My Little Pathfinder: Adventure is Magic - Interest Check


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Hello, everypony!

Several months back, I embarked on an epic undertaking to create my own material for a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ruleset and campaign setting. I've seen all of the other attempts at this - the folks behind Ponyfinder have a few good ideas, but I'm not a fan of their completed product, nor their huge balance issues. I've spent many weeks designing, revising, testing, and discussing with friends the content and rules involved in creating a spin-off of MLP that would fit with the Pathfinder RPG.

I'm nearing what I would consider to be a finished product, and I am planning to run a Play-By-Post campaign here on the Paizo forums, set in a world heavily inspired by the setting of the show, but with its own distinct tone. The RPG would be more heavily combat oriented than the show it's inspired by - matching the pace of a typical Pathfinder adventure rather than an episode of Friendship is Magic. All of the normal Pathfinder rules you're used to would apply, but many new options exist, including several brand-new archetypes, numerous feats and traits, spells, domains, oracle curses, magus arcana, and, most importantly of all, six new races to choose from!

Some Setting Information:
Players will be able to choose between Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, Griffons, Crystal Ponies, and Changelings for their characters. Only races with horns are capable of casting arcane spells, with the sole exception of bards - so that means all wizards, sorcerers, magi, and witches will be either Unicorns or Changelings.

Changelings remain feared outsiders in most cases, but ponies are a forgiving lot. Some Changelings have become redeemed, realizing that the emotional energy they feed upon can be obtained just as easily by befriending other races than by deceiving them. Their deceptive tendencies remain, though, and many are thieves, assassins, or spies.

Unlike the show, ponies are not unified into one massive nation, and conflicts between the countries, including open war, do occur. The Crystal Empire and Cloudsdale are rather racially homogenous, primarily Crystal Ponies and Pegasi respectively, but among the other nations, ponies of any race can be found.

Alicorns do not exist in this world outside of ancient myths, legends, and artistic depictions of certain gods and goddesses, like the Neutral Good goddess of the sun, Celestia, and the Chaotic Evil goddess of the moon, Nightmare Moon. Alicorns are to ponies what angels are to humans - divine "perfections" of a mortal form.

Unicorn wizards in civilized society often specialize in magic based on the sacred philosophy of the Elements of Harmony, selecting one of the six magical elements to devote one's arcane training towards. Wizards dedicate themselves to the elements of Laughter (Enchantment), Honesty (Divination), Generosity (Transmutation), Loyalty (Conjuration), or Magic (Evocation). The remaining two schools, Trickery (Illusion) and Cruelty (Necromancy) are considered "Discord Magic" and are viewed with suspicion, but are not outright forbidden.

There are no humans or other humanoids in this world. The closest thing to a humanoid would be the occasional minotaur.

I will be providing actual game rules at a later point, but I hope this content inspires some people. I am curious to see how much interest there would be for a game like this on these forums. I'm even open to someone who's never seen the show before, though there would be a little bit of research to do to make sure you got the relevant lore and feel handled.

If you'd be interested in a game like this, please post here to let me know! If you know what sort of character you'd be interested in playing, you can post that too, and it'll help me get a feel for what sort of applications I might receive.



Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


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As someone who can actually communicate their desire to play, and as such might be better suited to actually play in a game involving written words, I would be interested in playing. I haven't seen lots of MLP, so I am not sure what kind of character, but I have been looking for something out of the ordinary (and have seen some of MLP, even if this isn't exactly MLP) and wam very interested.

Glad to see there's some interest in the idea! I'll provide some details soon with the racial stats so people can start getting some ideas.

I don't usually do PBPs, but this sounds really fun, so consider me signed up!

I'll dot this for interest.

Shadow Lodge

Dotting for amused interest,
Though I am disappointed that only unicorns and changlings (an of course NPC alicorns))
But that's my only real concern.
Probably going to roll up a changling,

Shadow Lodge

Im reminded of this webcomic

This looks fun. I would be very interested in playing!

I'd probably pick an under-represented race for kicks, say Griffons or Crystal Ponies. Not sure about personality (I prefer to balance out party compositions) but maybe something off-beat depending on the setting, say a Griffon mercenary or an Ex-Crystal Slave. I'd also prefer to try out the setting-specific options. :D

I'm looking at getting into posting gaming and this type of campain would be a nice starting point So count me interested. Dosn't hurt That I like the show a great deal. :)

I'm guessing you will be making a list of what classes go with what pony if you decide to run this campain?

I’ll hold off on a character concept until the stats are posted for the pony races.

I've been wanting to try a MLP D&D game for a while. Might as well jump in on this.

I actually had an idea for a unicorn named Mustang, who actually royally stinks at traditional magic like his fellow 'corns. However, he's made up for this by his passion for an very unusual profession; making fireworks. So he's something of an unconventional light and fire mage, plus he's also a pretty good chemist and thinker. The ironic thing is that he's actually frightened by loud noises, though he's working past this for his passion and profession.

