what would you Gestalt with a bloodrager?


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Bloodrager/Bard is literally just Eddie Riggs. Take the Chelish Diva archetype and you can cast Bard spells in medium armor no problem.

Shadow Lodge

Calth wrote:
To each their own, but since you brought up eldritch scrapper, it is worth noting that there is an oracle version that trades 4 revelations (which can be made up with feats) for a superior (compared to scrapper) version of the brawler ability (Earlier progression and better action advancement by a full step).

That's a good idea, especially if you don't like all your mystery's revelations. Lore for example strikes me as a little lacklustre after Sidestep Secret, especially for a bloodrager gestalt (though it would be a lot better for a bard or even investigator gestalt - the latter gets a lot of mileage out of the Mental Acuity revelation).

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If you use Dreamscarred, Raging surge Wilder, adds you Cha Mod to your rounds of rage, more casting while in rage, a bit more Rage Powers.

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