GM Bold Strider's PFS 01-48 The Devil We Know, Part IV (Subtier 3-4) (Inactive)

Game Master rpblue

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The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

Thanks for running - Raevin has no major changes - just a few minor purchases.

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

Thanks. I really like the way the scenarios form a larger story arc. I'll be making some minor purchases tonight.

Two questions:
- Does the final fight of part 3 count as defeating an undead with CR equal to my level (2), for purposes of the Silver Crusade faction card?
- Is it correct that we earned the boon Bane of Swift Prison. It's not crossed out on the chronicle sheet, but I can't remember us misbehaving at the Swift.

-Posted with Wayfinder

@Mariel: Yes. Dalirio was your level. Also, you can cross out the Bane of Swift Prison. I just forgot to cross out it out.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Two Handed Fighter 2 / Invulnerable Rager Urban Barbarian 2| HP: 18/41 | AC: 15 16/17 DR/1 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMD: 20 | F: +9, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: controlled rage +4 Str, +2 Will (morale),

Hah! I was wondering about that too, but didn't question it...

Conlaoch will be level 3 now, so need to make some adjustments. Hope to be ready today or tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

1st: 2/3, Judgmt: 0/1, Ill touch: 5/5
Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10

Bevek's going to pick up a handy haversack, but no changes beyond that.

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

I might be enchanting my bow. Have to see how much $$ I have

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Kitsune (3.0A) Slayer (Stygian Slayer) | HP 22/22 | AC 18; T 14; FF 14 | F +3; R +7; W +0 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Init +6 | Perc +3 Wands: CLW 41/50

No changes for Amon.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Two Handed Fighter 2 / Invulnerable Rager Urban Barbarian 2| HP: 18/41 | AC: 15 16/17 DR/1 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMD: 20 | F: +9, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: controlled rage +4 Str, +2 Will (morale),

Conlaoch had a fair amount of gold, so he bought magic armor and had his nodachi enhanced. He also gained a barbarian level, and seems much more intimidating.

Start: 3244 gp
purchases: upgrade mw nodachi to +1 (2000gp), sell lamellar (-30gp), buy +1 lamellar (60+150+1000gp=1210 gp) - 3180 total
Remaining: 64 gold

Ready to continue, now.

Perception now +7, AC up to 16, HP up to 32

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Can't afford a magic weapon yet so I'll hold off on any purchases. Ready to go.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

I've swapped my regular buckler for a masterwork one. No other purchases, ready to go.

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

Leaving on a cruise tomorrow and will be gone a week... will have some limited internet access, but it's never good on board... feel free to bot me as necessary.

Sorry for the unexplained absence of more than 24 hours. Very unprofessional. I will not let it happen again.

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Well, we're not paying you, so... you're unprofessional by definition. :-p

Don't worry about it too much.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

1st: 2/3, Judgmt: 0/1, Ill touch: 5/5
Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10

I think this is about the third time Bold Strider has almost killed off Bevek. After a while, you kind of get used to it....

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Gm, I don't know if either of us were remembering this, but Fingalad does not have Precise Shot. That said, he does have the deadeye bowman trait that lets him ignore one source of soft cover.

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Kitsune (3.0A) Slayer (Stygian Slayer) | HP 22/22 | AC 18; T 14; FF 14 | F +3; R +7; W +0 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Init +6 | Perc +3 Wands: CLW 41/50

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Liberty's Edge

1st: 2/3, Judgmt: 0/1, Ill touch: 5/5
Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10

Happy holidays!

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

I hope all of you have a good day this Christmas, and all the holidays you may be celebrating this next week.

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

Happy new year, everyone!

The Exchange

Male Kitsune (3.0A) Slayer (Stygian Slayer) | HP 22/22 | AC 18; T 14; FF 14 | F +3; R +7; W +0 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Init +6 | Perc +3 Wands: CLW 41/50

Same to you!

You are in a major city, so finding anything to aid you in battle should be relatively simple. You cannot rest as you need to perform this mission today, but you have some time to gather some items if need be. Just let me know the plan with a post detailing how you start.

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

I'm all for continuing the search as fast as possible, but if there's any chance to get Bevek back with the group, I think we should take it. Is it possible to rez Bevek mid-scenario?

The koboldest of all the Bold Striders. | Also, Wayfinder GM for GM Bold Strider

It is possible.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Human Two Handed Fighter 2 / Invulnerable Rager Urban Barbarian 2| HP: 18/41 | AC: 15 16/17 DR/1 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMD: 20 | F: +9, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: controlled rage +4 Str, +2 Will (morale),

I think we should, then, considering he is prepared to be brought back. It isn't likely to be much fun for him to be carried as a corpse (although Weekend at Bernie's ideas do keep coming to mind....)

Plus, we might need to use him as a meat shield in the last battle... :)

The Exchange

Male Kitsune (3.0A) Slayer (Stygian Slayer) | HP 22/22 | AC 18; T 14; FF 14 | F +3; R +7; W +0 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Init +6 | Perc +3 Wands: CLW 41/50

Haha. Yes. Let's get him rezzed and continue this :)

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

That's fine with me

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

Bevek, still here?

Liberty's Edge

1st: 2/3, Judgmt: 0/1, Ill touch: 5/5
Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10

Yep, still here. Just playing dead. (snort, guffaw)

Silver Crusade

Male Human Two Handed Fighter 2 / Invulnerable Rager Urban Barbarian 2| HP: 18/41 | AC: 15 16/17 DR/1 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMD: 20 | F: +9, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: controlled rage +4 Str, +2 Will (morale),

I just looked it up, because I had no idea.

