dagger question

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

ok, had this scenario come up last night and wanted to see which out come is correct.

meriselle is encountering a villain, she has the force sling +3, 2x giant bane daggers +2 and 1 venomous +2.

when the player did the check he used the sling and discard each dagger for its bonus.

I said that he could only discard one dagger for that, because each power can only be used once per check. Him and rest of the players disagreed stating that each dagger said he could discard it when playing a weapon.

which is correct, on final two scenario's and would like them to be done correctly.

Any amount of daggers can be discarded. The power they have ("When playing another weapon, you may discard this card.. etc.") circumvents the normal rule of 1 card type per check.

Think of it this way, if the rule was enforced in this scenario, none of the daggers could be discarded since a weapon was already played. Remember that, per the golden rule, cards trump rules found in the rule book.

See this post.

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