Reach Eldritch Knight


Playing a Fighter in a homebrew campaign, and after an encounter with a foe he couldn't harm with physical weapons, he started to look into Wizardry.
Fighter 2/ Wizard 4
Str: 20
Dex: 17(+1 transmutation school)
Con: 17
Int: 17
Wis: 12
Cha: 11
Feats: Combat reflexes, Improved Initiative, Exotic weapon proficiency (Fauchard,) Power Attack, Toughness, Additional Traits (to pick up Magical Knack and Trustworthy)
Arcane School: Transmutation

Normal combat consists of usually going early in the order, casting Mage Armor and then moving into a tactical position. Enemies usually charge in and get stabbed, sometimes killed on the way in. After that, it's 5 foot steps and more stabbing until they are dead. if i can't get reach, the Cestus comes out to play. If mage armor is already up, shield or bull's strength are his next go-to's.

I was planning on going fighter 2, wizard 5, Eldritch Knight 10, wizard 3 and calling it good.
what kind of feats should i be taking? I was thinking of going into the Dimensional Agility feat chain, but is that going to be worth it?

Not worth, you would like to take arcanist swordsage archetype, which lets you have the spellstrike magus ability wothout being magus.

Wow, those are some stats! Rolled?

Have you read the Reach Cleric Guide? It won't 100% fit you, but there are a lot of good ideas to take from it.

For feats, you already have the real essentials for the combat side. For the other side of the equation, think like a caster. That means Metamagics, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, and ultimately, Spell Perfection. The Dimensional Agility Chain is pretty nice, but pretty feat heavy. Not sure I'd recommend it for you.

Zilfrel Findadur wrote:
Not worth, you would like to take arcanist swordsage archetype, which lets you have the spellstrike magus ability wothout being magus.

I think you mean the blade adept archetype.

The only issue i have with the Swordsage idea is that for fluff purposes, i am using a reach weapon to fight, specifically a 2-handed polearm. This means I cannot use spell combat, and this in turn limits my usage of spell strike.
I was hoping for a 2 handed magus variant in the advanced class guide, but i can't complain really.

You can still use Spell Strike with a two handed weapon. You just can't use Spell Combat (which you only gain through Magus, not the archetype in question).

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