
Khelthros's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Kingmaker and Second Darkness would be awesome.

Grand Lodge

Shade325 wrote:
In Ghosts of the Deep scenario you get 1 upgrade for participating and a reward which is a random weapon or spell. When reporting do you check a box for both the upgrade card and the reward. What if they are the same thing?

If the reward and the upgrade are the same? As in just 1 card was taken? Then I believe the reward supersedes the upgrade. You would mark that the reward was taken and the upgrade was not.

Grand Lodge

Gary Johns wrote:

My question is how are you getting them back reliably?

They banish on use and you can only go to the box for items if you don't have any available among the group.

DO they just not acquire items during the adventure so they can always go back to the box? Or have you house ruled this (I've considered doing that just so more of the banish stuff gets used)

You know, I totally misread this. Glad I posted this. Totally my bad.

Rise of the Runelords Rulebook wrote:

If you can’t construct a valid deck from the cards your group has

available because you don’t have enough of certain card types,
choose the extra cards you need from the box, choosing only
cards with the Basic trait.

Also a valid point, you -may- remove, not have to, for boons. Thanks for the insight guys, we haven't started Adventure Path 3...yet. We just finished 2, so if Caltrops will be useful to them is yet to be determined.

Grand Lodge

My players absolutely love caltrops. I informed them that they are about to be removed, due to being basic and starting adventure path 3 in Rise of the Runelords. They're...not happy. Seems like every time I turn around they're using caltrops hah. How do you feel about them?

NOTE: If I'm wrong and they're not basic, then...whoops. I don't have my set with me at this moment so I can't double check.

Grand Lodge

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I'm hoping Magus gets a class deck somewhere down the road. I also hope Oloch gets unlocked or included in a class deck at some point as well.

Grand Lodge

I think anyone can. I believe the event organizer would be the one to sign off, however, and can log it in Pathfinder Society as well.

Grand Lodge

From the card that comes with the class decks:

"Class Decks are designed for use as an accessory for any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game base set and it's corresponding Adventure Decks. You may immediately add all of the Class Deck cards that have the letter B in the upper-right corner to the other cards in your base set (see "Organizing Your Cards" in the ruelbook). When you add cards from a new Adventure Deck to the box (see "Ending a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path" in the rulebook), you may add all of the Class Deck cards that have the same adventure deck number as the Adventure Deck cards you just added.

So with that, just leave them in there if you like.

Grand Lodge

Jack Colwell wrote:
Damiel with a pair of Tot Flasks is the best thing ever. I agree that he may be a little OP. I'm currently running through Adventure deck 1 with Damiel and Seltyiel (who's a dude, by the way), and there's nothing they can't handle as long as Damiel has the right potion. (except ships! Hoo boy, they've got some bad Wisdom scores!)

I played a duo game with just the base set with my friend, I used Seltyiel (I really like Magus a lot) and he used Damiel, because he's always attracted to characters that use items. We obtained a Tot flask and he turned it down. Kind of mind boggling to me, I thought the tot flask would be awesome. But according to him, "There are better potions I could use". Hrm. Either way. We did really well together. Him being able to cast cure helped a lot. I can't wait to play those two again.

Grand Lodge

zeroth_hour wrote:

So, this means we can bribe you guys with cupcakes :)

(Mental note: bring cupcakes the next time you guys have an event.)

I wonder if muffins will be just as effective as cupcakes.

Grand Lodge

JBiggs78 wrote:
Ilpalazo wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:
I've played through Fever of the Lost Sea with Lirianne, Jirelle, Lem, Merisel, Valeros, Alzahara and Seltiyel thus far.

How did you find Seltiyel? That's a character pretty much acknowledged to be the "worst" on the message boards here. Interested to see other opinions of him, although our group isn't playing him.

I like him way more than I thought I was going to. I hate his d4 on Wisdom, but aside from that he can do some pretty sick things in combat. He can make do past most barriers with the help of Abadar. He is interesting. He is not optimal. The fact that the average spell in S&S is not as good (IMO) than in RotR doesn't help. But nonetheless, he is fun.

I play solo with every character in different parties that I put together. I like using different characters that do different things.

I really like Seltiyel. His max stat being a d8 is a bit annoying, but so far (just started using him) a gem of constitution, I think it's called, helps with the d4 and d6 stats. Recharging a spell from his discard pile is also really handy. Anywhere from discarding them to try to draw a blessing to specifically use them when taking damage.

A buddy and mine started the base set tonight and duo'd with Damiel. Quite enjoyable.

Overall, I think he's fun and look forward to using him more. Here's hoping for a Magus Organized Play Class Deck.

Grand Lodge

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I think I need this. I'll consult my wife to see if she agrees if I need it or not.

Grand Lodge

I...need to check which printing I have. But it's super awesome that you're reprinting cards through DriveThruRPG for errata. I really like that.

Grand Lodge

I rather like the lack of a d20. But, I won't pass judgement until I play it. So far I've been very impressed with the card game. SO now, I'll wait in excitement.

Grand Lodge

I really can't wait for the adventure case. I completely addicted to this game.

Grand Lodge

zeroth_hour, all at least 1 hour away from me. I'll see if I can be a VL.

Hawkmoon269, of all the luck. There was a place with a party area right beside my house, but they were forced to close due to being forced out to make room for a wal mart. Sigh. Good idea though, I'll see if there's any other place with a party room. I have a couple of ideas in mind already. Good call.

Thanks guys, and if anyone else has any ideas, feel free to share.

ThreeEyedSloth, also a good idea. Thank you. =)

Grand Lodge

So here's the problem. We have 1 gaming store in my city, but for reasons I won't say, I don't much care for it. I also don't think they participate in Pathfinder Society, as they're mostly a Magic store. I actually have a retailers license, but I don't have a store location (boot strapping, yay). I sell to local players, not online. I want to run events, especially like the Pathfinder Card Game, but I lack a location to actually do so. Where would be a good place to run a game? If I could afford it, I would try to rent a hotels conference room, but my wife would probably strangle me and I'm not sure how much they charge (mental note: check up on that).

Anyways, I'm derailing. Does anyone have a location neutral place to set up and play with others and meet up?