Giridan |
So, are there any reprocussions from drinking alcohol in pathfinder? If you drink specific kinds I know you can get bonuses and penalties, but what about just regular drinks? My players always seem to be wanting their characters to drink at a tavern. But if I want to have an assassin try and kill them (by blade) what disadvantages would they have? If there are already rules for this i a m very sorry. Wouldn't it depend on the constitution? Like a number of bottles = Con modifier before you have to start making Con checks to not get the penalties. And there probably would be a few levels of negative effects.

voideternal |
Just like drugs, alcohol can be abused and have significant negative effects. In general, a character can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to 1 plus double his Constitution modifier. Drinks consumed in excess of this total cause the character to become sickened for 1 hour per drink above this maximum. Particularly exotic or strong forms of alcohol might be treated as normal drugs. Those who regularly abuse alcohol might eventually develop a moderate addiction.
Perhaps this might help for starters?

Paulicus |

Basing the penalties of something like sickened or fatigued (for hangovers, perhaps) is enough to replicate "drunk." You could use sickened or shaken with -1 penalties instead if you want to emulate "tispy" but not full-on drunk PCs.
Or just give the assassin a small circumstance bonus for being more sober.

Ciaran Barnes |

There are no mechanics for it. Hopefully a charcter's consumption of alcohol is limited to being a part of role-playing after a lonmg day of being a hero. If a GM really wants to encforce something, I think a -2 to all rolls for intoxication is sufficient. If someone is royaly hammered, then I suppose -5, staggered, and flat-footed would about cover it.

Thanael |

There's The Red Dragon Inn: Guide to Inns and Taverns (Pathfinder RPG) by SlugFest Games the makers ot the Red Dragon Inn. The free preview Appetizer for it has drinking rules.
And there's Tournaments, Fairs, and Taverns (PFRPG) PDF by EN Publishing.

BzAli |

When we played Skulls & Schackles, the PC's often went to taverns and alehouses when in ports. If I had an encounter planned for that evening, I simply asked them to assign themself a modifier between -0 to -5, depending on how heavily they had been drinking. -0 of course meant that they had hardly drunk at all, and the others PCs and NPCs would react accordingly in roleplaying situations afterwards.
My players happily assigned themself appropiate modifiers, but I might have been blessed with fine roleplayers who thought more in character than about mechanical modifiers.

Arachnofiend |

There are no mechanics for it. Hopefully a charcter's consumption of alcohol is limited to being a part of role-playing after a lonmg day of being a hero. If a GM really wants to encforce something, I think a -2 to all rolls for intoxication is sufficient. If someone is royaly hammered, then I suppose -5, staggered, and flat-footed would about cover it.
There really should be more clear cut rules for it because there are several archetypes that work off of consuming alcohol now. The way my GM decided to do it for my Drunken Master Monk was that you can take a number of drinks equal to your con mod+drunken ki pool; if you exceed that, you need to make a fortitude save (DC=10+# of drinks) or become nauseated. Of course, that was a mechanic for a character that is expected to be drinking mid-combat so it's probably not applicable for more roleplay related indulgences.