joeyfixit |
My small Gnome druid want's to ride on the shoulder of his Ape mount.
The rules say:
"If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a -5 penalty on your Ride checks."
This would appear to be open to interpretation, but I think even the most lenient GM's would rule that this applies to Apes.
But if I've raised the Ape from birth and he's completely used to me riding on his shoulders, and he's my Animal Companion, and I bought an exotic military saddle especially for him, shouldn't this negate the -5 "ill-suited" penalty?
Here's what I've put into Riding this guy:
One point in Ride plus +2 Dex.
Born Rider trait.
Exotic Military saddle - cancels out the "bareback" penalty and provides a +2 to "Ride checks related to staying in the saddle", which is another broad term.
So I'm seeing a +7 or possibly +9 to ride checks, which makes Mounted Combat totally worth it. But not if I still have that -5 cloud hanging over me.
Alex Cunningham |
Seems like, with traits and gear, you've done what any sensible person would do and tried your best to overcome the -5. As a GM, I would say that that doesn't make the -5 disappear, the same way bringing proper ropes and gear to a challenging climb doesn't suddenly make the wall less steep or treacherous.
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First off, kudos for an original idea. I have a question though... Is this for PFS? If so, you'll probably get stuck with the -5, since the GMs there have to stick to rules as written for consistency.
If it is for a private game, run it past your GM. My GM would laugh, enjoy your originality, and let you get away with it. Other GMs might be more frosty. But you won't know until you try.
I do want to see you riding your ape. What is his name?
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Considering some apes use their arms almost as another pair of legs, I don't know whey you don't put the saddle on the apes back.
I might try this image for a summoner one day.
I don't think you should get a free waiver on a -5 penalty just because you claim you hung out with your animal companion his whole life. Consider yourself lucky if you get it reduced from a -5 to a -3.
joeyfixit |
First off, kudos for an original idea. I have a question though... Is this for PFS? If so, you'll probably get stuck with the -5, since the GMs there have to stick to rules as written for consistency.
If it is for a private game, run it past your GM. My GM would laugh, enjoy your originality, and let you get away with it. Other GMs might be more frosty. But you won't know until you try.
I do want to see you riding your ape. What is his name?
The Gnome is a she named Bixby. The ape's name is Joseph Young.