666bender |
DM agreed for all the faq of aasimar and SLA and early entry as cleric wizard and MT.
the divine is cleric for sure. not oracle.
the arcane part can be:
wizard: scribe for free, great spells choice.
witch : mix spell list, some hex.
sorcerrer (empryreal) for 1 ability slot onlt but few known spells.
i tend to like the wizard but willing to hear oprions:

ElSilverWind |

I vote Empryreal Sorcerer. Presuming you're using point buy, it'll let you dump/ignore Charisma and give you more points to put into Con, Dex, or even Int if you think that you'll need more skills.
Besides, mangaging the daily spell slots for 2 seperate prepared spell lists sounds exhausting. Just grab some core arcane spells that you plan on using a lot with your Sorceror list, and then cover the situational spells with your Cleric Spells. Also don't forget to leave prepared spell slots open so you can fill them in later in the day to be ready for unexpected emergencies.

Gilarius |

Witch is a poor choice for a MT simply because the hexes depend on witch levels for their DCs. And you don't get any new ones from MT levels.
Wizard works well. Sorceror lags behind wizard by one level already, so losing the Cleric level as well can hurt a bit, but overall it's just as good as being a wizard.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

If it were me, I would go Empryeal Sorc for the single casting stat. Plus it thematically works with cleric.
You would have the spontaneous sorc for spamming the always useful spells and the prepared cleric for the situational spells. I think MT would work best with a combo of spontaneous and prepared caster (there are valid arguments to disagree). This would also give the same casting stat.
I dislike dealing with the wizards spell book. Adding that to 2 prepared casting classes seems like an inordinate headache to me. But some people like dealing with that stuff.
Much of a witch's power comes from the hexes and you won't increase that. So it would be a poor choice.
I saw someone a few months ago that was trying to go MT from inquisitor and bard. I think that is just about as bad as it could get.

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From personal experience I have to suggest going the Emp Sorcerer route. Having the same casting stat is incredibly beneficial for an MT.
It gives the benefit of only having to buy a single type of headband vs. A dual stat one, your will save is astronomical, and it allows you to have a dump stat if needed.
My MT at level 9 with a 24 Wisdom will have 48 spells per day not including pearls of power (well their equivalent) for extra spells.

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The reason that I went with Cleric 1/Sorc 2 was so that I would be hitting spell levels at the same time and also so that my sorcerer levels wouldn't lag even farther behind. Essentially giving me new spell levels every odd level starting at 5. And that is the biggest problem with the class itself, you aren't very useful until 5 when you finally gain 2nd level spells.

Jeff W |

For the one I'm working on I ended up going Sorcerer 1/Oracle 2/Mystic Theurge. Arcane SLA from Aasimar and domain from Believer's Boon feat. The feat that gives two warpriest blessings should also work.
I'd be careful about using Believer's Boon for PFS. Technically, it only works once per day, so it might not qualify for spells the way that other SLAs do. Live by the RAW, die by the RAW and all.