Joshua Hagan 64's page

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Hmm, I guess I am not allowed to post the blurb from Sins of the Saviors. It appears that my post was removed. Either way It would be nice to see more information since Shemhazai is so closely linked to one of the major evil deities in the pantheon, and has so many possible plot hooks that could be used. What I am assuming is a Good Aligned celestial, that was involuntarily the progenitor of one of the major demon types in the abyss.

more info?

What little information I have found was from Sins of the Saviors. Shemhazai in this was presented as an Angel Empyreal Lord that went off on his own before being captured, and toured by Lamashtu. I can come up with information of, my own, I was just curious if there was any information already written anywhere.

I have been looking for as much information as I could find for Shemhazai,Empyreal Lord of Vision to no avail. I have a player that was hoping to play a character that worshiped Shemhazai, with the ultimate goal of trying to free his god. Currently he looking at an inquisitor, but he was also interested in possibly shifting to a Mystery Cultist, if we could find more information on domains, obedience, boons, favored weapons, etc.