New Bloodline for sorcerers: Force; need constructive criticism.

Homebrew and House Rules

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For a few days I've been visualizing a sorcerer bloodline that would be like a pathfinder, bloodline version of the D&D force Missile mage. I saw a thread in conversions that further inspired me, but as I began writing this up, I felt the concept could be expanded to force magic as a whole. So this is the end result, I would love some constructive criticism, thank you in advance.

Force Bloodline

Through you courses the raw power of force, possibly stemming from magic-touched, excessively forceful ancestors, or other mages whom favored the power of force themselves and the magic leaked into the blood. This power manifests itself as a talent for force magic, which you cast enhanced above those same spells from your non-force-filled peers.

Class Skill: Perception

Bonus Spells: Magic Missile (3rd), Knock (5th), Force Punch (7th), Lesser Missile Storm* (9th), Wall of Force (11th), Greater Missile Storm* (13th), Mage's Sword (15th), Telekinetic Sphere (17th), Crushing Hand (19th).

(*Spells converted from Neverwinter Nights source, see below)

Bonus Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Toughness, Empower Spell, Spell Perfection (Bloodline Spell ONLY)

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the force descriptor, or a bloodline bonus spell, that does damage, add +1 to each damage die rolled. For non-damaging spells, increase the caster level by 2.

Bloodline Powers: The raw power of force flows within you, and your talent with magical force is thus enhanced.

Wave of Force (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a wave of force as a standard action, hitting any foe in a 20 ft. cone shaped burst in front of you. This wave deals 1d6 +1 damage for every two sorcerer levels you possess. At 5th level this wave is enhanced as if by the Toppling Spell Metamagic feat. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Force Field (Sp): At 3rd level you gain the ability to cast a Force Field which grants total cover until the start of your next turn. It also functions as the Shield spell for this short duration. This is an instantaneous effect and can be used in response to an attack. You may use this ability once a day at 3rd level. You gain an additional use of this spell-like ability every further 4 levels of sorcerer (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th).

Auxiliary Battery (Su): At 9th level when you cast a spell that involves missiles of force (Magic Missile, Greater and Lesser Missile Storms) the amount of missiles you launch are increased by a factor of 50%, rounded down. This allows you to fire more missiles than those spells parameters would normally allow.

Overwhelming Force (Su): At 15th level all force spells are enhanced as if by the Toppling Spell Metamagic feat when you cast them. This supernatural ability does not increase the spell casting time or use a higher level spell slot.

Maximum Potential Force (Su): At 20th level your mastery of force is fully realized. When you enhance a spell with the Force descriptor using Metamagic Feats you increase the total spell level by 1 less than the end sum that your normally would (a 1 level adjustment is 0, a 2 level adjustment is 1, 3 becomes 2, and so on); this ability can NOT decrease a spell level beyond where it starts at however (NO using a +0 Metamagic Feat to take a 4th level spell down to 3rd level, for instance).

Spells converted from Neverwinter Nights for this bloodline

Lesser Missile Storm

Spell level : Sorcerer/Wizard: 4
School : Evocation [Force]
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Long
Target/Area : Gargantuan
Duration : Instantaneous
Save : None
Spell resistance : Yes

A number of energy missiles (one per caster level but to a maximum of 10) appear and randomly target and hit any creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than missiles, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more missiles than creatures, evenly distribute the missiles among the creatures. Each missile does 1d6 points of magical damage

Greater Missile Storm

Spell level : Sorcerer/Wizard: 6
School : Evocation [Force]
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Long
Target/Area : Gargantuan
Duration : Instantaneous
Save : None
Spell resistance : Yes

A number of energy missiles (one per caster level up to a maximum of 20) appear and randomly target and hit any creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than missiles, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more missiles than creatures, evenly distribute the missiles among the creatures. Each missile does 2d6 points of magical damage.

