numerian fluid: pfsop approved?

Pathfinder Society

Sczarni 2/5

the side effects seems complicated and involved, e.g. possibility of insanity, or immortality, among the random effects. according to hero lab, buying this item does set off the red flag -- "not allowed in pfs organized play."

i wanna build a pc based in the numerian fluid scavenger (numeria - land of fallen stars).


4/5 ****

Have you checked the Additional Resources page?

(The actual list of what's allowed)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

First place to check this kind of thing: Additional Resources.

EDIT: 9 seconds! Bah.

Sczarni 2/5

i found nothing on numerian fluid...



If it's not on the list, it isn't legal.

If you're looking for crazy random effects though, there's always the rod of wonder. You might be able to trade someone for their emerald elixir boon as well.

Silver Crusade 4/5

wyld wrote:

i found nothing on numerian fluid...


Most items aren't listed individually. There are a lot of books that list things like "All items on pages XX to YY, except ..." as legal. Assuming you own the book that contains this item (the Technology Guide? I don't know this one), look up that book's entry in the Additional Resources and see what it says.

Sczarni 2/5

Fromper wrote:
Most items aren't listed individually. There are a lot of books that list things like "All items on pages XX to YY, except ..."

yes, i aware of that. thanks. nothing on numeria - land of fallen stars --- yet?


In which case, not being on the list of additional resources, nothing from it is legal.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Some things never make it to the Additional Resources document (such as the GameMastery Guide). In those cases, nothing is legal for play (unless it is added at a later date).

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars is a great read, but it does not contain any player character options appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play. For that reason, it doesn't even show up on the Additional Resources page.

The Numerian fluids are inappropriate for organized play because of their variable nature. Much like rolled stats, roll hit points, and randomized aasimar traits, this option presents too irregular a gameplay experience. Some of the results are also beyond what the campaign is designed to handle, including many of the exceptional side effects.


Hopefully we might see some as boon. I would say "Who would be foolish enough to drink strange fluids" but this is the Pathfinder Society.

5/5 5/55/55/5

David Neilson wrote:
Hopefully we might see some as boon. I would say "Who would be foolish enough to drink strange fluids" but this is the Pathfinder Society.

Or the scenarios could put in strange fluids and arm removers for foolish players hoping to get a boon...

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David Neilson wrote:
I would say "Who would be foolish enough to drink strange fluids" but this is the Pathfinder Society.
Kingdom of Loathing wrote:
You think back to what your mother told you about strange liquids found in caves. You're pretty sure she said, "Drink it! What's the worst that could happen?"

5/5 5/55/55/5

apparently Kingdom of Loathing was raised by dwarves...

Sczarni 2/5

John Compton wrote:
The Numerian fluids are inappropriate for organized play because of their variable nature.

i guessed as much.

Grand Lodge 4/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
apparently Kingdom of Loathing was raised by dwarves...

Oddly, when I read the quote, it wound up sounding like a Jewish mother joke, with the accent and all.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Lol. "Dwoives".

He's delved too greedily and too deep, and seen things no dwarf was meant to see, and now he's drowning those memories in a sea of Numerian fluids.

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