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J.M. Perkins's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Final 48 Hours and we're over 800% Funded and Gaining on the Ultimate Stretch Goal (having already demolished 9 of its brethren.

@Oceansheildwolf - Cool.

Everyone else - thanks!

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Hey all you finders of Paths;

My name is John and I write as J.M. Perkins. Since 2015, I've been writing and posting about my Campaign Setting 'The City of Salt in Wounds' first on the ennie nominated website Tribality and then at it's own url. In case you missed it, here's a quick taste of what this evil fantasy mega-city fed by a bound Tarrasque is all about

Upon approach to the city of Salt in Wounds, the first thing a traveler will note is the sounds of the Tarrasque –the unkillable, mountain sized monster that terrorized the world in the last age- screaming as it is butchered –again- to feed a hungry city. Its roars echo for dozens of leagues, and the ground occasionally trembles as it thrashes against the immoveable harpoons that hold it in place.

Moving past the massive carved bone gates, the city continues its assault on the senses as merchants bark their wares, gore splattered laborers drunk on blood wine gamble & brawl, and every manner of vice is offered up for sale. Fortunes are made here… as are adventures. The city holds a place for everyone from mercenary warlocks, to scheming Binder-Lords & dour God-Butchers obsessed with their holy mission, to covert paladins & fanatical druids (executed whenever discovered), to mutants & Marrow Miner orcs: all manner of heroes, villains, and all those who fall somewhere in between. But there is perhaps no more dangerous metropolis in the world than this place where the ground water itself can monstrously twist your flesh, where citizen ghouls doff their hats in salute even as they smile with their overlarge, over-sharp teeth, and the Tarrasque still strives to free itself even after two centuries…

Basically, Salt in Wounds is a dark, detail rich fantasy city whose culture, economy, and existence is beholden to the reality of the giant, regenerating Tarrasque which is imprisoned within the city center so it can be butchered over and over again. You can read more on www.SaltinWoundsSetting.com (there's a link on the KS). We launched this morning with an initial goal of $5000 and as of posting we're over 75% funded; we have epic backer levels from $5-$250 dollars and rewards ranging from PDFs to Tarrasque Jerky (and some pretty sweet stretch goals that I'm now fairly confident we'll meet).

Anyway, hope you'll take a moment to check out the project back if you can, and wish me well & share if you like what we're doing. Thanks!

Salt in Wounds on Kickstarter

Thanks guys! And yes Lemmy it's exactly like that :)

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Hey there you sexy finders of paths;

Wanted to share my campaign setting 'The City of Salt in Wounds' an evil, economic metropolis powered & fed by 200 years of perpetual butchery of the Tarrasque. If you're not familiar, you can start reading the basics here.

http://www.saltinwoundssetting.com/2015/04/salt-in-wounds-overview-origin.h tml

I've been writing about the city for over a year, and I'm shifting gears a bit in the coming months to produce more crunch (5e and Pathfinder) so hopefully you'll find some stuff you can use. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

PS As I explain in the 'what is salt in wounds' page the idea for a settlement butchering a bound Tarrasque was originally suggested by Thomas T. on the rpg.net forum.

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And here's me on the DM's Block podcast talking about The Adequate Commoner, low-power & no-power games, and cats for some reason...


I'm a big fan of the podcast generally, and was happy to be featured on this episode in particular.


Oh, and I suppose it would be helpful if I included a link to the book.

Adequate Commoner

So, the book is out and available now.

Here's a 'flipthrough' video/quick look review one of my fans made VIDEO.

And here's a review on Geek Speaker REVIEW.

Hi all, I'm the author of this particular product and I would be happy to answer any questions. In the meantime, here's a 'flipthrough' video/quick look review one of my fans made VIDEO. And here's a review on Geek Speaker REVIEW.

Axolotl wrote:
I would say that pragmatically speaking, you won't want the PCs to take on all 100. Some will be mooks...pasta. o.0

Glad you (and Aztan and Vahanian) liked. I agree that you should vary them in 'mookness' but I think that you might be better off varying their level of sanity. Like some are badass, sneaky m!*+##&@!@~#s well versed in the 'rocket tag' style fighting - some are high level but insane and have terrible tactics.

Detoxifier wrote:
Let's kick it up a notch.

I can dig it.