I also should note I somewhat feel like the capstone may be a tad underpowered, since the same effect can be garnered from certain character traits such as Magical lineage and Wayang Spellhunter (to a smaller extent)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

my general feeling is all of this is a bit powerful. force has no energy resistance and isn't blocked by DR, so it should all be toned down a notch.

also swap 9 and 20th level abilities.

forcefield should be a standard action and then at 9th level a movement, 15th level it can be used as an immediate action.

wave of force should be a 15 ft cone and do 1d4+(1/2 sorcerer level)(or maybe just 1d4, idk) force damage.

swap arcana from +2 caster level, to +1 to all DCs.

i don't get the class skill. I would think acrobatics or climb, maybe knowledge arcana.

bonus feats should be made more force flavory and less made to make force spells rock. like maybe replace empower with topling

also, your spells don't preclude friendly fire.

The arcana is alright -- though the caster level increase should only be 1 in my opinion or not exist.

Wave of Force is much too powerful for a first level ability. For set damage you could get away with a 5 foot burst with scaling damage you could get away with single target in 30 feet with the trip option at level 5. As is it's simply not in line with other first level powers.

Force Field should note that it is an immediate action to use and should probably just provide an increase to AC.

Auxiliary battery should probably just let you cast a magic missile creating one missile for each class level you have. Most ninth level powers are for an elemental sort of bloodline are simply a blast of the element, with a second use at higher level.

Overwhelming force is probably alright, but most the time free metamagic is a level 20 thing.

The capstone isn't right. I got an idea to offer that I'll be back with once I have it fully realized.

Dark Archive

The 1st level power is wildly out of line with those of other bloodlines, IMO.

Is there a justification for the class skill being Perception? That doesn't feel particularly 'force-y' to me. Something more physical, such as Climb or Swim or Acrobatics, or something related to engineering or 'science' (Knowledge (engineering)) perhaps, might feel more on-theme.

Yeah, honestly I couldn't think of anything really in-line with the bloodline, especially with knowledge (arcana) and intimidate (which struck me as forceful) already a sorcerer class skill.

I’m ok with the class skill… you could fluff it like they feel the universe so they feel movements around them or something. Plenty of ways force could be used with perception... (Hell. Having to focus for the force effect is one) The only alternative I would have would be Arcana, but that just seems too common as well. So I’d keep it
Spells: Knock seems weird to me... but the rest are very fitting if you ask me. Force punch instead of battering blast is probably pretty good. Keep the spells diversified between ranged and close. I think force wall would make sense somewhere though
Feats: Seem alright
Arcana: I would change this a little “Whenever you cast a spell with the force descriptor or bloodline spell, apply +1 force damage per die, or increase DC by 2” That would allow for more streamlined with the possible alterations via metamagic, and play styles. It bypasses a lot of potential hiccups.
There is a theme of toppling that I’m not sure fits with the idea... Most of the spells themselves do knock over. But applying inmass to almost everything you can do is a bit much. Being able to do so man different kind of force damages is quite a powerful effect anyway. I would leave it out; sure most players would snag rod/feat of dazing and toppling but I would leave it to that.
First level power is way too strong.... The trip effect is pretty good for this ability though. Either change it to single target, or lower the damage (1+CL perhaps) and make the effect a + sign. (Like a giant force hand, pressure from anime etc.)
The third is very powerful. But limited... so I can see it. However I would have it scale. At lv 3 it adds an untyped AC bonus (say 4), then at later levels (where lv 3 stuff usually increases) granted partial cover, and eventually full cover. Do not have the wording that it provides as per the shield spell. You want untyped because shield is a force spell already so they'll probably have it and that would make that ability semi useless in some cases. Also if they had a shield (say eldritch knight or something) it would be useless. Keep the immediate action. This makes it a weaker version, and eventually scaling along the lines of the spells that are immediate actions that provide similar stuff. Much like the other lv 3 stuff/oracle stuff.
Auxiliary Battery: seems alright, though doesn’t specifically keep with the normal bloodline spells. Most lv 9 bloodlines gain some sort of limited per day blast. I would probably keep with it... Maybe “once per day fire sorcerer level amount of force bolts or beams (ale Dragon ball Z). That hit everyone in one area for d6 scaling along the lines of draconic sorcerer breath, with a reflex for half damage. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about YouTube “dragon ball z humanity erasure attack” and that should show ya. Just on a world scale. Either 20ft area, or cone/line choices... I feel like the 20ft area (as per elemental bloodline) fits much more with the game mechanics.
Overwhelming force: Well I don’t like the idea of auto applying a metamagic that already exists, and I like to think of force as damage over movements so this is my bias concerning that but. I don’t like this ability, especially at lv 15 where it would be useless against more than few monsters at that level. I think this is where you should increase 50% of the missiles. That seems to fit more for me; maybe a bit weak though. Could consider:
• Increase the die size by one size to represent using every ounce of force you have (I like this one).
• tacking on a “once per day” effect of straight doubling the number of missiles (so a few times per day you shoot 2x or 3x the missiles)

