He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Ok so I wanted to make a Kasatha who is going to start as a enemy, and then later join the group as my PC (We Round Robin the DM job around the table so DMPCs only last as long as you are DM.)
Kasatha as the class
Monk and Sacred Fist on one side and I was thinking perhaps Swashbuckler on the other side. This gives good HD d10, full bab, good reflex, and sword options as well as nice tricks via deeds.
Monk gives AC and a Bonus feat (Pummeling Style)
Sacred fist gives AC and of course Spells.
Now if I added a template
Say the Simple Template: Advanced
Or the Half-Celestial Template
How could this work.
I imagined it as CR 1/Monk 1/Sacred Fist 3//Swashbuckler 5 (For a level five build)
Is this correct?
Also what weapon to focus on? Light One-Handed Spinal Sword does 1d6 x3 and can add a DC +1 to when its poisoned and its their native weapon.
Or should I do Scimitar or Bastard Sword (Four Arms after all)

kestral287 |
Monk/Sacred Fist really doesn't seem like it'd pair well with Swashy. Fighter would fit the roll better: same hit dice, same BAB, but more options off feats, notable since you want to be unarmed most of the time, not carrying a sword.
If you do want to carry a sword, Swashbuckler is a good fit for one side. The other could be Sorcerer or Magus (probably Eldritch Scion for the latter to save you from MAD unless your ability scores are really nice), or Oracle perhaps.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Kata Master Monk Archetype
At 1st level, a kata master gains the swashbuckler's panache class ability. At the start of each day, a kata master gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his Charisma bonus (minimum 1). A kata master gains the swashbuckler's derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds. A kata master can use an unarmed strike or monk special weapon in place of a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon for granted swashbuckler class features and deeds.
This ability replaces stunning fist.
Now granted could mean granted from the Panache Class feature or granted from Swashbuckler period. Making all of the Swashbuckler deeds applicable to the unarmed strike.