Overcoming elemental resistance


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am trying to make a thematic blaster ( fire element ) there are a lot of items / creatures that have fire resistance or even immunity. Is there a way of lowering the resistance or altering damage type ( not into acid/lightning or frost) that would fit in with the iconic fire caster. Feats/items/traits/character abilities/mythic/anything ? Divine or arcane does not matter I can do oracle or sorcerer.

I've been playing a lot of cleric blaster that uses fire. In my play I used cross blooded sorcerer dip to get elemental and orc bloodlines. I chose elemental because then I could choose between fire and my chosen element (acid is smartest) at will unlimited times per day.

Other credible means is to take a dip of admix wizard so that you can choose any element equal to 3+InT mod times per day. There is the metamagic feat that to you to change your element forget its name. Never even tried a fourth option as those worked well enough for me.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These are good options and will allow for flame strike which is half divine. I am looking more specifically for an ability that allows for more spells like flame strike either divine or hell fire like.

Psi51 wrote:
These are good options and will allow for flame strike which is half divine. I am looking more specifically for an ability that allows for more spells like flame strike either divine or hell fire like.

Well diabloist allows to channel hellfire equal to charisma mod per day and cast hellfire ray twice a day. Is that more like what you seek?

Edit: 9th level infernal sorcerer can call down hellfire a limited number times of the day. Pretty sure there is a divine equivilant sorcerer bloodline somewhere. Ultimately your going to get, without spells, maybe 4 shots of such damage.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is getting close does anyone know of a divine version ?

Psi51 wrote:
This is getting close does anyone know of a divine version ?

Well believe it or not this is open to arcane and divine equally. Ill c if I can find one specifically for divine though.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Diabolist looks "good" and certainly has roleplaying Challenges. I actually meant "heavenly" rather than divine.

Psi51 wrote:
Diabolist looks "good" and certainly has roleplaying Challenges. I actually meant "heavenly" rather than divine.

Oh. In that case anything that is light based will do that very well. Sun domains spells are a good start. Disintegrate is also good. The problem with those and anything else I can think requires you be no less level 10 before you can do it all. Ill have to leave the rest to the forums, sleepy.

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