The spell conversions are weird. Firstly they do not specify force damage they keep saying “energy” and “magical damage” you need to specify the damage type in the text near the dice. How big is the gargantuan area? So those spells are AOEs, and you have to stop, sit down, and figure out where the center of the effect is and then figure out how many missiles go where, at whom, and then try to split them etc.? That seems way too complicated. That involves too much fuzzy logic like “who is closest, which one of these two creatures equidistant from the center gets hit extra? Why that one? “
I would change them more... I don’t know what you mean by the size, so I’ll let you figure that out (though I’m incline to assume you meant the size which is what 20ftxb20ft?). But just have everyone in the area hit for caster 1d6+1x CL to everyone in the area. With the fluff being a storm of missiles.
Otherwise you should just make it a straight up increase to magic Missile. Which around the level you gain 4th lv spells is at 4milssles already. So having it straight up like that doesn’t do as well considering the cost in spell slot. If you made it straight up magic missile firing up to caster level shots then do one of two things. Make them roll to hit, and make the dice 1d 8 +1 per caster level, up to 10 bolts. Or keep it auto hit but limit the target zone to a 20ft square, and you can target as many missiles against anything within that zone (i.e. all missiles at one target, or split them up as you see fit). Every missile should gain +1 though (as per magic missile, and to represent your caster level in damage)
Same for the greater version, but make it 2d8 +2 per bolt if targeted, or keep the 2d6+2xcaster level to everyone in the area
The increase in damage may seem high, especially with force having nod defense other than SR. But that is very mitigated by the area of effect. Most lv 4 and 6 spells do much much bigger areas of damage and more dice, and usually have an e effect to them. I think those changes make the m solid lv 4 and 6 choices. Also unless you change it to targeted, then they are quite literally just bombing an area in force damage; any ally in there is going to hate you from their grave.
I myself, sort of like the idea of the volley fire (the idea not the in game mechanic). So I like the idea of medium ranged spells (maybe long for the greater) that auto hits everything in a zone. It gives you a very fun idea of the classic wizard (and mental image of old D&D) of just carpet bombing an area in magic missile... So I would go with the AOE auto hit for dice +1/2 x lv spell versions.
I do feel that there needs to be a higher level focus down-able force spell though. Maybe lv 6 or 7. That is basically a super magic missile. Straight up “fat” magic missile(s)
Heavy Magic Missile: Caster level missiles, 5 missiles created, each one doing Caster level damage? Or is that too much? I can’t tell at high levels. 50 straight up damage doesn’t seem like much at all in my experience though. Even with force damage. But none the less something like this really should be included because of the lack of straight damage force spells after Magic Missile.

I need to really dig into it before I give feedback, but on the class skill note; I was OK with as a gut check because FMM PrC got Spot as a class skill.

Okay, so the first thing is, thank you for pointing it out, "gargantuan" is vague, so I actually looked up what the game meant by that:


Area Meter Feet
Gargantuan 7.620 m ~25 ft

When designing the first level ability I was trying to make something that would still retain some modicum of use after the first handful of levels, as the reviews of sorceror bloodlines I had read labeled the different elemental rays as nigh-useless. So, when writing it up, I was kind of shooting for a force version of burning hands, but as a spell-like ability. Would lowering the damage to 1d4+1 per two sorcerer levels in a 15ft cone that affects all targets (ally or enemy) balance it out more?