I'm glad there's such interest in this game! I'm finalizing the races, feats, and other options, and I'll post the updated rules (and probably an official recruitment thread) soon.

As far as classes, the only restriction is that Unicorns and Changelings are the only races which can use arcane spells (Bards are an exception, and are available to everyone). Divine magic, alchemy, spell-like abilities, martial classes, et cetera can be used by any race.

Shadow Lodge

Would an alicorn (yes I know they're NPC only) be able to be an arcane caster?
And would you allow a third party update to the 3.5 warlock class
I've always loved warlocks, and I figure it'd be a good class for a magic weilding changling.

Alicorns are basically gods and divine beings - they can do anything they want. Celestia is a sun goddess in this setting, after all. If you were to summon an angel or a celestial, there's a good chance it'd take the form of an alicorn.

Normally, I completely detest third-party material but this is an unusual sort of game (and if it's just a 3.5 update, it's probably not as unbalanced as 99.9% of all third-party material). I will read through the update you linked when I'm not at work and let you know.

Shadow Lodge

Thank you for your consideration
Wait does that mean twilight is a god too?
Can she grant spells to others?

Twilight Sparkle never existed in this universe. I considered her as a candidate for the goddess of magic, but I feel that any depiction of her as a worshippable deity would clash with how she was portrayed in the show.

If Twilight did exist, her transformation into an alicorn would have literally been her ascending to godhood.

Mentioning alicorn-shaped angels and celestials makes me think I should consider creating Aasimar and Tiefling pony races. Probably a template (with +0 CR and not any major changes) applied to each of the races, rather than creating a "Aasimar Earth Pony" and "Aasimar Pegasus" (etc) race individually.

Shadow Lodge

Seems cool to me
Question: a changling in the shape of a(n) Pegasus/alicorn/griffon
Can they fly?

Couple questions:

Is this set in Equestria? (I'm lazy and only skimmed things thus far)
Are you using the Ponyfinder books for this, or homebrew?

@Lord Foul II: Seeing at changlings can fly naturally, I imagine they could. However, I wager they could only fly like they normally do; in a kind of buzzy flapping sort of way. They likely couldn't mimic the strength, speed or agility of their copied originals.

For example, if a changling turned into Rainbow Dash, he could probably fly, but would never be able to replicate her ability to do a Sonic Rainboom. Nor could he replicate her aerial maneuvers and stunts.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Unless of course he was an unnaturally good flyer for his race (still probably not on her level, but theoretically good enough to fake it)
Also as this seems as good a time as any to say it, I'm new to the fandom
I started out in the Dr Who fandom (still am in if) and I read some fanfictions a about a "Doctor Whooves" the time pony, typically a close friend of derpy, sometimes friends with twilight,
And from that point I branched out and became a fan mostly through association with the fandom
As far as my opinion on the actual show, it's decent, super cheesy, but has rediculously well developed and detailed characters, and a huge cast.
I haven't watched many episodes espically not many past the first season, so my actual knowledge of the setting is limited,
That said still interested, still seems fun.

James Langley wrote:

Couple questions:

Is this set in Equestria? (I'm lazy and only skimmed things thus far)
Are you using the Ponyfinder books for this, or homebrew?

Overcome the laziness! There are only about two paragraphs to get through. This game requires one to use one's eyes to read words occasionally - might as well start practicing now!

Lord Foul II wrote:

Seems cool to me

Question: a changling in the shape of a(n) Pegasus/alicorn/griffon
Can they fly?

Changelings can fly naturally. They can use disguise self at will, which is simply an illusion. Their actual wings either become invisible, or are disguised as the wings of the form they're taking.

Rainbow Dash, as an example, has a huge number of the racial "Flight" feats I've created (including Improved Flight, Aeral Contrail, Whirlwind Flight, and Sonic Boom). This accounts for her huge increase in speed and maneuverability. A changeling disguised as Rainbow Dash would look like her, but wouldn't be able to replicate her feats.

Shadow Lodge

From their premier episodes it looked more like an alter self spell than a disguise self spell
But that works for me
Though that puts me in mind of a shapeshift specialist character

I do this at my work computer, so I can't slog through too much at a time.

Sounds ambitious. Still interested, despite a comment that seemed rather insulting/condescending.

Game Master wrote:
Mentioning alicorn-shaped angels and celestials makes me think I should consider creating Aasimar and Tiefling pony races. Probably a template (with +0 CR and not any major changes) applied to each of the races, rather than creating a "Aasimar Earth Pony" and "Aasimar Pegasus" (etc) race individually.