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Home of the One Hundred Saved

LAST CHANCE! The Kickstarter ends in 60 minutes: get 5 awesome gaming books (including the Adequate Commoner) worth $78 for a $40 pledge! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jmperkins/the-adequate-commoner

LAST CHANCE! The Kickstarter ends in 60 minutes: get 5 awesome gaming books (including the Adequate Commoner) worth $78 for a $40 pledge! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jmperkins/the-adequate-commoner

LAST CHANCE! The Kickstarter ends in 60 minutes: get 5 awesome gaming books (including the Adequate Commoner) worth $78 for a $40 pledge! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jmperkins/the-adequate-commoner

We're doing a 'Pitch a Commoner Challenge' for any backer (even those who pledged a dollar!)

Also, here's a mini interview I did about the project. Link

We're 197% funded and we finish friday!

the Adequate Commoner Kickstarter. If you want to support the project, do it now!

(And thanks a bunch Mike + Rabbit!)

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Also, here's a mini interview I did about the project. Link

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We're 197% funded and the Kickstarter ends on Friday!the Adequate Commoner Kickstarter. If you want to support the project, do it now!

Alright guys; it's the last week of the Adequate Commoner Kickstarter. If you enjoyed 'You're Gonna Die Screaming' and want to support the project, do it now!

Just to break down what that means, we've added 5 additional commoner aimed traits, feats, and 'jobs' (stripped down commoner 'archetypes') and we're 200 some odd dollars away from adding 5 additional commoner pregen characters and 700 some odd dollars to adding a entirely new section of commoner story feats.

If we push past that, we'll start giving our backers awesome, related, bonus PDFs.

Super thankful for all the support! Couldn't be happier about where we're entering our final week!

The book just got its second 5 star review (from Endzeitgeighst) and it's been on RPGnow's 'hottest titles' list since we launched it - nice.

I'm with you Orthos - I think bards need more love as BBEGs, both as the 'power behind the throne' and then as a surprisingly capable opponent.

I would also like to throw in Summoner and potentially synthesist summoner into the mix - you have a real chance in this to totally disguise the nature of the BBEG and surprise the party.

I did check out your threat Thanael and then I mentioned your awesome curatorial work in an update on the Kickstarter. Thanks for sharing that, a lot of awesome stuff I'd never seen before.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Didn't Epic Meepo/Eric Morton make some NPC Class archetypes in his 100+ archetypes Homebrew thread?

No idea: but now I need to find out!

140% funded! I'm working on a couple updates for the project; one my 'Appendix N' for work that inspired or is related to this project and one (based on @Thanael's awesome suggestion) some link love to all the existing Commoner play experiments people have already done (Joe Wood, et al) to showcase some ideas for what a commoner character/game is like.

My publisher has actually released a print edition of this: I don't know how many people want a dead trees version but I've definitely ordered a copy :).

http://www.lulu.com/shop/jm-perkins/youre-gonna-die-screaming/paperback/pro duct-21836513.html

Thanael wrote:
Slugfest Games (the makers of the Red Dragon Inn board game) did mention doing an AP with an Inn as a central component during their Kickstarter. I would really like that to have an option for Commoner classed PCs.

I will message them Thanael see if we can collaborate on something. (I also pitched your Commoner protagonist for a Pathfinder novel idea: I don't know if it's right for Paizo but I'll let you know if anything comes of it.) I'm love all these ideas by the way!

Eltacolibre wrote:
Good Humor, like it. But well I'm more the high fantasy type of GM but must admit that You're gonna die screaming give me some ideas for a town hero commoner, which would surprise some of my players who expects a fighter or any fantasy class really.

Glad you dug it, even if it's not really your style. But I think you hit upon something critical to the work: I think commoners in a high fantasy world wouldn't just give up and die because PC classes weren't around.

'Oh, half a dozen orcs are coming to raid our village; pity none of us is a warrior and there's no Adventurers around - well best get to it lads, might as well line up in an orderly fashion so we can make the slaughter easier.'

I mean, not every commoner would fight (a better strategy might be to run away) but I've always been fascinated by characters too ornery to give up and die, regardless of their 'class.' I also have a chapter of 'The Adequate Commoner' dedicated to how isolated villages defend themselves from monstrous threats + evil adventurers (which is very different than 'normal' pathfinder tactics).

Lefty X wrote:
I was going to ask this on Kickstarter: Is the patron saint of your book a Mr. Joe Wood of the WotC forum storyline? I will be contributing to Kickstarter because of how the Joe Wood story made me think about Commoners, by the way.

