resent book" should be "The most recent book"I have been debating a similar project. I can't see how I would have done it this well with my time constraints. Thank you so much for sharing.
Second column: "Osiron, Land of Pharaohs" is missing an "i", "Osirion, Land of Pharaohs"
"Quests and Campains" is missing a "g", "Quests and Campaigns"
On page 6, maybe others, I think "General and Miscellanies" should be "General and Miscellaneous"
Thank you,
Expect the changes to be uploaded later tonight.

AinvarG |

Thank you,
Expect the changes to be uploaded later tonight.
Awesome. I have 'picky eyes' and see a lot of misspellings (unless they are my own) even when I'm not looking for them. Knowing that you will fix them without taking offense, I will let you know as I find them.
Speaking of which, I found "Offense" misspelled as "Offence" in a few places: the table of contents (referring to p 56), on p 50 (section heading for Combat Offense), and on p 56 (section heading for Offense)

keyafay |

keyafay wrote:Thank you,
Expect the changes to be uploaded later tonight.
Awesome. I have 'picky eyes' and see a lot of misspellings (unless they are my own) even when I'm not looking for them. Knowing that you will fix them without taking offense, I will let you know as I find them.
Speaking of which, I found "Offense" misspelled as "Offence" in a few places: the table of contents (referring to p 56), on p 50 (section heading for Combat Offense), and on p 56 (section heading for Offense)
That gos for anyone.
If you noticed anything wrong or changes that need to be made, feel free to post them. I am more then willing to fix them. There are more the a thousand pages that have bee compiled; spelling and grammar were the least of my worries :)

AinvarG |

I'm back! I am seeing what the spellchecker tells me. In the Open Game License, there appears to be a copy issue:
Under 1. Definitions, there is a "routinQs" that is "routines" in another license that I checked.
I double-checked another. Osiriontologist looked wrong (I thought the 't' was misplaced, but it is correct in Osirion, Land of Pharoahs, the quoted source.) Interestingly, it appears that d20pfsrd.com has it wrong in the same fashion I did.
p 11, Description for Cleansing Burst feat, "Dieseases" should be "Diseases"
p 20, Description for Hymn Singer feat, "Preform" should be "Perform"
p 20, Description for Instrumental feat, I believe "fullround" should be "full-round", but I don't have time to verify and I don't own that source. Yet.
Have a great evening and thanks again for all your work on this!

