Sworn of Cayden Caylen |

Ok so I wanted to make a Aasimer Warpriest Swashbuckler of Cayden Caylen.
But I want him not to have to wear loads of armor so I was thinking of Dipping 1 level of Monk (Master of Many Styles and Kata Master) to get Pummeling Style and extra Panache. But also take the Sacred Fist archetype to show off his brawling style of combat and have the Swashbuckler show off his sword skills.
This would grant Wis x2 (+2 Dodge bonus, +1 Deflection bonus) to AC Allow pretty good unarmed strike bonus dice, and of course using some nice rapier damage off Inspired Blade's archetype (MAD as hell I know, needing Int, Wis, and Cha)
One of my friends recommended Elan and making them ancient to get the +3 to Mental stats since they dont age physically he could keep all the physical stats.