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So... I was looking at Sor-acle's Guide to being Eleanor about a Heavens Oracle 1 / Sylvan Sorcerer X that specialized in Color Spray, Battle Field Control, and riding around on a roc at level 2.
The game we'll be playing starts at level 2. It is not PFS. All classes and races are open, and the point buy will be high.
Immediately, I got the image of this half-crazed gnome wearing an aviator helmet, goggles and introducing herself in a hokey Irish accent as "Captain Caramip, Gnome Special Services, Aerial Division. I lost me leg in the war!" Unlike the wimpy human sorcerer I play in PFS who stays in the back of the battle behind her tiger, Caramip would charge into battle on her roc like a crazed banshee.
And I giggled. Madly. So I mentioned to my spouse that I was thinking of being part of gnomish special forces in the upcoming game, and asked would he want to join me. He got a gleam in his eyes, and said, "Oh my god, that would be awesome!"
He is looking at a variety of classes, though he thought that an alchemist / demolitions specialist sounds like fun. If he does that, he eventually wants to be able to throw bombs from on high.
Or he may go with a martial. Who knows?
1) I would be strongly copying someone else's build, and doing yet another Sylvan Sorcerer, though with a very different personality and background.
2) I would have to wait until 7th level to get both spouse and me up into the air. Unless he finds a way to ride his own roc. Or chooses to follow on a pony with our pack dogs...
Still, it looks like serious fun. And it opens up Divine Protection feat as an option, and gives me 95% of the wands and scrolls to play with. Incredible versatility.
But I fully want to explore my options for Gnome Special Services, Aerial Division. What else can I use for this idea?
1) Master Summoner This archetype trades out a full power Eidolon for one that is half power in return for Augment Summoning as a Bonus feat, more summoning and being able to keep the Eidolon while summoning. I'd go with a mechanical looking, strength boosted Quadruped that rode along at 40 feet, and could carry stuff but not really attack. It would be a pure mount. At fifth level, with the feat "Extra Evolutions" I could get us airborne on "Clanky."
Pros: It could carry both of us from the beginning. Comes with ride skill, and really doesn't need handle animal. It comes with all Knowledge skills, and I could pretend to have been an "engineer" who built my mechanical mount and then back it up with Knowledge Engineering.
Cons: No diplomacy, perception, or bluff as class skills. I love being a "face" so that would suck. I'd have to spend traits or a feat to pick them up as class skills. No color spray, so cannot be mixed with the Heavens Oracle effectively. I'd have to go straight Summoner.
2) Sacred Huntsmaster This has every skill I want, good skill points, and the full druid list. Also great skill points per level. No need for "Boon Companion," either. I would give up being battle field control spells for more direct combat ability. I could be up on the ROC from the beginning. I could go with one of the fun gods like Cayden Cailean for flavor, use archery or the repeating crossbow with endless ammunition. And I would have the ROC. Conversion domain would let me use my casting stat for the important social skills.
UPSIDE: Teamwork feats with my ROC! Serving an adventure god who wants people to party and have a good time!
DOWNSIDE: This is not a Charisma based class, and I've sold my spouse on Gnomish Special Forces, so I have to be a gnome. Limited spell casting, and I LOVE spells.
However, my GM has said that all races are open, and he's willing to go custom. Maybe I could be an aasimar gnome to get the wisdom bonus?
(Maybe I should be singing, "We welcome you to Munchkin Land!" here, because that was a really cheesy suggestion.)
Other suggestions to get Gnomish Special Forces airborne? Don't be afraid to get weird and wacky. Ideally, I would like to be able to contribute to combat somehow, either directly or via battlefield control spells. I want face skills. I want ride. I want animal handling. I don't mind taking some of these as traits, but I'd love to have as many of them as class skills as possible.

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Let me suggest a third option: A nature or lunar oracle with Bonded Mount that takes the monstrous mount feat to upgrade to a Griffon or Hippogriff.
You have a charisma based class, you can take the lame curse for your reduced mobility on land, and you have a kick ass companion, along with full casting.

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Hmm... I have been looking at playing a lunar oracle for ages. My only issue is that I am currently running a sylvan sorcerer with a tiger. The tiger is the critter that most appeals to me about the lunar oracle, and I am playing one now. I'd have to go with one of the other options for animals... Maybe the wolf?
Monstrous mount says that you cannot fly while riding before 7th. Do you think that holds for small characters as well as medium?
I still like the Roc best, but this is an interesting idea that I willl have to add to my list of options.

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This post was in response to a post that mysteriously vanished, that noted that monstrous mount could not be used for Lunar Mystery, as it did not offer a "mount feature." This time, I am *not* talking to myself. Really.
You're right! It's not any of those options, even though my gnome could ride the wolf, tiger, pony...
But yeah, this GM would house rule it.
I think that I want a build that would let me get into the air as soon as possible. The mechanical eidolon doesn't quite fit the bill, but it would serve and it would give me a chance to try out a summoner.
Still, I think I want the Roc most of all, which will likely mean an inquisitor (sacred huntsman) or the afore-mentioned soracle. I don't see anything else in the list of classes that draw from the full druid list for animal companions that looks like it would have the kind of social skills I like my characters to have.

