Good job everyone, and good luck to everyone!
I might have just missed it, but does it say how long we've got to edit these anywhere?
Did I not put that? 1 week. So by the end of the day next Tuesday.
Actually, now I think that shortening the initial name oc'cli to oc'li might be the step in the right direction. Maybe change c to k to avoid confusion and leave it as ok'li?
(note: in Polish eye is oko, which might indirectly affected their name)
On the other hand, English native speakers might try to read ok as 'okay' :(
Why can't you pronounce letters like humans?!
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Drejk wrote: On the other hand, English native speakers might try to read ok as 'okay' :(
Why can't you pronounce letters like humans?!
i dont understand why you humans cannot communicate via toasted bread, so barbaric ;p
Seeing oc'cli makes me think of the word oscillate, thought oc'li doesn't. After hearing oko pronounced it might just be me, but just looking at oc'li makes me think of oko more.
Maybe ōk'li if you're worried about people reading it as ok'li like okay? Just my two cents!
Also, looking closer it did say 'a week or so', but even then the 'or so' would have made me nervous xD. Thanks!
See, I have been writing Necropunk for too long. I want to pronounce it like a Welshen word (it would be like Ock'clee with a hard stop in the center and an extra K on the end because they would never end a word with a "cli" sounds and sounds like "ugly" almost)
why not just call them The Degeso?
Ok, Ouphes 3.0.
This is them at the nadir of their power, but oh well, I think it's also the simplest version.
Let me know what you think.
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Made a couple of changes to 3.0.
Okay, I've made the changes to my entry. Annnnnd then I noticed something I typoed in the flavor text I need to fix. I'll have to repair that flub on my lunch break today. But the crunch is all updated.
No problem. I got a few revisions this week. We will be doing the judging this weekend on the final entries.
As a heads up, we are currently doing the final round of review. We should have our top 3 by the end of the day.
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Little Red Goblin Games wrote: As a heads up, we are currently doing the final round of review. We should have our top 3 by the end of the day. 3 minutes to midnight!
Oh, wait, you are in different time zone...
Yeah, it's like 4:30 here.
FYI, we have one decided upon but we have like 3 all tied and there can only be 2 more!
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this can only be solved with THUNDERDOME
Is there anything the Thunderdome can't solve?
Helio wrote: Is there anything the Thunderdome can't solve? Succubus in a grapple.
Secret Wizard wrote: Helio wrote: Is there anything the Thunderdome can't solve? Succubus in a grapple. challenge accepted
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I need to check a few things first, but we do have our three winners.
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Ok so there was a lot of discussion on this one. No single race received unanimous consent from of the four designers that took part in the review (Caleb, Dayton, Christos, and myself) on our first round. The second round, after much debate results in our three winners. I bring this up because I want to stress how positive all the feedback from the designers were and how long we had to deliberate on the submissions we received due to their quality.
In the end we decided upon: The Oc'cli, the Melodious, and Ouphe.
There was feedback on every race and after careful consideration these are the three we have decided on.
Thank you all for submitting and we look forward to bringing these races to you guys very soon.
I will be away visiting family for about a week but I will follow up with the winners when I return.
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mad suspense, little red
grats everyone!
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ALSO, CONGRATULAaaatioooooons...
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3 people marked this as a favorite.
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Congratulations everyone!
Whatever happened, Little Red?
We are doing our review. The launch date is set for January 3rd.
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Little Red Goblin Games wrote: Now live! Yes I need this. Very much. Very very much.
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