lay on hands and sneak attack


Scarab Sages

lay on hands:
is there a way to gain lay on hands without taking levels of paladin?
if not,
is there a way for lay on hands to stack with another class?

sneak attack:
besides ninja, and rogue is their any other way to get sneak attack (or something of the equivalent)?

Dark Archive

I belive in the new class guide that came out, theres a feat chain that allows you to lay on hands equal to your cha modifier.(dont own the book, so cant look it up)

Once per day, and it requires you to be Lawful Good. Believer's Hands.

You can pickup Sneak Attack with the new Slayer class, Vivisectionist Alchemist, probably others I'm forgetting.

Scarab Sages

k, I'll look into them. :)

Shadow Lodge

For sneak attack, you can get the class feature through the Vivisectionist alchemist, the Slayer, the Precise Strike feat mimics it, the Greensting Slayer[Magus archetype], the Snakebite Striker[Brawler archetype], and the Strangler[Brawler archetype].

Scarab Sages

k, thanks :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also, Cult Leader Warpriest and Sanctified Slayer gain Sneak Attack.

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