So it would then read:

Wave of Force (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a wave of force as a standard action, hitting all creatures in a 15 ft. cone shaped burst in front of you. This wave deals 1d4 +1 damage for every two sorcerer levels you possess. At 5th level this wave is enhanced as if by the Toppling Spell Metamagic feat. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

The rest of the feedback I need to mull over, adjust fire, and get back to it later when my wife isn't trying to push me out the door. To everyone I would say thanks for the feedback thus far though.

Possible fix for the spells converted from Neverwinter Nights for this bloodline, though I would also think the spells should be available to other arcane casters? Or no?


Lesser Missile Storm

School: Evocation [force];
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4

Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S

Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Targets: Up to ten creatures, no two of which can be more than 25 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A wave of missiles of magical energy darts forth from your hand and strikes your targets (one missile per caster level but to a maximum of 10). Each missile does 1d6 points of magical damage

The missiles strike unerringly, even if the targets are in melee combat, so long as they have less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell.

You can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage.

Greater Missile Storm

School: Evocation [force];
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 6

Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S

Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Targets: Up to twenty creatures, no two of which can be more than 25 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A wave of missiles of magical energy darts forth from your hand and strikes your targets (one missile per caster level but to a maximum of 20). Each missile does 2d6 points of magical damage

The missiles strike unerringly, even if the targets are in melee combat, so long as they have less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell.

You can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage.

Since they are essentially enhanced magic missiles from my understanding of the source, I figured modifying magic missile from PFSRD would be applicable.

For those interested, source:
Lesser Missile Storm
Greater Missile Storm

I was considering adding to the 15th or 20th level ability, that the missiles punch through the shield spell since, as is, it would appear that the Shield spell would still block either one, but I want to hold back til some other people tell me whether that would be too powerful. I was trying to make a good bloodline, but not something that is more "must-have" than the already widely considered best that is Arcane bloodline.

honestly a punch through option at level 15 or 9 with limited times per day would be fine i think, then at twenty you could offer the free toppling, extended, still or silent spell metamagic feat with a possible secondary bonus too.

another option for the level 3 power would be to increase the armor, shield or deflection bonus provided by force spells by 1 and have the bonus increase by 1 at level 9 and 13.

I like Spaldings idea for the lv 20, Free metamagic to force spells (or magic missles) isn't to too bad.

Yeah. If you just make them straight up magic missile then you do need something for beating shield spell. It feels like it should be attached to one of the bloodline effects.... I don't know which one. it should be an innate thing, but I also don't think it's worth being it's own ability by itself. It would be good to tack on the 3rd or 9th.

You mentioned about "why Knock?" as a spell, Zswordsman, allow me to explain my reasoning. Knock, as I read it, does not explain what opens the thing you are attempting to open with it, merely chalking it up to "magic, that is why". So I figured there wasn't much harm in chalking such a thing up to a force effect. Your magic forces the door/lock/chest open.

Perception as a class skill, I could pull out some semi-sensical fluff to explain why such as, lets say;

Because of your bloodline's unique relationship with the forces of the world, you are better able to perceive outside factors exerting upon it

Just off the top of my head. I know Perception is pretty much one of the best, must-have skills. If making it class skill makes the bloodline too powerful, I am not so in love with it that I couldn't replace it with something which has the fluff make more sense.

Actually, as I write it now, what about Diplomacy? You already have a forceful personality, after all.

I like perception for this anyway. So I myself would keep it. Even if it would incline the power level higher, and encourage possible eldritch bloodline feats.

As for the 1st lv SLA, I think it's still too strong..

Though for comparison. the lv 1 vine whip bloodline only trips. the damaging ones only damage a specific target. so the game itself doesn't really support long time useful effect.

