[Interjection Games] Strange Magic Kickstarter launches August 28th!

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On August 28th, say goodbye to the shackles of Vancian magic with Strange Magic, a collection of exciting magic systems compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Written in association with Flying Pincushion Games and Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf, Strange Magic expands upon the Ethermagic, Musical Composition, and Truename Magic systems released by Interjection Games earlier this year with brand new base classes, archetypes, prestige classes, spells, and feats. To date, the number of spells present in this book is over 500 and is still growing by the day!

Additional custom art by Gary Dupuis, archetypes, prestige classes, and even base classes will be added to the book at regular funding intervals, and announcements will be made as to what we desperately cook up if this happens faster than we expected. In short, if this Kickstarter takes off, the end product will become the sort of book that makes brave bookshelves weep - even the oak ones.

Also, profit sharing! Once we've hit a magic point somewhere around double funding and I've got the money needed to stay alive while making Strange Magic my primary goal, 15% of all profit will be split amongst the people who helped create the thing. If my math is correct, I'll be paying better than Paizo itself somewhere around the $15,000 mark, and I'd love to see the look on everyone's faces when those sorts of bonus checks come rolling in!

For those who already have the original PDFs - what's new?


What is it? - Ethermagic is a magic system that is defined by its plasticity and its inexhaustibility. Simply put, you have a spell point pool, a regeneration rate per round, and can build spells on the fly from various pieces, or manifestations, rather than being forced to prepare spells ahead of time.

Ethermagus - Tap into the infinite power of the ether, summon your void blade, and start etherstriking with the ethermagus, an alternate class by Jason Linker of Flying Pincushion Games! This class features the brand new voidmeld etherheart, which allows the ethermagus to customize his personal void blade on the fly, as well as a number of ways to choke the fight out of his foes with the force of the ether itself. And yes, your void blade can go way past +5 without a problem. The ether does not subscribe to your pitiful physics.

Etherslinger - In the icy blackness of space, nobody can outsmart bullet. Written by Endzeitgeist himself, the etherslinger alternate class is a deconstruction of the gunslinger with some ethermagic thrown in for good measure. Gone are the days of having to go into melee because bullets are prohibitively expensive. Instead, pull some energy out of the void, load it into the chamber, and start firing! Grit and ether points combine to allow for a complex resource management game, while a new talent system replaces autogranted gunslinger deeds and allows for powerful customization from etherslinger to etherslinger.

Heralds of the Multiverse - The heralds of creation, madness, and the void are a series of archetypes for the ethermancer base class that each have their own explanation for the way the universe is. Are you the celestial protector and superhero, the servant of elder abominations, or the selfish egotist?

More feats, manifestations, and greater manifestations!

Musical Composition

What is it? - Musical composition allows for the creation of custom musical scores. Each score is made up of an intro, which triggers when conducting begins, a number of stackable melodies, which provide their function for the duration of the performance, and an outro, which triggers when the performance ceases.

Cantor - Sick of the orchestra? Lead the choir! Written by Jason Linker, the cantor base class puts away the arcane bells and whistles of the maestro and instead picks up a number of divine tricks all her own. Complete with her own composition and opus lists, the cantor brings the idea of musical composition full-circle. Just as the bard straddles arcane and divine magic, so too follow the composers.

Arranger - Whenever one man makes a masterpiece, others start arranging it in an effort to show that they could have done it better. This archetype for the maestro base class allows you to do just that - add melodies to your opuses to prove that you know the way the 1812 Overture should have ended.

Virtuoso - Why compose when you can also play? This archetype for the maestro and cantor base classes does away with the ability to cast, but grants the ability to make bardic performances instead. Achieve total aural saturation by conducting a score and performing a bardic performance all at the same time!

More compositions and opuses!

