J.M. Perkins |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well Hello Again;
Last week I posted about the Kickstarter Campaign for my new sourcebook 'The Adequate Commoner' (now over 70% funded!). In addition to the Kickstarter, I wrote and my publisher also released a separate (but related) supplement You're Gonna Die Screaming.
Whereas The Ultimate Adequate Commoner is a full sourcebook for everything you need to play a commoner game (or even a commoner character in a non-commoner game) complete with a lot of new material; You're Gonna Die Screaming is a 20 page supplement full of the best of the best existing material, tricks, tactics, and gimmicks to keep a commoner alive and kicking in a world that's way above their CR (note, almost all the advice works for other classes since anything a commoner can do even a wizard can do).
Probably the best thing about it is it's pay what you want (even free!) and available right now.
So grab it as our gift to you, tell us what you think, and if you dig what we're doing consider backing the Kickstarter.
As always I'm here to answer questions and trade witty retorts.
J.M. Perkins

J.M. Perkins |

I was going to ask this on Kickstarter: Is the patron saint of your book a Mr. Joe Wood of the WotC forum storyline? I will be contributing to Kickstarter because of how the Joe Wood story made me think about Commoners, by the way.
I'm actually not familiar with Mr. Joe Wood but now it looks like I've got some reading to do!
When I first conceived of this project, a bunch of people pointed me to the commoner adventures on the Giants in the Playground forum and I drew much amusement/inspiration from them. I know I'm not the first to think that commoners could be (relatively) badass and definitely compelling, and I'm really happy to be advancing the torch and seeing how far I can run with the concept :).

J.M. Perkins |

Good Humor, like it. But well I'm more the high fantasy type of GM but must admit that You're gonna die screaming give me some ideas for a town hero commoner, which would surprise some of my players who expects a fighter or any fantasy class really.
Glad you dug it, even if it's not really your style. But I think you hit upon something critical to the work: I think commoners in a high fantasy world wouldn't just give up and die because PC classes weren't around.
'Oh, half a dozen orcs are coming to raid our village; pity none of us is a warrior and there's no Adventurers around - well best get to it lads, might as well line up in an orderly fashion so we can make the slaughter easier.'
I mean, not every commoner would fight (a better strategy might be to run away) but I've always been fascinated by characters too ornery to give up and die, regardless of their 'class.' I also have a chapter of 'The Adequate Commoner' dedicated to how isolated villages defend themselves from monstrous threats + evil adventurers (which is very different than 'normal' pathfinder tactics).

scary harpy |

I agree, J.M. Perkins. I think any Commoners of the fantasy world would be made of much sterner stuff.
Let’s remember that there is an alphabet of monsters that want to do awful, terrible things. Let’s also recall that almost everyone is an NPC class…especially Commoner. They cannot rely on a "murder-hobo" to be near when needed. They have to take care of themselves.

Thanael |
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Thanks for that link! I saved the link to the original WotC thread in my commoner links post but alas it doesn't work anymore...

J.M. Perkins |

My publisher has actually released a print edition of this: I don't know how many people want a dead trees version but I've definitely ordered a copy :).
http://www.lulu.com/shop/jm-perkins/youre-gonna-die-screaming/paperback/pro duct-21836513.html

J.M. Perkins |

Alright guys; it's the last week of the Adequate Commoner Kickstarter. If you enjoyed 'You're Gonna Die Screaming' and want to support the project, do it now!