Little Red Goblin Games |
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As it won't let me send you a PM, please pardon me if I post my feedback here:
General Notes While Reading (“Gut Reaction Notes”)
Overall the race is a little on the powerful side if sheerly for the number of options presented to it. We did something VAGUELY similar to it with a race in our Tome of Twisted Things called the warped (eidolon offspring). Sheer power isn’t the only way to be strong. It is as much about when you DON’T have a bonus to something as when you do (and how much of a bonus you have). Having so many options and ways to change those options makes them very formidable (say, compared to an elf). Right now, by using the various methods you presented (including racial feats and alternate mutations), you have access to 12 racial traits at the drop of a hat.
Personally, and 100% take this with a grain of salt, I’d recommend removing Exposure as a racial trait (making them into full-fledged racial feats) and limiting the number of mutation points to something like 3 (maybe with a racial feat to improve them to 5?).
Ok, now that I have the “bad” out of the way, let’s get to the good. This is probably the best race that has been submitted thus far. Hands down. You have a very creative mind and I love the sing-songy ragamuffin vibe I get from them. Honestly, I don’t care so much about the word count being over. We might be able to trim it a LITTLE, but everything that is on your page is important to understanding the race. :-)

Little Red Goblin Games |
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So as the deadline draws near we have the following races submitted:
(If I didn't list something- I am half asleep and kinda beat up)
The entry period will end on the 6th. We have provided feedback to ALMOST everyone. If you received feedback, PLEASE don't take it as rejection. The hallmark of a good designer is to never love an idea so much it can't change! We have some great things in this contest but we are still accepting! If anyone ever wanted something published- now is the time!

Secret Wizard |
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Hey there, Little Red! I implemented most of the feedback and created The Ouphes Lite 2.0.
The features are less messy and more straight-forward so you are not that worried in planning what racial traits you wanna pack each day and just pick 2 out of 3 features you think you'll find more useful.
It also makes it easier for players to create their own mutations, since each mutation has a bit of a higher power level.
Regarding the feedback, I just want to say it was pretty helpful.
In any case, feel free to post comments, impressions, suggestions and the such!

Secret Wizard |

Cool cool cool.
Let me know if you need more material (which I've created for some of my players but I thought would just create more bloat).
If you decide you want to use the race, also tell me whether you are using the drawings in the file or some made in-house, or none at all. The drawings that don't look like a five-year-olds were made by a friend of mine, so if you use them, I'd be thankful if there was a credit for her :)

Little Red Goblin Games |

Well, we publish in English and even though I live in Arizona- my Spanish is not good at all. We really need something that EVENTUALLY is in English unfortunately and grammar does count. You can send it in and I can see what I can do about a translation (my girlfriend speak Spanish well and is a teacher) but I can't 100% promise it will be spot on.
Reminder, it ends tomorrow! Don't miss this chance!

Little Red Goblin Games |
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So we have a few hours left for submissions, but we have the following races submitted:

Drejk |

Lets say that my creation was inspired by a single snapshot from a dream I had some time ago - a hooded creature with a one large eye in center of the 'face' surrounded by multiple smaller eyes standing with a drawn longbow in its hands.
I recall that in-dream those creatures was referred to by my inner voice/contextual knowledge as 'upgrade of elves' but I dropped that part.

Little Red Goblin Games |
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Ok! We are closed! ExplorationStation's "lipan" were the last to enter.
Thank you everyone who submitted to this contest. There are lots of fantastic pieces in the mix and it's anyone's game at the moment. This Saturday we will be giving our initial review with a follow up session at a later date (it's hard to give a solid one with the holidays, but probably a week or so).
In the first phase we will provide feedback on every race submitted to us.
After the initial review, we will narrow it down to a number of final contestants and ask them to act on the feedback provided to them.
The final review will result in the selection of our winners.
Stay tuned!

Ambrosia Slaad |
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So apparently we have a glut of "etheral" races and jellyfish-like races. O.o Who would have thought?
Apparently Mikaze's aequoreals have been busy seeding the Prime Material with "Prometheus" DNA for new life. (There's also a pic on pg. 68 of Wayfinder #8.)

Little Red Goblin Games |

Little Red Goblin Games wrote:So apparently we have a glut of "etheral" races and jellyfish-like races. O.oAck! Hate it when parallel design rears it etheral head! Lol
Know what? Don't worry about it. It happens WAY more than you think.
So we have the initial feedback on all the races from the designers (thank you Zerby and Dayton for dedicating your Saturday to that) and we will be posting up who made it to the final round as soon as we are able. I want to make note that there were no "bad" races or races that we would never conciser publishing.
Would anyone have an issue with us posting up the feedback here or would you prefer that we provide it in a private venue?

Little Red Goblin Games |

So just how I am going to break it down- a lot of in person talk went on so the “general” section was my notes from the meeting. The “specific” section refers to feedback left on the Google doc by specific individuals. This includes feedback primarily from myself, Jeremiah Zerby, and Dayton Johnson (please note that he did not comment on the docs, just in person). In certain instances Caleb Aylsworth (designer), Ian Sisson (editor), and Deanna Roberds (artist) provided feedback as well (mostly when you see specific feedback from them specifically). Please keep in mind that these were written in a fairly casual environment and anything taken as “flippant” or “rough” is probably a result of that rather than the designer’s opinion. There were no races that the designers really flat-out disliked and by transcribing their thoughts as closely as possibly, I hope to portray that.
Matt 'Helio' Roth
Kayley Flanegin
Mark Worcester
(Covered in specific)
"Secret Wizard"
Jeff Lee
(Covered in specific)
Brian Reck
Dominik Meissner
Jeffrey Swank
Scott Janke
Wojciech “Drejk” Gruchała
Josh Jordan
Jess Gomez
So! With that feedback (and please take it in the best possible light- we LOVED all the races that were submitted!) here were the final scores:
We wanted to narrow it down to just 5. The last slot was a tough call between Melodious, Aokins, and Moorweni.
So! Out of our 5 finalists (Melodious, Ouphes, Covinum, Solari, and Oc'li) we will decide on the final 3 that we will include. If you would like to make any changes, revisions, expansions, etc please feel free to do so and send them in for revisions.
If anyone would like to see their specific google doc with the comments on them, please send me a message or email with an address you can use to view google docs and I will give you access.
It was not an easy choice and we appreciate the hard work everyone put into it!

Secret Wizard |
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Why do people keep putting my Christian name between quotes?
Happy to be chosen but I would really have liked to see the contributions! Hope their creators post them here anyway.
I'd give another pass to my entry. I have some ideas to keep simplifying the whole mutations thing so it doesn't compete with class mechanics for cognitive space but still remains relevant.