Probibly better if we just stick to the basic ponies for now but it would be fun to discover theses half-races in game

Probibly looking at a Pegasus Paladin Who's a medic, or an Earth pony whos an alchemist Inventor type

Lord Foul II wrote:

From their premier episodes it looked more like an alter self spell than a disguise self spell

But that works for me
Though that puts me in mind of a shapeshift specialist character

This is also an RPG which is designed for balance and avoidance of gameplay issues rather than replicating the show. :P Alter self at will is significantly more powerful than disguise self, and the show is very ambiguous. The changelings never gain any special powers from the transformation, just appearance.

And yeah, I'm not planning to make Aasimars or Tieflings as player races.

James Langley wrote:

I do this at my work computer, so I can't slog through too much at a time.

Sounds ambitious. Still interested, despite a comment that seemed rather insulting/condescending.

So do I! But you are posting regarding interest in a game about reading words, and both of your questions were answered in the first fifteen or twenty words of the original post. If you're not interested in reading anything, I wonder why you're interested in playing a game which will require it.

Shadow Lodge

That works
So it's like a kitsune's shape change, no bonuses but not an illusion persay.

I have to try Pathfinder at some point and this is probably as good a time as any.

I enjoy the pony world because it's a world where most people are quadrupeds (I don't know, I enjoy imagining myself that way) and because it allows itself to have technology without being relentlessly industrial about it.

I'm drawn to the changelings because I'm drawn to the unusual. And shapeshifters even though I often end up not making much use of their shapeshifting. I think it makes me more comfortable to have the option of looking different if I suddenly feel like it. But I think MLP is one of the few times where I feel okay being any type of creature.

Hehehe. Would a Daring Do clone (Yes, that Daring Do) Swashbuckler be allowed?

EDIT: I skimmed it. Didn't see those parts.

Let's start this afresh, shall we?

Hey! I love MLP and Pathfinder! This sounds like an awesome idea and I would love to put my hoof in the ring :)

I am a literate adult.

James Langley wrote:

I never said I was interested in reading nothing. I would suggest not putting words in other people's mouths.

What I said is I can't slog through too much at a time. Meaning that I can only skim over things, on average.

I also jumped straight into the spoilered content, assuming that most of the details would be there, rather than not.
Within that section, NEITHER of my questions were fully answered.

So, there's some background on my scenario.

Why are you so rude? I would like some background so that I can understand you better.

Game Master wrote:

"Several months back, I embarked on an epic undertaking to create my own material for a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ruleset and campaign setting. I've seen all of the other attempts at this - the folks behind Ponyfinder have a few good ideas, but I'm not a fan of their completed product, nor their huge balance issues."

"Unlike the show, ponies are not unified into one massive nation, and conflicts between the countries, including open war, do occur. The Crystal Empire and Cloudsdale Both part of Equestria are rather racially homogenous, primarily Crystal Ponies and Pegasi respectively, but among the other nations, ponies of any race can be found."

Bolded the important bits. Both questions were answered.

Lord Foul II wrote:

That works

So it's like a kitsune's shape change, no bonuses but not an illusion persay.

It is an illusion. It works in all ways identically to the disguise self spell.

James Langley wrote:

EDIT: I skimmed it. Didn't see those parts.

Let's start this afresh, shall we?

Hey! I love MLP and Pathfinder! This sounds like an awesome idea and I would love to put my hoof in the ring :)

I am a literate adult.

Welcome! Feel free to post any ideas you have about what sort of character you'd like to play.

Doombringer the DM wrote:
Bolded the important bits. Both questions were answered.

Your post brings up a good point I should clarify. It is not set in the same Equestria as the show. It's an alternate reality. Cloudsdale, Equestria, and the Crystal Empire are three nations - and like other nations, they sometimes are in conflict, even at war.

I am still deciding whether King Sombra is the ruler of the Crystal Empire. I need to re-watch those episodes to decide.

Doombringer the DM wrote:
Hehehe. Would a Daring Do clone (Yes, that Daring Do) Swashbuckler be allowed?

While I would vastly prefer that you make an original character, you are more than welcome to make a character who is heavily inspired by Daring Do.

What are your thoughts on the Synthesist archetype of the Summoner?

If not, would you consider the Aegis psionic class? It doesn't cast psychic powers, so it doesn't play in to the usual objection about psionic classes.

If not, what are your thoughts on non-Lawful monks? Or exactly what being "Lawful" entails?

Alright, perhaps an admirer of the great Daring Do, who wishes to someday follow in her hoovesteps! After reading all those books, what better way to follow Daring's example than to go off into the world, explore, save the day, and be all around awesome?

Shadow Lodge

Martial artists don't have to be lawful
With a trait you could be an NG monk
Using a RAW interpretation of the archetype you don't have to be lawful to be a monk of the four winds (one of my two favorite monk a archetypes, because, come on, who doesn't want to punch someone with their fist wrapped in fire or lightning!