Truename Magic

What is it? - A from-the-ground up reconstruction of the classic 3.5 system with entirely new core, metamagic, and spell systems, classes using Interjection Games' truename magic use pseudo-Concentration checks in order to cast spells. Flexible metamagic, called inflections, allows for the application of special modifiers, such as faster casting or additional targets, to any spell, called recitations, that the class can cast; however, as casting gets harder the more a specific spell has been cast per day, and as using inflections increases the rate at which a spell gets harder, using these inflections literally dumps the caster's resources up to five times faster than casting without. Combined with copious resources provided by lower level recitations that get easier and easier to cast, but do not scale with level, this new truenamer is perfect for those players who love to spam numerous effects and chain combos in order to keep up with the party. It's dynamic. It's rewarding. But, as the abilities never scale, it's never overpowered.

Savant of Heart and Mind - Most truenamers fight long and hard to learn how to think like a thing or like a place so that they may leverage the various codices that reference them. Some few simply end up being too alive to do so and focus on the Codex of Heart and Mind, the tome of First Language knowledge that concerns itself with living things. True masters of that codex, savants of heart and mind, a truenamer archetype, deal exclusively in its recitations and are known to have a vast vocabulary in that area of expertise.

"Babylonian/Cthulhu Base Class" - Endzeitgeist hasn't written it yet, but, from what notes we have, this base class reaches out to Lovecraftian horrors existing beyond time and space and leverages their power to force the universe to conform to the class' will.

More recitations!

I will be backing this too it seems; right when I think I'm in the clear they pull me right back in.

Very excited for this. Good luck!

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OmNomNid wrote:
I will be backing this too it seems; right when I think I'm in the clear they pull me right back in.

Bit of bad news for you, chief. The price went up $5 to pay for Endzeitgeist's contribution, but I honestly believe both you and I are getting a bargain for his brain.

Smoo979 wrote:
Very excited for this. Good luck!

Thank you, Smoo. I'll be honest, even with the help I've pulled in, I'm utterly terrified. My breath will be held until we're about $1,000 past funded.

I'm up for this - I have 2 of the three originals, and love the idea of more, and it lets me pick up the Musical Composition stuff as a bonus.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Definitely going to back this, of course.

I think I'll back this. Having completely different mechanics for each class is what I like about the d20 system, and Paizo products have completely failed to deliver distinct classes.

I happen to have seen the majority (and am writing for it) and believe me - a) the classes are distinct, expanded, feel different (all had playtesting in my group) and provide options to tinker galore. The base classes were awesome - now, they'll get the big time polish.

And from what I've seen and done, this will be GLORIOUS.

I may tease a bit once the KS starts...

Scarab Sages

Does this stand alone, or will you need the three original core products, to be able to use the material?

This will be stand alone - all necessary rules will be in here. Consider this the definite tome on the topics.

Oooh a launch date! And I finally have a bit of cash!

On rules I will say this - Interjection Games class rules are never boring!

I've like most of them that I have read... and the ones I may not have liked have nothing to do with rules, but flavor and style.

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Endzeitgeist wrote:
I happen to have seen the majority (and am writing for it) and believe me ...

That should be a new superlative in your reviews "Liked it enough that I wrote something for it"

Snorter wrote:
Does this stand alone, or will you need the three original core products, to be able to use the material?

Hey there, Snorter!

This book will be totally standalone and contain ALL of the original content from the original PDFs, including the expansions. Further, I'm going to be thinking long and hard before adding more material to these classes in the future. Once it's out in hardcover, there needs to be one hell of an idea to justify breaking the authoritative nature of the book.

For those who have the original PDFs and don't want the new content for everything, I'll also be cooking up a series of three PDFs that split the new content up for those who want their expansion material piecemeal. You can back these piecemeal bits during the Kickstarter, but there will be no print option. To clarify, Strange Magic itself will have print options.

Lord Mhoram wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:
I happen to have seen the majority (and am writing for it) and believe me ...
That should be a new superlative in your reviews "Liked it enough that I wrote something for it"

I'm still hoping he'll get around to translating the tinker innovations he did up in German some day.

So will the pledge still be for the PDF + a coupon for at-cost printing? Or did you decide on something different?

Also glad I now have a date to save my pennies for. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
El Ronza wrote:

So will the pledge still be for the PDF + a coupon for at-cost printing? Or did you decide on something different?

