Raiders of the Fever Sea Shipping Disaster

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I just excitedly cracked open my newly arrived copy of Raiders of the Fever Sea. Much to my dismay, thought the box clearly says "raiders of the Fever Sea' it had been filled with the cards from the character add on pack, instead of the proper contents.

My character add on pack is supposed to arrive today or tomorrow. I suppose I might be lucky and the contents of that pack might be incorrect as well.

Paizo makes great products, and they are incredibly nice when you talk to them, but I have never had such incompetent service from a a game company.

Looks like you're not the first to experience this - e

My heart goes out to you. After that wait, if I opened it and saw the wrong stuff I'd probably just end it right there. D:

Dave Riley wrote:
My heart goes out to you. After that wait, if I opened it and saw the wrong stuff I'd probably just end it right there. D:

Somebody posted a link to a post I made! That's a first!

Since I can't play Adventure 2 for a while now I figured I'd take the new characters for a spin in RotR.

Hmmm, I better go open my box to check.

Malcolm, did you call CS? I just got off the phone with them and they are sending out a new box.

Well I checked the contents of RotFS Adventure Pack and they
appear to be correct.

However, there was no additional copy of Blessing of Zogmugot
as was outlined in Paizo's email of 9/19/



Did you not get one at all? There should be one with each subscription adventure deck, so you should only have one so far.

strgzr wrote:

Well I checked the contents of RotFS Adventure Pack and they

appear to be correct.

However, there was no additional copy of Blessing of Zogmugot
as was outlined in Paizo's email of 9/19/



Did you get at least 1 copy? There wasn't supposed to be 2.

Just got off the phone with CS, said they'd send me a new one.

Second time I've called Paizo and both times they picked up the phone immediately!

strgzr wrote:

However, there was no additional copy of Blessing of Zogmugot
as was outlined in Paizo's email of 9/19/


My September shipment came in two boxes: one with the delayed add on deck and six promo cards and then adventure deck two just today. So four more adventure decks to go with four additional Blessings of Zogmugot.

jones314 wrote:
strgzr wrote:

However, there was no additional copy of Blessing of Zogmugot
as was outlined in Paizo's email of 9/19/


My September shipment came in two boxes: one with the delayed add on deck and six promo cards and then adventure deck two just today. So four more adventure decks to go with four additional Blessings of Zogmugot.

Were we supposed to get any promo cards with this AD? i didn't get one, either.

Did you get the promos with your add on deck? If so then I think you're good. I have one Blessing of Z (four more to come), Owlbeartross, Goblin Keelhauling, Goblin Weidling, Mogmurt, and Ranzak. If you're missing any of those and you got the shipments you were expecting, then check with CS.

MightyJim wrote:

Looks like you're not the first to experience this - e

I had the same issue, Raiders of the Fever Sea had the character add on pack cards. The character add on pack I received the next day also had the character add on cards, as it should have. I've emailed CS, I'm sure they'll get back once they've filtered the apparently long list.

jones314 wrote:
Did you get the promos with your add on deck? If so then I think you're good. I have one Blessing of Z (four more to come), Owlbeartross, Goblin Keelhauling, Goblin Weidling, Mogmurt, and Ranzak. If you're missing any of those and you got the shipments you were expecting, then check with CS.

Just to add to that, my promos actually came in a cardboard envelope inside the larger cardboard box that had the three decks (1 character add-on, 1 adventure deck 2, 1 class deck). They are usually tucked into one of the adventure deck boxes. So make sure you didn't miss them if they were packaged differently.

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Thanks to all for their answers. I did receive the promos
the next day in the CP shipment.

Paizo came through!


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