So I could see targetted trip or bullrush sla at range, or a single target shot (it being force would mean its still useful long later). If you wanted both the damage and the trip or push, then you should make it touch instead.
I can't think of any sorcerer lv 1's that have aoe effects. That is solidly a lv 9 ability, which you could do for the lv 9. So make the lv 9 an aoe hit; similar to dragons breath but D4's and add on the trip effect. Either 30ft cone or the 20ft cylinder at range (like Elemental)

I think the spell retooling works just fine. Though as we talked about before the issue with Shield spell, you could just put in both those spells "this spell bypasses shield and brooch of shielding like effects". I have no issue with that addition because those spells are already high level. If auto bypassing is too strong for you, then you could have acaster level check for it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

maybe fly would be a good alternate force skill. also squeeze in fly for bloodline spells maybe too?

There are a lot of things in pathfinder already which are "magic missile like" which do not bypass shield. For that reason I don't think it's wise to make those spells do so automatically.

What I have noticed about the sorcerer bloodline abilities is this:

1st level ability -- typically something that deals damage, low amounts of damage though and typically with a kicker, targeting only a single target. If it affects an area it's typically a 10~15 foot cone, a 5 foot burst within 30 feet or a small line (up to 15 feet).

3nd level ability -- is usually defensive in nature, permanent (i.e. always active) and scales decently with leveling. This is why I recommend something that increases the bonus of force spells that give AC boosts -- it's a unique feature that plays into the spell theme (i.e. you are going to want shield and mage armor now) and it still ties back to what most bloodlines have for a 3rd level ability.

9th level ability -- is almost always an active ability, and typically is some sort of attack. It plays huge on the damage theme of the bloodline is typically at least as powerful as a blast spell scales the entire time and is single use at level 9 going up to 2 or 3 uses at maximum.

15th level ability -- This one is usually highly potent almost always useful (i.e. if limited use it's enough to be used very often, or builds off of something you want to do anyways). Unique effects to spells are fine since fey gets it's reroll now. Force effects being able to punch through usual defenses is now good as is extending force effects into regions other force effects are already working in -- as such I would suggest the shield punch through here and since wall of force works in an antimagic field possibly allowing all your force spells to be cast into one now is alright.

20th level capstone -- typically offers free metamagic on the spell theme that only have a 1 level adjustment (notice toppling spell, extend spell, still and silent as I mentioned before) and should get some sort of defensive bonus or a high level spell like ability for a powerful spell 1 time a day.

Fly is also already sorcerer class skill, Bandw2. Funny thing, I considered briefly Levitation for the second level bonus spell, but it just didn't strike me, personally, so much as 'force' as Knock did, (explained above).

So let me tackle possible fixes, based on Abraham Spaldings skeleton there:

Wave of Force (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a wave of force as a standard action, hitting all creatures in a 15 ft. cone shaped burst in front of you. This wave deals no damage but does make a trip check against all targets, using your caster level plus your casting ability score bonus. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip you or the force effect in response. At 5th level your trip attempt adds an additional +5 bonus, at 7th level this ability allows you to make this trip attempt against creatures that are up to two size categories larger than you, at 11th level the bonus to your trip attempt becomes +10. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Justification: Remove the damage altogether and focus on clearing things from meleeing with you, in a path that mirrors Dragon claws (in that they get better at melee, but this instead gets better at clearing you from a melee)

Force Field (Sp): At 3rd level your manipulation of force effects for defensive purposes is enhanced. Whenever you cast a spell that improves your AC with the force descriptor, enhance it by an additional +1 on top of whatever the spell would normally give you. If you cast such a spell with metamagic effects that would further improve the AC (such as Empower Spell), those effects are applied to the total after you add your Force Field effect. This bonus to AC increases by an additional +1 at level 9, and again +1 at level 13.

Justification: Taking the advice that makes sense, and pump up your force defense, and tossing out the instant, one turn shield. This actually strikes me as more useful this way, if not quite as cool as raising an instant defense.

