Ssyvan |

I'm playing a Halfling with the Blundering Defense feat. It allows you to grant adjacent allies a luck bonus to AC equal to half the dodge bonus you gain from fighting defensively. I've already spotted the +1 from 3 ranks in Acrobatics, the +2 from Cautious Fighter, and the +1 from Crane Style (for a total of +6), but I was wondering if I was missing anything else?
I haven't looked over all of the magical items, and I may have missed other feats, or obscure text like the Acrobatics blurb.
NOTE: The game I'm in will allow anything from official Paizo books, but no 3rd party stuff.

Ssyvan |

Crane Riposte (actually no, this just reduces the penalty to attack)
use a weapon with the blocking property, like a Sansetsukon or 9 Section Whip.
Wow, I completely missed the blocking property on weapons! Thanks for that! I had thought long and hard about getting Two-Weapon Defense, but I'm so feat-starved that I just can't afford to. This seems like a much better option.
I've been eyeing Crane Riposte, but I can't decide whether or not to get it. I'd do it by blending Master of Many Styles on top of my Rogue levels, but I'd have to 2 level dip (already took one level of MoMS for Crane Style) and I'm not sure it's worth it. I'd also take Monk of the Iron Mountain to at least get Toughness and +1 Natural AC out of the deal.

Lessah |

Perhaps Osyluth Guile would work ? It provides a Dodge bonus (equal to your Charisma) for fighting Defensively, but only against one target.

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Also, stupid Pugwampis, I'm glad.
Although, I do have an itch to play yet another monk and make a harrow warden to pugwampi the bad guys.

Ssyvan |

In case anyone later comes to this thread:
Draconic Defender is a pretty amazing feat. Essentially lets you double your bonus (I think, because you count as your own ally?) for fighting defensively.
Also the Shielded Fighter's Active Defense works with the Halfling's Blundering Defense which allows you to grant all adjacent allies your full dodge AC bonus (1/2 as Dodge, 1/2 as Luck) for fighting defensively. Since you get +5 Dodge from this class ability, +1 from 3 Ranks Acrobatics, +1 from Crane Style, and +2 from Cautious Fighter, and +3 from Duelist, for a total of +12 (+14 if you're using a Rod of Balance) you could make a pretty great defender. [With the Draconic Defender feat this'd be a +28 for you, but see my note below.]
(NOTE: I'm not sure if acquiring Duelist levels causes your Active Defense to increase. Active Defense says it goes up by +1 for every 4 levels, and not every 4 fighter levels. But I could be very very very wrong about that.)