I can't place an order

Customer Service

I am trying to purchase a shirt and I keep getting:

"Sorry, there was a problem handling your request. The system administrator has been notified.

Please contact customer.service@paizo.com if you continue to have difficulties."

This has been happening for over a week now. My address is correct as is my billing information. But when I attempt to place the order I get the above error. I have sent 2 emails, but have received no responses. Please fix this so I can make purchases. I intend to purchase not only a shirt, but several PDF's as well.

customer service is a little backed up right now. give them a little time and im sure they will fix the problem

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

I'm sorry for the delay in responding!

We are having some problems with the check out process, which the tech team is still looking into. If you would like, we can try to submit the order from our side. Please let us know if you want that done.


Thank you for responding. I will give it another week or so to see how things work out. If I still cannot order by then, we can try submitting it from your side.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

Sounds good! Thanks for your patience!

It appears whatever needed fixing worked. My order went through. Thank you.

Consider this issue solved.

I'm receiving this issue now as well.

i am as well

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