As to my own inqueries
So if someone touches you, you're hosed because they'll be able to feel you are under an illusion... Well that sucks, but I can accept it,
Have you managed to look at the warlock class?

I'm thinking that I'll play an Earth Pony Barbarian.

That way the literacy thing is a non-issue...


Shadow Lodge

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

What are your thoughts on the Synthesist archetype of the Summoner?

If not, would you consider the Aegis psionic class? It doesn't cast psychic powers, so it doesn't play in to the usual objection about psionic classes.

If not, what are your thoughts on non-Lawful monks? Or exactly what being "Lawful" entails?

I'd say that both the Synthesist and the Aegis aren't really fitting for My Little Pathfinder and I would prefer a different class. With that said, come up with an awesome concept that I love and I'll change my mind in a heartbeat.

Monks can be of any alignment - none of the base classes other than Paladins are alignment-locked. The alignment restrictions are silly.

James Langley wrote:

I'm thinking that I'll play an Earth Pony Barbarian.

That way the literacy thing is a non-issue...


Haha. Awesome.

Lord Foul II wrote:

Martial artists don't have to be lawful

With a trait you could be an NG monk
Using a RAW interpretation of the archetype you don't have to be lawful to be a monk of the four winds (one of my two favorite monk a archetypes, because, come on, who doesn't want to punch someone with their fist wrapped in fire or lightning!

As to my own inqueries
So if someone touches you, you're hosed because they'll be able to feel you are under an illusion... Well that sucks, but I can accept it,
Have you managed to look at the warlock class?

It's not automatic. If they touch you, they get a will save to disbelieve the illusion.

I haven't looked at Warlock yet. Yesterday was insane.

Is this changing of accounts going to be a regular thing?

The Morphling wrote:
I'd say that both the Synthesist and the Aegis aren't really fitting for My Little Pathfinder and I would prefer a different class. With that said, come up with an awesome concept that I love and I'll change my mind in a heartbeat.

I'll give it a shot, but it's fine if you have objections to them.

The Morphling wrote:
Monks can be of any alignment - none of the base classes other than Paladins are alignment-locked. The alignment restrictions are silly.

Good. Maybe he won't be a monk, but I had to try.

The Morphling wrote:

James Langley wrote:

I'm thinking that I'll play an Earth Pony Barbarian.

That way the literacy thing is a non-issue...


Haha. Awesome.

I appreciate your appreciation of that.

Ya know, though... I kind of like this idea anyway >.<

So, one Earth Pony Barbarian interested :)

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, a save on a level one spell, this makes infiltration, especially for something like a guard where combat is a thing, a joke. That said you're the DM, what you say goes,
A changling could make sense as an ageis or synthesist, play it up as an extension of their shape shifting ability,
Or maybe a unicorn could play as an Agies, flavor it as them pouring their magic into their armor,
... Don't know enough about crystal ponies, but in normal DnD crystals have a lot of thematic connection to psionics

Here's the concept:

A changeling outcast for not being an obedient drone: he freed some prisoners/food sources before they were drained, feeling like changelings could find another way. Tried hiding among the ponies, searching for a way to change changelings so they could be accepted, but wasn't very good at not overplaying his hand. Eventually was hunted into the badlands, where, delirious from lack of food and water he stumbled into an ancient rock/cave formation where long ago ponies met with (and maybe worshipped) chaos beings like Discord. A few of them were still watching, and when they read his mind and found out he wanted to change a status quo they decided to empower him with transformation magic so he could become more than what he was and show others the value of changing.

There are probably a number of different classes that could have this origin, so if you decide this isn't good enough to warrant a Synthesist that's okay because it won't be much of a loss.

Really quite excited about this! I'm imagining playing... probably a pegasi cleric? Or a changeling... something?

Shadow Lodge

Lotta interest in changelings

People like being unusual.

Shadow Lodge

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Except given so many people being "unusual" the pegasi and unicorns and earth ponies are in the minority.
I'm not critiquing, I just find it amusing.

I don't watch the show, but it looks like a lot of effort was put into this.

I may be interested, but on it's own merit as a game and setting, not through a tinted lens of someone who watches the show.

So long as mechanics and story is good, I'll play.

Shadow Lodge

This is unexpected, but not unwelcome,
Hey ice!

Well, so long as the story and mechanics are good, I'll play.

I'm not bias for or agaisnt ponies. I've never watched the show, nor do I care to- I rarely ever watch tv at all.

This seems like it could be an interesting and well thought out campaign, so I'm interested.
I'm not going to treat it any different then any other campaign.

I will admit, the name definitely caught my interest, however. Wouldn't have given it a second thought though if I hasn't noticed you had posted a response, though.

I mean, it's a new homebrew setting, with clear thought put into it. Good to see that.

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