What it feels like to be a vanilla rogue in a party with a master summoner...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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This thread servers no purpose. At least the other anti-rogue threads are attempting to educate people.

Dark Archive

It could serve the purpose of a joke!

The OP does have a few post here so at least I know this is a real account. I don't expect for this to end well, but I stop by and watch later on.

Great video, haters gonna hate though.

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The simple point was that I thought the video rather accurately portrays how me and my fellow players have felt in that kind of situation. I'm not out to bash any class specifically or make any sort of incisive point about game design. I just thought a lot of people would be able to relate, get a chuckle and then move on. I do not endorse any needless flaming, and the sketch is genuinely hilarious.

EDIT: I should probably add that both me and another player in my group love playing rogues and do it all the time, so it's got nothing to do with that.

EDIT: In fairness though BMX Bandit is probably not a vanilla rogue but rather one of these rad dudes.

This surmises how I felt in most campaigns past level 12 as a Martial...

"Well I could charge in there and kill one"
"Cool, While you do that I'll disable 3"
"I'll ready an action to create a force wall to keep people safe"
"I'll summon D3+2 cyclops and have them all use their nat 20"

Fearspect wrote:
Great video, haters gonna hate though.

Sometimes when I play basketball there are people out there who are taller , can jump higher AND can shoot better than me, but 1) I still have fun and 2) without me my team would have lost. It's all about perspective. Having a Master Summoner in the group should just let your group as a whole take on bigger challenges.

I think the video is funny and relevant. If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video must be worth a thousand posts.

Sovereign Court

Really? You'd think the extra stuff on the field would make it easier for you to get your flank on...?

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Ethereal Gears wrote:
Like this.

What it feels like to have thread #14546048 about how much rogues suck: Like this.

Wraithstrike is correct -- this exact video has been posted numerous times as a funny about this exact situation. All that happens is people argue. More positive threads or how to deal with the situation and less derogatory "Gee do you think rogues suck?" might make the place seem a bit friendlier.

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Wiggz wrote:
Fearspect wrote:
Great video, haters gonna hate though.
Sometimes when I play basketball there are people out there who are taller , can jump higher AND can shoot better than me, but 1) I still have fun and 2) without me my team would have lost. It's all about perspective. Having a Master Summoner in the group should just let your group as a whole take on bigger challenges.

Yeah, at the end of the day it's all about results, right?

knightnday wrote:
Ethereal Gears wrote:
Like this.

What it feels like to have thread #14546048 about how much rogues suck: Like this.

Wraithstrike is correct -- this exact video has been posted numerous times as a funny about this exact situation. All that happens is people argue. More positive threads or how to deal with the situation and less derogatory "Gee do you think rogues suck?" might make the place seem a bit friendlier.

Well, FWIW, in our home games a traditional Summoner gets the Eidolon but no SLA Summons ability while the Master Summoner gets his SLA Summons but no Eidolon.

Also, we gave the rogue full BAB and Improved Evasion at 11th level. Those collective changes have gone a long way towards perceived imbalance.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to have noticed the eerie applicability of this sketch to PF, but what the heck. If even one new person gets to see it and it makes them smile, all I've wasted is a forum post on the Internet.

As a side note though, I wonder if one couldn't perhaps build -both- BMX Bandit and Angel Summoner using a single master summoner, with the Eidolon as the Bandit. The Skilled Evolution into Profession (driver) FTW!

Shadow Lodge

Ethereal Gears wrote:
I'm sure I'm not the first person to have noticed the eerie applicability of this sketch to PF

No. No you are not.

I have a bad habit of making back-up chars. Right now the naked sorcerer is hands down better than all my other fully geared back up characters.

Now the sorcerer is on par with my current fully geared magus, but somehow I am not comforted by that.

I know those feels, bro
I know those feels

The homebrew setting my group plays in is a lot more sort of magitech-y than, for instance Golarion, so a lot of the time there're few, like inter-world sociological reasons to play a rogue as opposed to an arcane trickster or a bard or something, since magic's all over the place.

But of course that's not the point, and that's not why one loves to play a rogue (or a fighter, or anyone else what lacks them coveted [Su] tags). It's because it's so much more satisfying when you feel like you're accomplishing what you do with sheer pluck, grit and moxy. I totally get people being frustrated with the rogue's balance, but for me personally playing against the odds like that is part of the fun. I love an underdog. I mean, let's be fair. Angel Summoner is a bit of a condescending knob. And he's got a horde of angels doing everything for him.

Silver Crusade

Wouldn't it be great if Paizo just went ahead and made a BMX Bandit archetype for the Rogue so the joke would be complete? :-)

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I'd think it'd be better if they'd make the rogue not suck and rein in the ridiculousness of magic.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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Locking this one. I really don't think we need another rogue thread.

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