Neronoxx |
Playing a Fighter in a homebrew campaign, and after an encounter with a foe he couldn't harm with physical weapons, he started to look into Wizardry.
Fighter 2/ Wizard 4
Str: 20
Dex: 17(+1 transmutation school)
Con: 17
Int: 17
Wis: 12
Cha: 11
Feats: Combat reflexes, Improved Initiative, Exotic weapon proficiency (Fauchard,) Power Attack, Toughness, Additional Traits (to pick up Magical Knack and Trustworthy)
Arcane School: Transmutation
Normal combat consists of usually going early in the order, casting Mage Armor and then moving into a tactical position. Enemies usually charge in and get stabbed, sometimes killed on the way in. After that, it's 5 foot steps and more stabbing until they are dead. if i can't get reach, the Cestus comes out to play. If mage armor is already up, shield or bull's strength are his next go-to's.
I was planning on going fighter 2, wizard 5, Eldritch Knight 10, wizard 3 and calling it good.
what kind of feats should i be taking? I was thinking of going into the Dimensional Agility feat chain, but is that going to be worth it?
revaar |
Wow, those are some stats! Rolled?
Have you read the Reach Cleric Guide? It won't 100% fit you, but there are a lot of good ideas to take from it.
For feats, you already have the real essentials for the combat side. For the other side of the equation, think like a caster. That means Metamagics, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, and ultimately, Spell Perfection. The Dimensional Agility Chain is pretty nice, but pretty feat heavy. Not sure I'd recommend it for you.
Neronoxx |
The only issue i have with the Swordsage idea is that for fluff purposes, i am using a reach weapon to fight, specifically a 2-handed polearm. This means I cannot use spell combat, and this in turn limits my usage of spell strike.
I was hoping for a 2 handed magus variant in the advanced class guide, but i can't complain really.