keyafay |

Feat Book
AinvarG errata 1.0
Feat Book has been uploaded - 11 - 20 - 2014:2355

Minah |

I went through the class books a found every instance of the letters 'one' being replaced by the numeral '1' that I could. Here are the results.
Alchemist -
-spells. If a spell normally has a costly material comp1nt, that
comp1nt is expended during the consumption of that
particular extract.(page 7)
-manner as a spellcaster‘s comp1nt pouch. Most alchemists (page 7)
-like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by any1 else. (page 8)
Antipaladin -
-imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by any1 other than (page 7)
-antipaladin cannot take actions some1 else might qualify as (page 8)
-ruin to their ranks. An antipaladin does not need an at1ment (page 8)
-potential if he at1s for his violations (see the at1ment spell), (page 8)
Arcanist -
Barbarian -
-from her body. Any1 striking the barbarian with a melee (page 10)
-knocked pr1. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (page 12)
Bard -
-bardic performance with an audible comp1nt. If he fails this (page 6)
-If a bardic performance has a visual comp1nt, the targets (page 6)
-comp1nt. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts (page 6)
-time. Every bard spell has a verbal comp1nt (singing, (page 6)
-must choose which comp1nt to use when starting his (page 7)
-royalty, and the well-m1yed elite who aspire to join their (page 20)
-sea singer to slip, trip, or otherwise be knocked pr1. He gains (page 30)
-every1. The bard cannot use this ability on himself. This (page 31)
-deafened, 4—entangled, 5—fall pr1, 6—nauseated. Each (page 32)
-A street performer earns double the normal amount of m1y (page 32)
Bloodrager -
Brawler -
Cavalier -
-takes a –2 penalty to its AC from attacks made by any1 other (page 6)
Cleric -
-god until she at1s for her deeds (page 7)
-valuable item, or drops pr1 at your feet and grovels for 1d4 (page 10)
-blindness/deafness, 5th—at1ment. (page 25)
Druid -
-tower shields) but must use only wooden 1s. (page 6)
-she at1s (see the at1ment spell description). (page 7)
-A undergrd. druid adds Knowledge (dunge1ering) rather (page 21)
-bonus on Knowledge (dunge1ering) and Survival skill (page 21)
-pr1 in natural surroundings, and can make Stealth checks at
no penalty when pr1 and not moving or at –5 when crawling.
A plains druid can stand up from pr1 as an immediate action (page 26)
Fighter -
-(dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), (page 5)
-obsessive, but n1 can deny his consummate skill. The (page 24)
Gunslinger -
Hunter -
Inquisitor -
-Knowledge (Dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), (page 5)
-she at1s (see the at1ment spell description). (page 8)
Investigator -
Magus -
Monk -
-and knock the target pr1 with the same attack. The target (page 11)
-be n1vil to take on the aspect of the carp. (page 16)
-cannot be knocked pr1 or forcibly moved until the start of (page 18)
Ninja -
Oracle -
-Although the gods work through many agents, perhaps n1 is (page 5)
-comp1nt cost (although you are still subject to the usual Hit (page 12)
-manifests as a casting of commune with no material comp1nt (page 17)
-comp1nt, but the wish cannot be used to grant ability score (page 17)
-its comp1nt parts, essentially erasing the hand of artifice and (page 20)
Paladin -
-bonuses if the weapon is held by any1 other than the paladin (page 7)
-paladin avoids working with evil characters or with any1 (page 8)
-if she at1s for her violations (see at1ment), as appropriate. (page 8)
-any1 other than the divine defender, but it resumes giving (page 12)
-held by any1 other than the sacred servant, but resumes (page 17)
-ability without having to pay the material comp1nt cost (page 17)
Prestige Class -
Ranger -
-Knowledge (dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (page 5)
-damage from the fall, he does not fall pr1. (page 18)
-He must make a check whenever some1 attempts to pick him (page 21)
Rogue -
-(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dunge1ering) (Int), (page 5)
-A rogue with this ability can stand up from a pr1 position as (page 11)
-Every1 who lives in the city understands that a wealthy man (page 17)
-the people she questi1d do not know it to be false. This (page 21)
-Whenever a spy uses Bluff to attempt to deceive some1, she (page 26)
-discovering the crime when the rogue is long g1 and the coin (page 27)
-since g1 beyond that they now relish the challenge of (page 28)
Samurai -
Shaman -
Skald -
Slayer -
Sorcerer -
-Knowledge (dunge1ering). (page 7)
-Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [dunge1ering]). (page 7)
-thinking, little pr1 to wandering and preferring to instead find (page 13)
-Knowledge (dunge1ering). (page 13)
-emotional than most, pr1 to bouts of joy and rage. (page 18)
-arms erupt from the ground. in a 20-foot-radius burst. Any1 in (page 33)
Summoner -
-n1 are more skilled at it than the Summoner. This practiti1r (page 5)
-question has a somatic comp1nt. A multiclass Summoner still (page 5)
-target is knocked pr1. If the check fails, the eidolon is not (page 14)
Swashbuckler -
Warpriest -
Witch -
-resurrection, but it does not require a material comp1nt. (page 11)
Wizard -
-casting any spell that has a somatic comp1nt. The armor and (page 7)
-casting any spell that has a somatic comp1nt. The armor and (page 7)
-courtiers in a king‘s thr1 room, and you can disguise yourself (page 13)
-the fire around. you for 1 rd. as a swift action. Any1 striking (page 17)
-Any1 in this line takes 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for (page 17)
-creature is knocked pr1. If your check exceeds the CMD of (page 19)

