Enchanting ammunition / thrown weapons


Okay, lets say for the sake of argument I want to make a character the specializes in thrown weapons but not the type that Returning would really apply to.

Let say shurikens.

Now, Bow and Cross bows have the advantage of applying all their enchantments to their arrows and bolt. Is there a way to do this with thrown weapons? A special glove? A container that holds a charge for one round or till thrown?

Silver Crusade

You have to enchant thrown weapons one at a time, so it would be pointlessly expensive to enchant weapons you throw away...

...apart from shuriken! They are an exception, and you enchant fifty at a time (for the cost of enchanting a single melee/thrown weapon), but are subject to breakage just like arrows.

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

You have to enchant thrown weapons one at a time, so it would be pointlessly expensive to enchant weapons you throw away...

...apart from shuriken! They are an exception, and you enchant fifty at a time (for the cost of enchanting a single melee/thrown weapon), but are subject to breakage just like arrows.

I'm aware, but that wasn't the question. I was curious if there were a way to have said thrown weapon act as if they were "arrows fired from a magic bow" so to speak.

Arcane Strike is the only way I know.

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