Pexx's Top 10 Tweaks

Pathfinder Online

Yes, most all of these are not major systems and yes they should be focusing on those instead. However! With the current state of the game these are what I consider some minor tweaks that could enhance the game over all.

1.) You’re attacking a mob and your weapons don’t come out and it just looks like you are standing there.

2.) Dwarf Traps. Basically the little cracks in the ground that you happily walk/fall/get pushed into that there is no escaping cause you can’t jump out of them i.e. Dwarf Traps

3.) Make All Broken Recipe’s go away. Yes, the work around currently is create a trash toon dump your trash on that toon then delete said toon. A Destroy button with a confirm are you sure you want to destroy this would be much desired. Or a trash NPC that you give your junk to or for Lawls an actual dumpsite in PFO where we can toss out items.

4.) Character Pins in a group should be both visible on the mini/large map despite not being in mini map range.
5.) Hats/Helms

6.) The whisper command is odd if we can take out of the comma, that is needed to send it there would be much rejoicing. Can’t tell you how many whispers didn’t go through cause of that pesky comma.

7.) There should be a way to put cords in party, general chat, whispers. I double click my location on the mini map and it feeds the cords into the chat I currently have open automatically.

8.) When I go to my character sheet I would like to see the decimal places of my ability scores instead of having to go to a trainer to find out what I actually have. Same goes for the things on the character sheet, but the ability scores would be the biggy.

9.) Achievements/Feats/Spells/Recipe’s etc… it’s very convoluted on what I have and what I don’t have. Yes, I can figure it out, but there should be a much easier way to see/figure these things out.

10.) In the crafting queue there should be a way to prioritize the order you want the items made instead of having to do math at each crafting station and make a list then go crafting.

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Pexx wrote:
6.) The whisper command is odd if we can take out of the comma, that is needed to send it there would be much rejoicing. Can’t tell you how many whispers didn’t go through cause of that pesky comma.

I've not whispered in enough other games to know: how would one whisper to someone with a multiple-word name, if one didn't use a comma?

If there names Bob Builder it would be /whisper Bob Builder, or /w Bob Builder, that's the current model.

What I would prefer is /whisper bob builder or /w Bob builder if there name is simply Bob it would be /whisper Bob /w Bob

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure I'm following. If there's a character named Bali, and one named Bali Hi, how would you send the message "Hi" to each?

/w Bali, Hi
/w Bali Hi, Hi

...those seem okay, given the comma. Without,

/w Bali Hi Hi

Which character would receive what?

If you wanted to send a message to Bali it would be /w Bali Hi

And per your example to send something to Bali Hi it would be /w Bali hi hi or perhaps you could use hello instead with people with an odd last name.

Personally to resolve this whole issue all together last names should be excluded in the message all together.

Lets use Bob as an example here.

If some has Bob a new person couldn't come along and create a character named Bob Builder cause the first name is taken. That's how most games do it. I am fine with multiple same name people with the same first name though, my main complaint is with the comma.

As far as whispering characters in other games the standard is more or less to use quotes around the character name or have an underscore between names. Either option works and is fairly obvious. I find the underscore thing awkward a little bit (and know some messages have been lost) but I think it's okay as-is.

A neat idea might be to have an option to have something along the lines of a{ /whisper_player "<accountname>" message } command, although that would be a biiiiit tricky if people were multiboxing, but I feel like that would be a cornercase rather than something to really worry about.
Edit: the idea here being that you would message that player regardless of what character they are logged on as. I could see some complaints since it's not like you can just grab a new account if someone starts creeping hard or otherwise harassing you, but we have some safeguards for that, right?

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Pexx wrote:
And per your example to send something to Bali Hi it would be /w Bali hi hi...

I thought this command, in a comma-less world, would make Bali receive "hi hi".

Goblin Squad Member

Long term I'd like two /w commands.

/w <Name>, <message>
This comma form would be the norm and would send a message to a specific person based on the name.

/w <one word name or partial name> <message>
This comma-less form would send the message to the closest match in my friend list.

If I say "/w Jazz we're to the west" and Jazzlvraz' name is in my friends list, then Jazzlvraz gets the message "we're to the west". Of course, this depends on him being the closest match and that there's no one in my friends list with a name like "Jazz Smith" or "Jazzal".

Goblin Squad Member

I think the <accountname> thing would be good, as long as we were able to block messages, and would be more convenient for known people. (probably also private, so that I can provide it to people, but others can't see it?) Account names could be auto assigned with an option to change yours to a preference. Maybe Firstname, then a number if there others, so we'd get bali and bali2? Then the comma could be used to indicate you are chatting to the Character name [/w bali hi, hi] while no comma would be parsed by account name [/w bali2 hi] and go to any character logged on that account

Then we could extend that to assign company and settlement "accountnames" so that "/w ovig3 infiltrators in tower 6" would go to any member of "Ozem's Vigil Irregulars" (ovig3) that is currently online, while [/w ov0 Settlement under attack] would go to every member of the Ozem's vigil settlement that is currently online and [/w freeh OV under attack] would go to every member of the Free Highlanders currently online.


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I feel like the 'company whisper' command would be just as suited to being a private channel of some kind, otherwise I could see a lot of conflict with speaking to players, characters, or companies with similar names.