Bellona |

This is a fantastic set of resources! Thank you for working to put them together and then putting them up where we can use them.
I can't count the number of times that I've frustratedly combed through the various PF books, looking for a specific feat. Or have tried to figure out precisely how many feats were on the archery/Point-Blank feat tree, and where they were. Or have looked for every rogue talent there is. So many thanks again! :)

keyafay |

Keyafay, thanks a lot really.
Found out about your compilation of goodies just this morning, and your files are already spread around my whole group.
This will greatly simplify our character creation and optimize our gaming time greatly.
And since everyone knows action economy is the key to victory, you, dear sir, just won Pathfinder.
Thank you for your praise, I am glad to know they are getting use. If you know of anyone else that might like to use them, go ahead and link them this thread.
Thank you again :)

keyafay |

All Books
Minah errata 1.0
All Books have been uploaded - 11 - 21 - 2014:2339

keyafay |

This is a fantastic set of resources! Thank you for working to put them together and then putting them up where we can use them.
I can't count the number of times that I've frustratedly combed through the various PF books, looking for a specific feat. Or have tried to figure out precisely how many feats were on the archery/Point-Blank feat tree, and where they were. Or have looked for every rogue talent there is. So many thanks again! :)
Great work!
Thank you,
Keep an eye on the thread for future updates.

LazGrizzle |

You are my hero! I was doing something similar, and was going to print them all out, because I work at a place that has a ton of poly page protectors and high end 3 ring binders to make sort of an "Omnibus Edition" for my Private collection. This saved me a ton of work! YOu are a scholar and a great help!

keyafay |

You are my hero! I was doing something similar, and was going to print them all out, because I work at a place that has a ton of poly page protectors and high end 3 ring binders to make sort of an "Omnibus Edition" for my Private collection. This saved me a ton of work! YOu are a scholar and a great help!
Thank you. I was thinking of having a print version for myself as well but no were near that fancy.
Keep a lookout, I will be adding art in the future so they look better to the eye and in print form.

keyafay |

I have to thank you for this effort- I am pretty sure my group will appreciate this clear overview of everything (especially the feats being sorted by feature- that is amazing)!
Thank you. I hope their as helpful to you as they have been for me. With all the stuff Paizo has released, I honestly can make almost any character idea.
Expect monthly updates with new books.

UnArcaneElection |

I just wanted to join the chorus thanking you for doing this.
And I'd like to thank Paizo for allowing this kind of thing.
+1 on both of these. It is so rare for a media/publishing company to respect freedom of speech -- treasure it.
{. . .}
2. The traits… I did start them... and gave up fairly quick because they are in the most random places and you only get two. I will "Not" be taking that project over again but I do have the old Microsoft Word document if you want it. It at least covers a good chunk.
Perfectly valid reasons for not covering the Traits, except that you CAN get more than two:
1. Some DMs start you with 3 (I got the impression that this is actually somewhat common, although not a majority practice).
2. You can get 1 more Trait by taking a Drawback. (And by the way, the list of Drawbacks is MUCH shorter than the list of Traits.)
3. You can get 2 more Traits by taking the Feat Additional Traits. Not sure whether you can do this more than once, although I think RAW you can't, since Feats that you can take more than once say so in their description.
But no worries -- people who want a catalog of Traits can check out Tips and Traits: A guide to Pathfinder Traits (I think by Dragonamedrake -- document doesn't seem to have the author's name in it, so I'm going by the Discussion Thread Original Poster, since this guide is linked from the Zenith Games Guide to the Guides).

keyafay |

+1 on both of these. It is so rare for a media/publishing company to respect freedom of speech -- treasure it.
Perfectly valid reasons for not covering the Traits, except that you CAN get more than two:
1. Some DMs start you with 3 (I got the impression that this is actually somewhat common, although not a majority practice).
2. You can get 1 more Trait by taking a Drawback. (And by the way, the list of Drawbacks is MUCH shorter than the list of Traits.)
3. You can get 2 more Traits by taking the Feat Additional Traits. Not sure whether you can do this more than once, although I think RAW you can't, since Feats that you can take more than once say so in their description.
But no worries -- people who want a catalog of Traits can check out Tips and Traits: A guide to Pathfinder Traits (I think by Dragonamedrake -- document doesn't seem to have the author's name in it, so I'm going by the Discussion Thread Original Poster, since this guide is linked from the Zenith Games Guide to the Guides).
Thank you for the complements.
I have thought of doing the traits again but currently, the books I am already doing are keeping me plenty busy. I do like Tips and Traits: A guide to Pathfinder Traits. Haven't seen that website till now.