Also glad I now have a date to save my pennies for. :D

Exactly. It's one pledge fits all, unless you want to have a custom archetype or prestige class written up for you. $25 nets you the PDF, and those who buy the PDF can choose to buy a softcover or hardcover at cost when it becomes available.

Interjection Games wrote:
El Ronza wrote:

So will the pledge still be for the PDF + a coupon for at-cost printing? Or did you decide on something different?

Also glad I now have a date to save my pennies for. :D

Exactly. It's one pledge fits all, unless you want to have a custom archetype or prestige class written up for you. $25 nets you the PDF, and those who buy the PDF can choose to buy a softcover or hardcover at cost when it becomes available.

Perfect. I'll be in for that!

Couldn't you have announced this a few days earlier? I bought the Ethermancer and the Maestro after Gencon ended :-(

Oliver Volland wrote:
Couldn't you have announced this a few days earlier? I bought the Ethermancer and the Maestro after Gencon ended :-(

You didn't pick up the truenamer, so I'm pretty sure you'll still get your money's worth if you're a backer, Oliver. Tell you what, though, if you go in at the $25 level, I'll be happy to bump you up to the $35 level.

Alright, this post constitutes proof that I am who I say I am for the purpose of signing up to the Reddit Ask Me Anything calendar. I understand I am not supposed to talk about the Kickstarter that takes up most of the rest of this thread, even though it's my motivation for maximizing exposure in the near future, during the Ask Me Anything unless somebody else specifically asks about it and that the subject of the talk should instead be my overall game design career.

I'd also be exceptionally appreciative if somebody who works here could back me up and say that I yam what I yam.

Interjection Games wrote:
I'm still hoping he'll get around to translating the tinker innovations he did up in German some day.

Well shoot, if you needed people translating things into German, why didn't you just say so before?? I do that kind of stuff like... every day.

Changing Man wrote:
Interjection Games wrote:
I'm still hoping he'll get around to translating the tinker innovations he did up in German some day.
Well shoot, if you needed people translating things into German, why didn't you just say so before?? I do that kind of stuff like... every day.

From German, mate. He wrote a bunch of innovations for a tribe of... kobolds, I think it was, and then proceeded to make his party miserable for awhile.

Interjection Games wrote:
From German, mate. He wrote a bunch of innovations for a tribe of... kobolds, I think it was, and then proceeded to make his party miserable for awhile.

That's even easier (for me at least), since that's what I usually get paid to do- translate German texts into English. But they're usually academic texts, rather dry and boring stuff, with all the NDA whatnot, since a lot of academics don't want people actually knowing just how horrid their linguistic skills truly are...

Strange Magic is LIVE!

Ha, I seem to be the first...Early Contributor level. No ideas for now, but seemed like a good deal.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Sweet. Glad to see it up. Take my money!

Thank you, thank you! After eleven hours of setting that campaign up, I'm in no state to produce anything new, anyway. Ruminate on it - I'll start poking tomorrow!

Backed and looking forward to this.

Thank you, Malcolm!

Backed the KS and can't wait to see the new material.

I'll work to get an ethermagic beta put together by the end of the drive. If I remember correctly, the etherslinger needs another round or two of language workout, and greater manifestations needs a bit more bulking up.

On the plus side, ethermagic now features a gravity well! Little stone well and bucket, scoop up gravity and splash it on targets to stagger them.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

And pledged.

Dark Archive

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I'm so incredibly excited that this is live and I can talk about it. Bradley is one of the most talented and innovative developers in the business and I've been so incredibly appreciative of the opportunity to collaborate on this project.

The ethermagus is going to be a boat load of fun to play and the cantor is a cool new way to play divine support for your party.

I'm looking at the kick starter page now and I see we're already almost a quarter funded. That's humbling for me as a guest writer. I suspect Brad is quietly weeping right now.

I got in as backer number seven!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

There goes one of the Great Illuminator level...

YuenglingDragon wrote:


I'm so incredibly excited that this is live and I can talk about it. Bradley is one of the most talented and innovative developers in the business and I've been so incredibly appreciative of the opportunity to collaborate on this project.

The ethermagus is going to be a boat load of fun to play and the cantor is a cool new way to play divine support for your party.