Dave Justus |

I think you would be best off both having a mount, and I would suggest Ranger: Sable Company Marine for your spouse. A reasonable GM would probably allow a Roc to be substituted if you desired (both of you having the same mount would add a lot of theme).
Although I would be very tempted to go with halflings instead of gnomes. HALF: The Halfling Arial Liberation Front, swooping out to the sky to save their oppressed kin!
A bonus to dex for someone who flies around is always fairly useful for just about any class, which would let more builds work out.

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I think you would be best off both having a mount, and I would suggest Ranger: Sable Company Marine for your spouse. A reasonable GM would probably allow a Roc to be substituted if you desired (both of you having the same mount would add a lot of theme).
Although I would be very tempted to go with halflings instead of gnomes. HALF: The Halfling Arial Liberation Front, swooping out to the sky to save their oppressed kin!
A bonus to dex for someone who flies around is always fairly useful for just about any class, which would let more builds work out.
Yes, he'd probably like being a ranger. And the acronym in simply awesome!

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Looking at the weight of saddles, the Gnomish Special Forces Aerial Division will need to be riding bareback for those first few perilous levels. So... what are the options for parachuting to safety if we mess up our ride checks?
If I go Soracle, I think I am going to need a feather fall spell at first. And a supply of impact foam. Is there anything else cheap that can help prevent injury?
Clearly, boots of the cat will need to be an early investment, along with mage armor wand, but we won't have boots of the cat when we start. I'll likely be able to get them around the time I can trade out the feather fall spell. Are there any good alchemical items other than Impact Foam to keep on hand for sudden falls? Anything good enough that I can skip taking feather fall (especially if I go with the Sacred Huntsman build, who won't have that?)
I am open to all suggestions for good and cheap item solutions.

Augustus Poe |

This is a great thread, thanks for starting it Hmm. I had a similar character idea recently after a friend posted this paizo image vulture pilot
I was also set on a gnome to begin with but after the HALF and GNAT posts I'm torn!
Great ideas folks, keep em coming!

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You can buy a Snapleaf for 750 gp. Immediate action Featherfall and Invisibility.
In PFS, that would be a great solution. Alas, it won't work to start. Did I mention that starting gold at second level is 1000, and there is no PP system in homebrew?
If I'm going to spend that kind of cash, I'll go all the way and buy the boots of the cat which I can use more than once.

gamer-printer |

Well more than just archetypes for mounted flyers, but might be worth looking at Geek Industrial Complex Companions of the Firmament, a comprehensive source book for mounted flyers for PF, including all of PF rules for flight and falling, and improved rules that really make aerial combat work.
Read Endzeitgeist's review on this - reading it compelled me to pick up this awesome product.

redward |

Not sure how helpful this is, but I've been working on a mounted flying Hunter for PFS:
Str 15 (17)*
Dex 15
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 13
Cha 9
*Animal Focus: Bull
Alternate Racial Traits: Outrider (+2 Handle Animal & Ride checks)
Skills: Handle Animal +7, Ride +8
Feats: Mounted Combat, Outflank
Traits: Militia, Beast Bond (Ride)
Hunter Spells: 1st - Ant Haul, Lead Blades, Speak with Animals
The main advantages of the hunter are that they grant the use of their teamwork feats to their companion and they have a host of spells to complement their usage.
At level three, you can pick up Combat Expertise and get Pack Flanking with your bonus teamwork feat. This means you and your companion are always considered flanking as long as you're mounted. With Outflank, that's basically a constant +4 to melee attacks. With the Militia trait it's +5.
With Ant Haul, you can fly with a saddle for the minutes/day you actually need to.
You can even swap out your teamwork feat in a pinch. Stuck near death next to something with 10-ft reach? Standard action to swap out your most recent teamwork feat for Escape route, then move 80ft away without either you or your roc provoking.
I picked Halfling because of the Outrider alternate racial trait, the Dex bonus (which helps Ride) and because I like them better. And because I already painted this guy.
If you're set on Gnome, here's an alternate build:
Str 14 (16)*
Dex 12
Con 15
Int 13
Wis 13
Cha 11
*Animal Focus: Bull
Alternate Racial Traits: Academician, Darkvision, Gift of Tongues
Skills: Handle Animal +5, Ride +3
Feats: Mounted Combat, Outflank
Traits (pick 2): Beast Bond (Ride), Naturally Gifted, Animal Friend, Militia
Hunter Spells: 1st - Ant Haul, Lead Blades, Speak with Animals
SLA: Speak with Animals