Explosive Force (Sp): Starting at 9th level you fire off a single missile of arcane energy that streaks towards the target you designate. This missile can be directed at a creature OR tile. If you aim it at a specific creature, you may make a ranged touch attack to strike the target with the missile. If the creature is struck it takes 1d6+2 points of magic force damage and takes a –4 penalty on the saving throw against the missile's explosive force damage. If the missile misses its target, it simply explodes at the nearest corner of the target's space. The explosion of the missile deals 1d6 points of force magic damage per sorcerer level, reflex save for half, to all creatures in a 20 ft. radius. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 20th level, you can use this ability three times per day. This power has a medium range (100 ft + 10/level)

Justification: Many people insist the bloodline needs a straight blast, so I was trying to figure out how best to deliver it. Then it struck me, take a single meteor from meteor swarm as the delivery vehicle, make it a magic missile that explodes, and can be aimed at things instead of just creatures. For balance reasons, it does not unerringly strike, and reflex saves can be made against the explosive force area effect.

Overwhelming Force (Su): At 15th level all force spells you cast are able to punch through effects that would halt the advance of casters less practiced in force than yourself. Your missiles of force punch through the Shield spell (and other spells that would normally block the missiles), and your other force effect spells work even in anti-magic fields.

Justification: This was discussed, and struck me as a pretty good idea. I mean, with the 4th and 6th level spells you get being essentially pumped up magic missile, it would seem kind of pathetic to be completely negated by a 1st level spell. Thanks to Abraham Spalding for suggesting the anti-magic part, since that never even crossed my mind.


Maximum Potential Force (Su): At 20th level your mastery of force is fully realized. When you enhance a spell with the Force descriptor using Metamagic Feats you increase the total spell level by 1 less than the end sum that your normally would (a 1 level adjustment is 0, a 2 level adjustment is 1, 3 becomes 2, and so on); this ability can NOT decrease a spell level beyond where it starts at however (NO using a +0 Metamagic Feat to take a 4th level spell down to 3rd level, for instance)

Justification: Honestly, I think this is great as far as metamagic goes for theme, because you can choose how best to enhance your force spells (and only force spells, obviously) whether quickened, dazing, maximized, empowered, toppling, stilled, silent, or any combination thereof, and it takes 1 off the total level adjustment. But, I think it is incomplete. Abraham suggested an "AND defensive bonus/high level ability", and honestly I am just tapped for ideas on that at this point.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

i need to actually look up the class skills before posting >_>

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Runicblade wrote:
Yeah, honestly I couldn't think of anything really in-line with the bloodline, especially with knowledge (arcana) and intimidate (which struck me as forceful) already a sorcerer class skill.

So instead you simply chose the most valuable skill in the game, coupled with a bloodline that emphasizes an energy with no resistances and the only magic energy which directly hits incorporeal beings.

I've never allowed a Force based PrC in the 3.X days and I certainly would not let this bloodline in my tables. It's too good to pass up.

Thanks for that ever-so-constructive criticism.

P.s. you missed the part further in the discussion where I said I wasn't in love with Perception as a class skill, and in fact suggested Diplomacy instead, which would use your 'force of personality'.

P.p.s. Also, spell resistance works against force, so there is that.

Enjoy being your tables' dictator.

LazarX wrote:
It's too good to pass up.

The big issue, in a nutshell.

Listen, magic missile won't damage inanimate objects such as locks or bow strings. All the rules about force effects are arbitrary and most are for so called 'Game balance'. I'm working on a mutation, possibly called force fields or force blaster. I think it should involve an AC bonus like mage armor, and a simple beam that does force damage. As a blaster, they get as many beams as they have attacks, with damage increasing by level as their deflection bonus rises. There is a to hit, ranged touch roll involved. It ignores physical armor but deflection bonuses and shield spells count against it.

I think I like the change on the first level power (I need to put it through it's paces some before I fully commit to it), but I would suggest the extra bonus is too much of a good thing I would suggest any bonuses applied beyond the base be limited to what you get out of a single feat (so +2). Perhaps simply state that any bonus to a Trip CMD applies to this too (which it already does, this would simply reiterate it), but that's a side thought. The level 7 bump is fine though.

The level 3 power is powerful... but situational so I feel that's a decent balance. Going from mage armor +4 to mage armor +7 is nice but not outside of all decency.

The blast is alright.