It seems that Bevek will need 2 restoration spells, but can't even get one until 1 week after the other. But it also appears that only the death needs to be resolved before end of scenario, and that is already done. So -2 to a bunch of stuff, and reduced HP.

Conloach would have happily pitched in to cast the first restoration, but his has little cash (64 gold) to offer, having spent > 3000 gp after the last scenario to get a magic weapon and armor. He could sell it off for half price, but that would suck. Or if allowed, happy to contribute what we earn on this job - but that doesn't help us until the end (and I am not entirely sure if that is allowed or not, but I think it is).

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

Also, we have to remember that we still have to foot the bill for all the potions we bought to deal with the elemental.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune (3.0A) Slayer (Stygian Slayer) | HP 22/22 | AC 18; T 14; FF 14 | F +3; R +7; W +0 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Init +6 | Perc +3 Wands: CLW 41/50

I will use some PP to help with 1 of Bevek's restorations at the end

Liberty's Edge

1st: 2/3, Judgmt: 0/1, Ill touch: 5/5
Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10

Don't sweat the restorations. Use your resources on yourselves. Assuming we complete this scenario successfully, I will have enough prestige to cover one of them. I should earn enough gold over the next scenario or two to cover the second one. So he'll only have to deal with the negative levels for one or two scenarios. Assuming he lives that long.

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Well, for one, Prestige is only so useful, and for two, we could use you at full capacity. I don't mind paying the 4 prestige for the other restoration.

-Posted with Wayfinder

You can only restore a negative level once every week. Bevek has restored one already and cannot restore the other until after the end of the scenario.

I will get a post up tomorrow. Been a busy weekend.

As a heads up, I will be taking the Illinois Bar Exam on Tuesday and Wednesday and travelling to Chicago on Monday. I am aiming to still get posts up, but I cannot promise that it will happen.

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

How did the exam go, Bold Strider? Or won't you get the result until (much) later?

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Polearms should be a part of every adventurer's kit; sometimes you just need one. ;-)

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

Just a heads up. I am posting this in all my games, so you may see it more than once.

I am leaving for a cruise at 2am on March 5th. I'll be on the road all night and arriving at the ship midday. I won't have internet access til sometime the night of the 5th... For the next 2 weeks, I will have spotty internet (wifi at sea isn't the best), and I'll probably only be checking in at night once a day. Please if my character needs to take action between my own posts, GM feel free to bot me as necessary.

Ship returns to port on March 19th, and I will resume normal posting on the 20th.

Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience my semi-absence may cause.

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Hopefully we're not all dead before you check in again. :)

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

I am back home again after a 2 week cruise, but I am very sick... caught something on the last day of the voyage. I will try to catch up on reading and posting in all my games by tonight but no guarantees... thanks for botting/waiting for me as needed.

Sorry about that. I am travelling at the moment and fully expected to be able to post over the last few days, but my luggage with the laptop and phone chargers got lost. I'm back now, though!

No worries, Raevin. I am just loathe to TPK with GMPCs, so that is why I am waiting longer than I normally would for posts. Get better!

The koboldest of all the Bold Striders. | Also, Wayfinder GM for GM Bold Strider

Sorry about the delay. Hectic few days. I should have the chronicles ready by tonight.

-Posted with Wayfinder


Let me know if anything is wrong!

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

Not sure but Raevin survived and went to get help for the others...does he still pay the 5pp for a rescue? if so, then the sheet is correct, and thanks for the game... if not, still thanks for the game but need a corrected chronicle...

Copy Paste error! My bad! Check in five minutes!

The Exchange

hp 31/31; AC 16, 14, 12; fort +3 refl +8, will +3; bab 3, melee 3, ranged 6; cmb 4 cmd 19; init +4; folio reroll 1/1 | aasimar rogue/4 | - 4 *
acrobatics 11 appraise 6 bluff 1 craft: alchemy 9 diplomacy 1 disable 10 disguise 3 escape 1 intim 1 know dungeon 8 know local 9 linguistics 11 perception 8 ride 4 sense mtv 3 sleight of hand 11 stealth 11 UMD 9

k thanks

Grand Lodge

Male NG Elf Stygian Slayer/Magus 2/3 - HP: 33 - AC:19/T:14/FF:15 - Fort:7, Ref:9, Will:4; +2 vs. enchantment - CMB:+7, CMD:21 - Speed:30 - Perception:+8 - Init: +6 - Arcane Pool (4) - Magus spells prepared: 0 (DC13): detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, open/close; 1 (DC14): blend, color spray, shocking grasp, vanish

Looks good to me, except you could notate the 5 PP I had to spend and any consumables I purchased that were consumed fighting the elemental?

-Posted with Wayfinder

It appears that I seem to have forgotten to include the expenditures for the Earth Elemental on your Chronicles.

If everyone can deduct 473 GP from their Chronicle, then that would be great!

Also, I forgot to annotate the Restoration for 4 PP from Amon and the 16 PP for Bevek. Can you two put those on yourselves? If you'd rather have me do it, then I will, but I think this would just save time overall.

Silver Crusade

"Silver Crusader". Half-Elf Oracle (Spirit Guide) 6 HP 20/48 | AC 24 21, T 10, FF 21 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +0 | Perception +12, Low-light. Spells per day left: 1st 2/7, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 0/4. Active conditions: Lead blades, Shield of Faith.

I got the chronicle, and will add the cost the consumables.

Thanks for running the series for us, Bold Strider.

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