keyafay |

Due to the large amount of changes, feel free to leave your feelings, thoughts, likes and dislikes. Opinions are welcome; it will help drive later developments.
All Books
All Books will be uploaded - 12 - 08 - 2014:0001(CT)

keyafay |

I would like to thank you for this valuable resource. The amount of work you put in for this is daunting.
I would also like to thank Paizo for allowing it.
Very much looking forward to the documents on the 8th and again, my thanks.
Thank you.
I also agree with your statement to Piazo. I am grateful they allow me to continue this project.

keyafay |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Out of respect of what Paizo is letting me do, I have decided to extend the time period of when I will be adding new released books. The new expected release of new books will be around a month instead of two weeks. This also works in my best interest because when hardcover books takes longer to add.
Upcoming update on January 2nd

keyafay |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello everyone,
First I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and give a small update in where I am at with the project.
Coming up, please check out the Bard class book. I will only be changing the art on that cover and I want everyone’s opinion on how it looks. I am not an amazing artist but I hope it will do. My goal is to make it look as professional as possible.
With that said I have been getting a lot of requests to make a physical copy. I can “not” do this. As much as I wish I could, I feel it would infringe on the “open game license”. Even if I were to sell it at cost of production (AKA: not make a profit) it is trending onto legal territory I want to avoid. If Paizo want to take these PDF’s and makes books out of them themselves, that would be up to them but because material is added every month, I doubt it would happen… but I am not going to lie, it would still be cool (Hint Hint) :)
It is my goal to continue this project as long as I can. I will be giving monthly updates with added material. Along with the pervious posts, if anyone sees anything wrong or out of the ordinary, let me know on the form and I will fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you again and have a Happy New Year :)

keyafay |

Just randomly found this now.
This is bloody well awesome. Kudos! I cannot evn begin to comprehend the number of +1s I want to give you.
This is going to make designing characters so much easier.
Thank you. Feel free to tell others about it and even link them to this post on other websites.
Thank Piazo as well, I wouldn't have been able to go public with this project if they didn't give me permission.

Not a Nemesis. I am THE Nemesis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

first off, i have not posted to the threads for going on 10yrs. just hanging out, stealing a tidbit here & there of people's concepts. i had not seen anthing to motivate me to post again.
then i found this ... HUGE UNDERTAKING ...
i mean the dedication alone merits high recognition. i actually started to do the same thing in microsoft word and then realized after bestiery 1 & 2 that i would never be able to keep up with it. woe! the aggravation!!
That said, i offer a special thanks to the gods, demon, devils, clerics, witches, wizards, sorcerers, GM's & PC's that cursed valiant keyafey. Chained a strange and ominous piece of technology, compelled to labor away, to complete the uncompletable . . .
pray,thee, he who has sacrificed much to provide us this artifice of knowledge.
there are not enough expletives to properly describe how awesome this project is. Thank you!
couldn't have said it better
You are my hero! I was doing something similar, and was going to print them all out, because I work at a place that has a ton of poly page protectors and high end 3 ring binders to make sort of an "Omnibus Edition" for my Private collection. This saved me a ton of work! YOu are a scholar and a great help!
hmmm. perhaps since you have access to the poly page protectors and high end 3 ring binders, you could grant keyafay a hardcopy of the works. i might even be convinced to help finance such a thing . . .
for those of you who do not realize the magnitude, the shear dedication of 1 person compiling the Complete Compilation Books, no offense, but i have two words for you, starting with "f" and ending with"u".
in case my post has not cited my opinion, THANK YOU, so very, very much. i look forward to the updates.
btw; don't let anyone trick you into the bestiary compilation. (shudder)
(ahem, reverse psychology)
...excuse spelling, i don't care enough to fix it. ;)