The level 15 could possibly have the first missile miss (it 'shatters' the protection such as it is) or possibly half damage get through (instead of all) but honestly if people are that hung up over a first level spell then they need to move on.

I think the capstone with it's giving you the choice is probably fine as is now.

Knockback without doing damage should be an air based power, like gust of wind.

I'm going to have to edit this here.
All the rules about force spells are arbitrary and most are for so called 'Game balance'. Just because shield and magic missile cancel each other out, doesn't mean a bloodline or mutation will be negated.

Shadow Lodge

I think that if you're going to design a force bloodline, you need to compare it with other bloodlines, and downgrade the force bloodline until it gets to a point where you'd consider taking the alternative bloodline more often than the one you've just created. Then make considerations on powering it up ever so slightly or leaving it where it is.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Goth Guru wrote:
Listen, magic missile won't damage inanimate objects such as locks or bow strings.

And the last time this was a game breaker in a class choice was.......?

The sorcerer in this class still has the option of supplementing his spell choices with spells that get past this minor problem.

I look at it as, every bloodline can do something different from others. An elemental fire sorcerer has his own powers, he doesn't have the aberrant's reach, dragon's claws, destined's rerolling, etc.

Speaking of, for thematic reason's I am currently running a primal elemental fire Ifrit sorcerer, even though it is consistently rated as chronically underpowered, compared to the arcane and fey bloodlines especially (though being an Ifrit, and using the primal fire instead of normal helps somewhat), for thematic reasons. Which is the gist of why I wanted to make this sort of bloodline: thematic reasons. I want to play a character in the future who specializes in force, like my current character specials in fire.

I could have just ran it by the DM, and since he is a big fan of playing half-dragons himself when not DMing because he loves the power, I probably could have gotten away with the prototype in the OP, but I actually do NOT want to play something that is hilariously overpowered, which is why i registered to run it by this forum, since it is about the closest thing to experts as I have access to.

I have appreciated all the very helpful feedback I've received thus far.

As someone pointed out, nothing really has energy resistance to force effects. Why not give your bloodline ER to Force and maybe immunity to 20th? You could even give them the ability to negate force effects (like wall of Force) with a touch or by walking through them.

I always kind of pictured the "Immovable object" more as a fighter, or some such, myself ;).

Runicblade wrote:
... When designing the first level ability I was trying to make something that would still retain some modicum of use after the first handful of levels, as the reviews of sorceror bloodlines I had read labeled the different elemental rays as nigh-useless. So, when writing it up, I was kind of shooting for a force version of burning hands, but as a spell-like ability. Would lowering the damage to 1d4+1 per two sorcerer levels in a 15ft cone that affects all targets (ally or enemy) balance it out more? ...

That's kinda the point. The first level ability is supposed to be slight bump to give them a bit more utility at low level. It isn't supposed to be very useful later. Just like all the other 1st level bloodline attacks. You only get the ones that stay useful at later levels.

But your lowered damage is reasonable.

LazarX wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Listen, magic missile won't damage inanimate objects such as locks or bow strings.

And the last time this was a game breaker in a class choice was.......?

The sorcerer in this class still has the option of supplementing his spell choices with spells that get past this minor problem.

That's fine for a spell. I just feel that a bloodline or mutation is a fundamental difference in the character. If a force born puts on a scratchy sweater, their power will burn it off.

Ok, I've got a flavor issue as opposed to a mechanics issue. This wouldn't terribly bother me as a GM but it would bother many I've had. So you might want to consider a way to address it.

A sorcerer bloodline isn't something they decided to focus their study upon, it is a part of what makes them what they are. A Marid sorcerer had his ancestry somehow altered by a water genie. A Draconic sorcerer may have had a great, great, great grandmother that was seduced by a shapechanged dragon.

A wizard might decide to focus his study on force effects. But as far as I know, there is not force plane or force creatures that could have affected your sorcerer's bloodline to give him all these nifty powers.

So I know a lot of GM's that would discount all this work on that basis. So you might give some thought to how the bloodline came about other than 'I want a sorcerer that specializes in force effects.'