I'm actually not familiar with Mr. Joe Wood but now it looks like I've got some reading to do!

When I first conceived of this project, a bunch of people pointed me to the commoner adventures on the Giants in the Playground forum and I drew much amusement/inspiration from them. I know I'm not the first to think that commoners could be (relatively) badass and definitely compelling, and I'm really happy to be advancing the torch and seeing how far I can run with the concept :).

Thanks Oceanshieldwolf! Hope it's useful and/or amusing to you, thanks for taking a look at the Kickstarter.

Well the related Kickstarter is fully funded, and 'You're Gonna Die Screaming' is #5 on RPG now's hottest titles list. Feeling pretty great about this project; looks like there's a market for people playing badass commoners who aren't gonna let their lack of class abilities get in their way.

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Annndddd we've funded.

Hah! You beat me to it scary. Thanks so much for helping make this happen.

96 minutes left, $229 to UNLOCK ALL THE LOOT (@necroblivion what's the total value now a $25 dollar pledge?): gogogo!

1 Week in, we're 93% funded. With Misfit's Newsletter coming out today we should push through to fully funded: guess I should start writing more book to satisfy the stretch goals :D.

Pledged, bumping now (above my own project even!) cause I really want you guys to reach $8000.


Also, Linkified (also what you posted it broken, it has an unnecessary space.).

scary harpy wrote:

83% funded and 23 days to go.

I can't wait till we start on the stretch goals!

I want the 5 additional commoner jobs.

Me too! We should get a nice push tomorrow when Misfit's newsletter comes out.

lastknightleft wrote:
I have two witty retorts that I'll glady exchange for three witty retorts of equal or lesser value

That sounds like my kind of math!

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Well Hello Again;

Last week I posted about the Kickstarter Campaign for my new sourcebook 'The Adequate Commoner' (now over 70% funded!). In addition to the Kickstarter, I wrote and my publisher also released a separate (but related) supplement You're Gonna Die Screaming.

Whereas The Ultimate Adequate Commoner is a full sourcebook for everything you need to play a commoner game (or even a commoner character in a non-commoner game) complete with a lot of new material; You're Gonna Die Screaming is a 20 page supplement full of the best of the best existing material, tricks, tactics, and gimmicks to keep a commoner alive and kicking in a world that's way above their CR (note, almost all the advice works for other classes since anything a commoner can do even a wizard can do).

Probably the best thing about it is it's pay what you want (even free!) and available right now.

So grab it as our gift to you, tell us what you think, and if you dig what we're doing consider backing the Kickstarter.

As always I'm here to answer questions and trade witty retorts.



J.M. Perkins

Mother's milk in a cup.

Oooohhhh I just learned about Trunau - city sounds full of exactly the kind of commoners I'm writing about in 'You're Gonna Die Screaming' and The Adequate Commoner. Also, thanks for linking to Screaming Thanael.

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Great to hear! Be sure to let me know what you think.

Yeah a couple places that would breed interesting commoners:

Geb Commoner - Might have a strange aspect (template) and would most likely have a shocking morality and a terrifying unsentimentality towards things like life, death, and undeath as well as pain. Might well consider humanity (and herself) no different from cattle.

Cheliax/Nidal Commoner - Surprisingly, I actually see these people's experience being somewhat 'standard'; sure, the 'lords' are devil/shadow worshipping sadomasochists but the feudal system pretty much exists unchanged here (they actually might be slightly better off... having state licensed monsters probably keeps the unlicensed monster population to a minimum).

Mendev (and Possibly Lastwall) Commoner - Would probably be a badass even if they do work as a cobller; would have fought (and possibly even helped slay) horrors commoners elsewhere would never have dreamt of.

Hermea Commoner - I imagine them as a religious home schooled hermoine - they're really smart and annoyingly good at things (their stats are simply *better*), but shockingly naive.

Thanael wrote:
Interesting... So any chance of you pitching a commoner protagonist novel for Pathfinder Tales?

Well... I am now!

I'm gonna invite the developer and publisher to this thread so they can join in the discussion.

Hope you like what you see James - would love to hear what you think.

@scary Thank you so much! Yeah, funding has been going great; I'm really thankful for the outpouring of support. Would love to hear about your adept when you make him/her.

@aleron NPCs die like cattle it's true... unless they follow my advice ;).