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I have a good feeling about November and think we'll soon see an announcement of set 4. So here are some random musings on what it might be.
We know that they will adapt an existing AP, so that they don't have to start completely from scratch for plot and art elements. It looks like they favor paths that let them experiment with new cards and concepts - Skull&Shackles has ships, Wrath will have however mythic works. So with that in mind, here's what I see as likely prospects:
-Jade Regent. They could do a card version of the caravan, plus it's an excuse to include the iconic ninja and samurai.
-Shattered Star. The Star could be a Special card that grows more powerful as you collect pieces, maybe a card with its own set of "feats" that you pick as the AP progresses.
-Serpent's Skull. They could do something with the faction system.
-Kingmaker. I'm not sure how the kingdom building rules could be ported to the card game but I'm confident there's a way.

Hawkmoon269 |

Well, it was also said that they would probably follow "rotation" of the adventure paths of traditional, non-traditional, traditional, non-traditional, etc.
So if S&S is non-traditaional (pirates) and WotR is traditional, I'd assume we could expect something more non-traditional. I know nothing of the adventure paths besides what you can read on the Paizo website, but Jade Regent sounds non-traditional, and from what I gather also one of the more popular ones. Not sure what mechanics it would allow to be introduced.
Kingmaker sounds really interesting. I floated an idea for it, based on what I can tell about Kingmaker (again, no first hand experience). So that one sounds interesting due to possible mechanics.

pluvia33 |

I'd really like see these three come next, in this order:
Jade Regent - Asian flavor game, giving a good opportunity for the Monk to return and introduce the Ninja and Samurai.
Kingmaker - I'd really love to see how they might translate the kingdom building rules into the card game.
Iron Gods - The most non-traditional AP they could adapt into the card game; all of the futuristic tech would be really cool to see and it'd be interesting to see what kind of character builds would be used to fit into the setting.

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I'll join the speculation:
I'd like to see Kingmaker as my #1 choice since I'd love to see how kingdom building, armies and what not would work in the card game. I could see them using cards similar to the ships where if you haven't paid an upkeep (or they take damage), they flip and cause penalties to your city.
I would also like to see Jade Regent since as everyone else has said it, it would be a perfect scenario for the Monk, Ninja and Samurai to be introduced, very much like S&S was the perfect setting for the Swashbuckler.
I haven't played either Shattered Star or Iron Gods, but I think Shattered Star would be interesting if there was an overall race against time against this looming star that provides both bonuses and negatives to the party.
I'd also like to see where Iron Gods would go. I've played one PFS Scenario that dealt with tech and I think it would translate very well into PACG.

The_Napier |

looks like last time we talked about this, I suggested Serpent's Skull, Mummy's Mask, or Second Darkness, with the same 'never played the RPG' caveat that Hawk is including
can't remember what I read that talked me into those though. five months is apparently too long for my awful memory
EDIT: that was for the third set, however, when we were expecting - and got - something more traditional

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I haven't played either Shattered Star or Iron Gods, but I think Shattered Star would be interesting if there was an overall race against time against this looming star that provides both bonuses and negatives to the party.
I'd also like to see where Iron Gods would go. I've played one PFS Scenario that dealt with tech and I think it would translate very well into PACG.
Shattered Star is less about a literal star and more about "find the pieces of a broken artifact." So you go around collecting the bits of this broken thing, with each piece having bonuses and penalties. I could see this either as a series of Loot cards or as something like the fleet card where you mark off Star abilities as you find pieces.
I'd also like to see Iron Gods, but I think they may want the entire RPG AP out for at least a while before they dive in on a concept. I could easily see it as a contender for set 5 or 6. We'd want Lirianne back so she could rock some lasers.

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Joshua North wrote:I haven't played either Shattered Star or Iron Gods, but I think Shattered Star would be interesting if there was an overall race against time against this looming star that provides both bonuses and negatives to the party.
I'd also like to see where Iron Gods would go. I've played one PFS Scenario that dealt with tech and I think it would translate very well into PACG.
Shattered Star is less about a literal star and more about "find the pieces of a broken artifact." So you go around collecting the bits of this broken thing, with each piece having bonuses and penalties. I could see this either as a series of Loot cards or as something like the fleet card where you mark off Star abilities as you find pieces.
Thank you for the clarification. I was going on information that a friend told me as a brief, spoiler free, version of the AP. I haven't played it, but I like your idea on how to incorporate them into the card game.

Oroniss |

Well, I got my wish for Wrath of the Righteous as the next AP and I'm really looking forward to it. So much righteous demon smiting to be had.
As for the one after it, Kingmaker would be cool, and so far the Iron Gods AP is proving pretty awesome, though I would understand if there needed to be a gap between the PnP and the card game for development reasons.
I also have a bit of a soft spot for Curse of the Crimson Throne. Reign of Winter was good fun too.
In fact, to be honest, they were all good enough that I am looking forward to it, whichever one it turns out to be.

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It's true that no matter what it is, it will probably be good. I'm mostly trying to guess what it will be, albeit with very limited information.
I think Legacy of Fire is unlikely(it's a genie-oriented AP), but if/when it is included there might be wish(es). I could see being granted a one-shot loot card that you can banish to do some pretty powerful effects. Based off the RPG a wish should be able to heal you to full, get you a skill feat, go searching through the box for any boon you like, copy any spell in the game, that sort of thing.

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The latest PACG Know Direction podcast talked about whether Kingmaker would be coming up shortly. It didn't sound too promising...Mike, Tanis, and crew sound like they want to do it right (yay!), and didn't seem to indicate they had this down yet.

NyteJKL |
Just to put in my 2 cents, I would also like to see Iron Gods be the next base set after Wrath. I haven't played pen and paper RPGs in ages but reading up on Iron Gods made me almost want to get back to it. Since it is the current AP though, the chances are probably unlikely.
I was introduced to Pathfinder through PACG so I don't know any of the other APs

isaic16 |

The latest PACG Know Direction podcast talked about whether Kingmaker would be coming up shortly. It didn't sound too promising...Mike, Tanis, and crew sound like they want to do it right (yay!), and didn't seem to indicate they had this down yet.
Mythic is probably going to be hard. I imagine they'll want one or two more straightforward ones before digging into kingdom building, which is probably the most complex subsystem in pathfinder.

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FYI, we have not technically even announced *Wrath* yet. (A product is only considered announced when we solicit it to our distributors with a price and a release date, and we put in up on paizo.com for people to preorder.) So it's going to be a while—we're talking months—before we announce the set after Wrath, even informally.
Please note that I'm telling you this for informational purposes only; I'm not trying to close down the discussion. Speculate freely! (And yes, we do know for sure what it is, and we know what the set after that will almost certainly be, and we know what the one after that will probably be, and so on for the next several years, with increasing uncertainty as we look further to the future.)

Myfly |

FYI, we have not technically even announced *Wrath* yet. (A product is only considered announced when we solicit it to our distributors with a price and a release date, and we put in up on paizo.com for people to preorder.) So it's going to be a while—we're talking months—before we announce the set after Wrath, even informally.
Please note that I'm telling you this for informational purposes only; I'm not trying to close down the discussion. Speculate freely! (And yes, we do know for sure what it is, and we know what the set after that will almost certainly be, and we know what the one after that will probably be, and so on for the next several years, with increasing uncertainty as we look further to the future.)
So we require some sort of hacker to hack into paizo.com... Where do you have this information stored? Your personal computer?
Would you please so kind and copy from your Windows Explorer the data path where this information lies on your PC? We will find somebody who will get it for us ...
We should generate some paypal-account for donations... Something like:
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