I do think Urman has a great idea with the friends list matching though! Would be good if you started to type it had something pop up like a 'predicted name' bubble to pick from people on your list you could just click on to insert. Maybe it's a little much, but it sure would be a handy little feature.

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or just remove spaces and not replace it with

/w balihi hi

Goblin Squad Member

It doesn't have to exclude a private channel, but adds a complementary component. If I'm logged in with my crafting alt at Callambea, which is not a part of OV3, or even OV at all, I'd still like to be able to see the message that my other alt's home settlement is under attack so I can make the choice to switch characters.

.@Rorin that's the best idea i've seen yet to remove the comma!

@Pigtails .@Caldeathe I like the account wide whisper thing as well.

Goblin Squad Member

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As a serious altaholic I would love an account wide whisper.

In other games I have a friends list and I usually can just right click the name on the list and choose 'Send Tell' and it auto fills and I can just worry about typing my message.

I'm trying to remember how STO did it, the account name and the character name were linked somehow and I remember really liking how it worked. I think you could even have 2 people with the same name.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

3) Compulsive quibble: recipes, not recipe's. Apostrophes indicate possession, not "the plural of a word that ends in a noun". Sorry, pet peeve.

5) Yes. I want to see my character in a stocking cap! (Or a helm, if he's wearing one over the cap.)

Goblin Squad Member

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<Kabal> Yelta wrote:

As a serious altaholic I would love an account wide whisper.

In other games I have a friends list and I usually can just right click the name on the list and choose 'Send Tell' and it auto fills and I can just worry about typing my message.

I'm trying to remember how STO did it, the account name and the character name were linked somehow and I remember really liking how it worked. I think you could even have 2 people with the same name.

I think I recall a dot. as in /whisper being.beingsguy

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Yelta wrote:
I think you could even have 2 people with the same name.

Yah, everyone in the game could be "Kirk", as the hidden part of your name was your account: Kirk@Smith, Kirk@Jones.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

STO's naming / whisper system is my favorite implementation. You didn't have to worry about if your characters name would be taken, and you could whisper both characters and accounts.

Goblin Squad Member

The only difficulty was if you didn't want someone who knew one of your characters to know you were playing another; there's no way to hide.

Goblin Squad Member

Seeing "@whatever" would be extremely immersion-breaking for me.

Goblin Squad Member

For just that reason, all three Cryptic games allow you to hide or show the account name via options.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
For just that reason, all three Cryptic games allow you to hide or show the account name via options.

I'm somewhat particular about some things. It would bother me having to type the "@whatever"...

I definitely see the benefit of it, though. My personal preference would be for the game to allow non-unique names, but I realize that's a fair bit of effort for fairly minor payoff.

Goblin Squad Member

A question about whisper and commas,

I'm ok with /w name,

but it seems if I use another comma anywhere in the whisper, then everything past that second comma is lost.

/w somebody, you need item 1, item 2 and item 3


/w somebody, you need item 1

will be sent. So, if I would like something to be fixed it would be the ability to actually have proper punctuation in the whisper.

Goblin Squad Member

Jo Jampa wrote:
... it seems if I use another comma anywhere in the whisper, then everything past that second comma is lost.

I know this was the case in an earlier build, but I'm 100% positive I've been able to send messages that include commas recently.

I just logged in to test this, and it appears to work fine. I took this screenshot less than 1 minute ago:


Goblin Squad Member

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Why don't we ask for a whisper function that if you double click in a character name you automatically enter whisper mode?

It would be nice if we could have an expectation that PFO would behave in some manner of an MMO that is being made in 2014-2016.

I feel that MVP is a bit too much of a scapegoat and has become an excuse for not including standard MMO functionality.

I believe EE by the end of this month is a huge mistake. I would be more confident of they pushed it back to January 1, 2015.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Why don't we ask for a whisper function that if you double click in a character name you automatically enter whisper mode?

I would very much like to see the ability to right-click a name in the Chat Window and have a full set of menu options, such as Trade, Invite, Whisper, etc.

In fact... Ideascale - Right-click Menu for Character Names in Chat Window.

You got my vote.

Goblin Squad Member

+ 1

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Jo Jampa wrote:
... it seems if I use another comma anywhere in the whisper, then everything past that second comma is lost.

I know this was the case in an earlier build, but I'm 100% positive I've been able to send messages that include commas recently.

I just logged in to test this, and it appears to work fine. I took this screenshot less than 1 minute ago:


Jo Jampa was correct, actually, but it's not commas that cause problems, it's semicolons.


The top image shows the command right before I hit enter, and the image below shows the result. Everything after the semicolon is lost.

As someone who uses semicolons a fair bit, this will probably cause me trouble :)

CEO, Goblinworks

Bug submitted.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
Why don't we ask for a whisper function that if you double click in a character name you automatically enter whisper mode?

I would very much like to see the ability to right-click a name in the Chat Window and have a full set of menu options, such as Trade, Invite, Whisper, etc.

In fact... Ideascale - Right-click Menu for Character Names in Chat Window.


Goblin Squad Member

Jo Jampa wrote:

A question about whisper and commas,

I'm ok with /w name,

Except where an important player character chose a <name> that is a scrupulously-researched phrase in Elvish that is so lengthy the chatbox spawns a horizontal scroll object in exasperation... and of course he cannot stop /whispering you.

It is textual griefing, I tells ya...

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