I'm looking at the kick starter page now and I see we're already almost a quarter funded. That's humbling for me as a guest writer. I suspect Brad is quietly weeping right now.

Quietly weeping? Are you kidding me? I'm sweating like a fat man and dialing every friend I've neglected to talk to for the last six months while squeeing like a Justin Beiber fangirl. :)

Best get your proud papa look down pat, Mr. Linker. I do believe your "actually balanced +12 sword of death" is going to hit a fairly decent audience.

Aleron wrote:
There goes one of the Great Illuminator level...

Ladies and gentlemen, the printing price of your book just went up 25-30 cents.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Interjection Games wrote:
Aleron wrote:
There goes one of the Great Illuminator level...
Ladies and gentlemen, the printing price of your book just went up 25-30 cents.

You're welcome. :)

Dark Archive

Lindley Court wrote:
You're welcome. :)

If I do something silly like have another kid, I'm naming it after you.

Just backed as a defining scholar, and I'm guessing backer #14

Paizo Employee Design Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
YuenglingDragon wrote:


I'm so incredibly excited that this is live and I can talk about it. Bradley is one of the most talented and innovative developers in the business and I've been so incredibly appreciative of the opportunity to collaborate on this project.

The ethermagus is going to be a boat load of fun to play and the cantor is a cool new way to play divine support for your party.

I'm looking at the kick starter page now and I see we're already almost a quarter funded. That's humbling for me as a guest writer. I suspect Brad is quietly weeping right now.

Seeing your name on there is a big part of why I went for the $100 pledge :)

Smoo979 wrote:
Just backed as a defining scholar, and I'm guessing backer #14

#13, actually. Care to go for a luck-based prestige class?


I know Jason's Ethermagus. It's awesome. The same goes for the new content for the base classes...oh boy. And I'm *incredibly* excited that Bradley lets me play in his systems.

Ladies and gentlemen, believe me when I tell you that the Etherslinger I've made will make for a unique, cool playing experience. My group's former gunslinger fan never wants to touch a vanilla gunslinger again after playing this one.

Oh, and my Scions of Discordia will be very, very nasty...

*Hoping this I'll be the success the awesome mechanics deserve*

Maybe, I need to analyze all the systems a little more first.

Dark Archive

Ssalarn wrote:

Seeing your name on there is a big part of why I went for the $100 pledge :)

You're the %^&#*@$ best.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

YuenglingDragon wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:

Seeing your name on there is a big part of why I went for the $100 pledge :)
You're the %^&#*@$ best.

Shut up, I know it! :)

I'm just building up credit for when I ask you to run the materials for my upcoming DSP release (not Akashic Mysteries) through your balance-testing boot-camp.

Besides with the amazing work you did on Into the Breach: The Witch, only a fool wouldn't be interested in throwing whatever money they might otherwise spend on optional things like food and gas at this project. /shameless plug for a friend

Interjection Games wrote:
Oliver Volland wrote:
Couldn't you have announced this a few days earlier? I bought the Ethermancer and the Maestro after Gencon ended :-(
You didn't pick up the truenamer, so I'm pretty sure you'll still get your money's worth if you're a backer, Oliver. Tell you what, though, if you go in at the $25 level, I'll be happy to bump you up to the $35 level.

Okay, thank you. I've pledged :-)

Oliver Volland wrote:
Interjection Games wrote:
Oliver Volland wrote:
Couldn't you have announced this a few days earlier? I bought the Ethermancer and the Maestro after Gencon ended :-(
You didn't pick up the truenamer, so I'm pretty sure you'll still get your money's worth if you're a backer, Oliver. Tell you what, though, if you go in at the $25 level, I'll be happy to bump you up to the $35 level.
Okay, thank you. I've pledged :-)

Yep, #8. Good! I'm glad to see the inspiration for the early bird level is indeed an early bird.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Say, if someone backing for a $100+ level pledge has some 3rd-party freelancing experience, would it be plausible for them to be a bit more direct in the assistance of the creation of the new content? Not directly write it, but be a bit more in-depth with stuff? (I ask because I've done some freelancing in the past and am helping design a class for Liber Influxus Communis through a similar pledge type)

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