Do we have a Golarion Atlas?

Lost Omens Products

Like a compilation of every map created, detailing every nation and region in Golarion?

If not, are there any known plans for something like this to be created?


The issue is that we still don't know the true outline of at least 2 full land masses (the Americas analog and the Australia analog). So its hard for them to put together maps of things that don't have maps yet.

I've been asking for a globe since the gazeteer came out

Webstore Gninja Minion

Closest thing we have is The Inner Sea Poster Map Folio, which is a companion to the Inner Sea World Guide.

You'd also want the Jade Regent folio, which iirc has maps of both Tian Xia and the Crown of the World.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There was a bit of a discussion of a Atlas of Golarion in the Developing Pathfinder seminar, see the latest Know Direction podcast. It would be something I would like to see, but I am not sure if it is something that they have enough individual country maps to do it properly yet.

Silver Crusade

I suppose a High Medieval realm like Arthur and the knights of the round table (Morte du Arthur) has an appeal but as I am English anyway I could be called Biased!

Lantern Lodge

Something like the Atlas Kingdoms of Kalamar put out. Hardcover! :)

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