Why where these good gods not in the inner sea gods book or the Chronicle of the Righteous?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion


Kelumarion,The King Over the Mountain

Lady Taramyth,The Singing Flame

Sixlife,The Violet Fury

Walks with Golden Stars

Shemhazai,Empyreal Lord of Vision

Asteria,Of the Endless Order


Duellona,The Warrior Maiden

Erlang Shen,The All-Seeing

Hors,The Freezing Sun

Inanna,Princess of the Sky

Lugus,The Three-Faced

Ogoun,Of Fire and Iron

Oro,The Flame in the Sky

Radigost,Bringer of Boons

Sheave,The Orphan Lord

Tahmineh,The Wounded Mother

Tanit,Guardian of Life

Aizen Myo-o,The Red Wisdom

Atonga,Of Sea and Songs

Connla,The Wolfhound's Son

Forgotten,Free Even from Memory

Itzamna,Who Watches from Clouds

Lada,Lady of Dance

Maahes,The Guardian Beast

Muyingwa,The Seed Thrower

Ogma,The Champion

Qetesh,The Sacred Lover

Tsukuyomi,Prince of the Moon

Vikramaditya,Wise and Valorous King


Melek Taus,The Peacock Angel




Paizo Employee Developer

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There are a few reasons, the first of which is space available in those two books. The other major reason is that those entries in the Bestiaries for azatas, archons, and agathions are in setting neutral books, so not all of those empyreal lords are necessarily in Golarion. Those that are we just haven't gotten to yet.

To be honest, it took me a minute or two to figure out where you generated this list from. :)

The pathfinder wiki

Also, I would guess at a glance that some of these are on Golarion, but not a major influence in the Inner Sea region (Tsukuyomi, Ogoun, Muyinga), while others might not be empyreal lords anymore (Melek Taus, Tsukuyomi, etc)

I have been looking for as much information as I could find for Shemhazai,Empyreal Lord of Vision to no avail. I have a player that was hoping to play a character that worshiped Shemhazai, with the ultimate goal of trying to free his god. Currently he looking at an inquisitor, but he was also interested in possibly shifting to a Mystery Cultist, if we could find more information on domains, obedience, boons, favored weapons, etc.

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Joshua Hagan 64 wrote:
I have been looking for as much information as I could find for Shemhazai,Empyreal Lord of Vision to no avail. I have a player that was hoping to play a character that worshiped Shemhazai, with the ultimate goal of trying to free his god. Currently he looking at an inquisitor, but he was also interested in possibly shifting to a Mystery Cultist, if we could find more information on domains, obedience, boons, favored weapons, etc.

As Adam said above back in October, the listing is from one of the hardcover rulebooks, meaning it's not necessarily canon for Golarion. This name is not listed in either Chronicle of the Righteous or Inner Sea Gods. There do not appear to be any Golarion references to an entity of this name. I suspect it's included in the Bestiary for a GM to define as she sees fit for her home game.

The name itself is from real-world mythology.

'Shemhazai' is from the Book of Enoch, an ancient Hebrew religious text that Christian scholars consider to be part of the Old Testament Apocrypha. (The Apocrypha are Hebrew texts were written at the time of the Old Testament, but are not considered to be canonical books of the Christian Bible.)

According to the Book of Enoch, Shemhazai is one of the fallen angels who sided with Lucifer. The fallen angels fathered a race of giants with human women called the Nephilim. Yawheh considered the Nephilim to be abominations and destroyed them all in the Great Flood.

What little information I have found was from Sins of the Saviors. Shemhazai in this was presented as an Angel Empyreal Lord that went off on his own before being captured, and toured by Lamashtu. I can come up with information of, my own, I was just curious if there was any information already written anywhere.

It's not in Golarion, but there's a bit on Shemhazai as a good angel/god of knowledge in Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel books.

more info

more info?

Interesting! I have Sins of the Saviors but have never run that part of Runelords and don't recall reading this part.

Fascinating parallels between the Golarion version of Shemhazai and the one from mythology. Lamashtu is likewise a name from mythology.

Hmm, I guess I am not allowed to post the blurb from Sins of the Saviors. It appears that my post was removed. Either way It would be nice to see more information since Shemhazai is so closely linked to one of the major evil deities in the pantheon, and has so many possible plot hooks that could be used. What I am assuming is a Good Aligned celestial, that was involuntarily the progenitor of one of the major demon types in the abyss.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

We know he at least has the Good domain, and if he is Lawful, then that domain as well. So there is 2 out of the 4 he can offer. As lord of vision, maybe the Knowledge domain? Maybe Liberation as the 4th. It's your game, make some stuff up. Or you can ask James Jacobs on his thread. He may give you some info, or maybe not, worth a try.

Paizo Employee Developer

Joshua Hagan 64 wrote:
Hmm, I guess I am not allowed to post the blurb from Sins of the Saviors. It appears that my post was removed.

Correct. The posting of verbatim text from any of our books is not permitted. You are free to paraphrase and summarize the contents of the section in question, however. We're not trying to hide the information, but rather the copyrighted text from our book.

Why where?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

None of those listed in the OP's post are from the Core 20. Which is where all three books drew from.

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Haladir wrote:

Shemhazai' is from the Book of Enoch, an ancient Hebrew religious text that Christian scholars consider to be part of the Old Testament Apocrypha. (The Apocrypha are Hebrew texts were written at the time of the Old Testament, but are not considered to be canonical books of the Christian Bible.)

Apocrypha isn't a universal term for Christianity. In particular certain groups of the Orthodox Church hold the Book of Enoch to be a part of the second canon. That being works that weren't in the Hebrew bible, but were in the Greek bible and are still canon despite being added later. Catholics don't include the Book of Enoch but have their own list of secondary canon books like extended Daniel which is mostly him being a ghost buster.

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Well, yeah, but I thought a lecture on Biblical studies was beyond the scope of this thread.

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