Just a thought.

As a mutation, you had an ancestor who either used a lot of force spells or was the target of a lot of force spells. They could come from a long line of War Wizards who provided Magic Missile support on the battlefield. They could just have eaten a big, silvery, berry not realizing it was a devil fruit.

Just playing devils advocate. Those same GM's I mentioned would have said:
Used a lot of force spells wouldn't have altered his bloodline.
Target of a lot of force spells would have just killed him.
Devil fruit could only give the Infernal bloodline.
Though a long line of war wizards might have worked for those GM's.

I don't know your GM, I'm just saying you might want to give it some thought.

There's still a "Plane of Force," right? It's where the psionics come from! Maybe his ancestors were psions, or magical researchers that somehow ended up carrying a little of that power into the bloodline. I mean, there's a bunch of sorcerer bloodlines that are more the result of mutation from exposure to magical effects and fields than outright ancestry leading back to some sort of supernatural critter.

kydeem, to such a GM I would point to these examples:



Your family has always been skilled in the eldritch art of
magic. While many of your relatives were accomplished
wizards, your powers developed without the need for study
and practice."

Your family is destined for greatness in some way. Your
birth could have been foretold in prophecy, or perhaps it
occurred during an especially auspicious event, such as
a solar eclipse. Regardless of your bloodline’s origin, you
have a great future ahead."

The taint of the grave runs through your family. Perhaps
one of your ancestors became a powerful lich or vampire,
or maybe you were born dead before suddenly returning to
life. Either way, the forces of death move through you and
touch your every action."

Your family is a long line of dreamers, who dream not
as ordinary mortals do but rather as those who reach
through and touch the supernal realm of dreams and the
farthest shores of night. Whether it is a gift or curse is not
always clear, but your visions of the past and future call
you ineluctably to a life of adventure."

You have in your veins the ever-changing wildness of
primal chaos, the raw essence of unbound creation. Your
mind and spirit burst with the constant inspiration
of consummate freedom, though you have diff iculty
following through on a task when another, new and
exciting, catches your interest."

You come from a line of stargazers and explorers who
delved deeply into the darkness beyond the stars. In
touching the void, the void touched them, and your mind,
spirit, and body yearn to span the gulf between worlds."

and thus submit that my own flavor text:

"Force Bloodline

Through you courses the raw power of force, possibly stemming from magic-touched, excessively forceful ancestors, or other mages whom favored the power of force themselves and the magic leaked into the blood. This power manifests itself as a talent for force magic, which you cast enhanced above those same spells from your non-force-filled peers."

or even the examples provided by Goth Guru are fairly in line with the official explanations for some of the bloodlines. Your family looked through a telescope and now you have sorcerer abilities? I find that harder to believe than what I wrote (not to toot my on horn)

I understand that not all fans of FRPG are fans of Anime. Last Saturday I saw some cursed/Devil fruits on One Piece. My point was that some GMs have all bloodlines come from magic fruit. Some have the game world cut off from the planes. If you want to play a Force Born character, you have to talk to the GM and ask how it works in their game world. They can say No, or say your character can't swim. Maybe the rest of your character's family died of radiation poisoning.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Goth Guru wrote:
As a mutation, you had an ancestor who either used a lot of force spells or was the target of a lot of force spells. They could come from a long line of War Wizards who provided Magic Missile support on the battlefield. They could just have eaten a big, silvery, berry not realizing it was a devil fruit.

could use the Gravity plane

I like to roleplay, even when just thinking to myself, when I wrote: "Through you courses the raw power of force, possibly stemming from magic-touched, excessively forceful ancestors" I was picturing a very pregnant barbarian hit with a force spell of some sort, and the magic leaked into her womb, touched the baby, and the tribe was very surprised by the birth of a sorcerer.

Runicblade wrote:
... I was picturing a very pregnant barbarian hit with a force spell of some sort, and the magic leaked into her womb, touched the baby, and the tribe was very surprised by the birth of a sorcerer.

I would think that would work fine for most any GM I've met that would even consider player created bloodlines.

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