mcd1982's page

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I just received my copy of the Skull and Shackles base set and I'm missing the token cards for Lem and Jirelle. Everything else appears to be present. Is it possible to get replacements? Thanks! :)

On Edit: I just opened up my copy of the first adventure deck, and both packs of cards were the same! The Adventure Path through the barrier "Harpoon Trap" - is it possible to get the missing cards (or a replacement AD1)?.

Thank you!

Matthew Dempsey


Would you please cancel all subscriptions on my account?

Thank you!



I have two class decks in my side cart, but since I have the Adventure Card Game subscription, these will be auto shipped correct?

I didn't realize this and ended up with two Paladin decks shipped to me. :(

Please remove the side cart items.


Hello, my Paizo Order #3575788 was missing the Promo Card: Sweet Dragon Costume.



yup, i didn't get one either. :(

What are the available promo cards for this AP? Do we know yet?

jones314 wrote:
strgzr wrote:

However, there was no additional copy of Blessing of Zogmugot
as was outlined in Paizo's email of 9/19/


My September shipment came in two boxes: one with the delayed add on deck and six promo cards and then adventure deck two just today. So four more adventure decks to go with four additional Blessings of Zogmugot.

Were we supposed to get any promo cards with this AD? i didn't get one, either.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We currently believe that they'll be out around mid-November.

can't wait! i was just thinking about these today, actually! :)

CaptLudd wrote:
kysmartman wrote:
As someone who actually asked this question a day or two later than the OP, they were verifying your card. The hold on the card will go away in a couple of weekdays unless they actually ship the game in which case it won't go away or it will and you'll have a 2nd charge for the game. It's nothing to get too worked up about as they have to put a hold for that much on the card to make sure it has that much money on it and is a valid card.
Okay, thank you for all the responses, now i know how they go about it no problems.

the charge for my subscription actually cleared my bank - so it doesn't appear to be a hold, to me.

I don't have my cards sleeved (which, for every other game I do, but I'm worried about space in the insert), so I'd really like the POD option. $8 is nothing for a game I really enjoy! Maybe even throw in a promo for the effort? haha. :)