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Very interesting builds, guys. Halflings have the advantage of being lighter than gnomes, allowing more gear. Hmmm...
It occurred to me that there might be another possibility for races -- Grippli. Same weight as halflings, and with an alternate racial trait that allows them to glide. They have a nice running speed, too! Gnomes and halflings are more socially acceptable, though.

williamoak |

This is fun. Hehehe. I've actually been thinking of something like this with the new goblin archetype from the monster codex.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-goblin/winged- marauder-goblin-alchemist
It's a cool alchemist archetype that allows you to exchange the mutagen power for a flying mount (a giant vulture or a dire bat). There's even a special item (flying straps) that allows it to ride under the companion and go BOMBS AWAY! (and they're only 10 to 80 gp). And it can be combined with the grenadier archetype, to make a near-perfect bomber!
As for an acronym... Goblin Aerial Grenadiers, or GAG.
Then again, goblins are exceptionally unwelcome in most places.

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This is fun. Hehehe. I've actually been thinking of something like this with the new goblin archetype from the monster codex.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-goblin/winged- marauder-goblin-alchemist
It's a cool alchemist archetype that allows you to exchange the mutagen power for a flying mount (a giant vulture or a dire bat). There's even a special item (flying straps) that allows it to ride under the companion and go BOMBS AWAY! (and they're only 10 to 80 gp). And it can be combined with the grenadier archetype, to make a near-perfect bomber!
As for an acronym... Goblin Aerial Grenadiers, or GAG.
Then again, goblins are exceptionally unwelcome in most places.
Awesome. You can now make the literal "Green Goblin" in pathfinder.

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Dang. It's a pity that is only a goblin class. That would be so awesome for my spouse! One of the classes he is looking at is alchemist. But he may also go martial. He hasn't decided on anything yet, but he's already spent time trying to come up with both backstory and stuff for the gnomish special forces to do.
Edited to add: However, if I was going to build goblin air forces, GAG would their acronym. I laughed pretty hard when I saw that one. This is a super fun thread!

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Well more than just archetypes for mounted flyers, but might be worth looking at Geek Industrial Complex Companions of the Firmament, a comprehensive source book for mounted flyers for PF, including all of PF rules for flight and falling, and improved rules that really make aerial combat work.
Read Endzeitgeist's review on this - reading it compelled me to pick up this awesome product.
I don't know if the GM would go with third party material, but if spouse and I go for this concept, I may pick it up just for the flying combat rules. Thanks for the tip!

williamoak |

Dang. It's a pity that is only a goblin class. That would be so awesome for my spouse! One of the classes he is looking at is alchemist. But he may also go martial. He hasn't decided on anything yet, but he's already spent time trying to come up with both backstory and stuff for the gnomish special forces to do.
Edited to add: However, if I was going to build goblin air forces, GAG would their acronym. I laughed pretty hard when I saw that one. This is a super fun thread!
Well, happy somebody appreciated it. I've even built the first (founding) Member of GAG: Orgborg Of Mugwump, with his Giant Vulture Companion, Fluffy Buttykins.
He's a weird guy (by goblin standards) who left his tribe to learn more alchemy. He worships Sarenrae because a sarenraen once showed mercy to him (and now he always carries around a symbol of Sarenrae and scream (in a super-fast high-pitched squeal): "See, I'm a GOOD goblin, I wont bite you please dont hurt me" whenever someone assumes he's evil).
His long-term Goals: Becoming "civilized", starting a family (somehow...) and founding GAG.
Sidenote: While I know the winged marauder is Goblin specific, talk to your GM. When I GM, I'm generally not to constraining on racial classes unless they rely on race abilities (like the duergar gray disciple). This class could be thematic for any small race (ratfolk, halfling, gnome or wayang come to mind). So talk to your GM, you never know what they will be open to.

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Yeah, I really like the class. The skill shifts are very appropriate, and would limit the number of traits he would have to take. I think it's a winner if we can get the GM to accept the following changes:
1) Gnomes can take it
2) Rocs are available -- I'd have to double check this, but I believe a dire bat's strength is just a tad too low to take a gnome's weight at level 2.
I think that this GM might go for it.
The big question is if we can get Herolab to accept those changes. For some things, the homebrew adjustment is easy. For others... it's painful.
I have to say that Fluffy Buttykins is a marvelous name for a giant buzzard. I'll have to look at giant buzzards.
I just looked at the stats on the Giant Vulture... Wow. With a carrying capacity of 173 pounds for light encumbrance, that's strong enough to carry two gnomes, plus all the equipment we would need. Heck, that might even be able to carry our riding dogs. Good gravy.
Oh, never mind. That is the bestiary version, not the animal companion. The animal companion giant vulture starts out at strength 12 -- just like the ROC.
Still, this is very interesting. I think I need to look through the full animal companion list and see what else there is for fliers!