Malikii411 |
Im making a pathfinder lvl 9 unaversalist wizard Ratfolk for a pick up game(all small creatures) and I need advice on a build, I want a really good utility character that is usefull in all situations, in our party we have Ratfolk Artificer, a Dhampire Rouge/Barbarian (shrunk permanentally by amulet), a Gnome Cleric, a Gnome Sorcerer, and a Halfling Calvalier, we will all be riding wolfes as our mounts, if that effects anything. I play Chaotic Neutral because I think its the best way to look out for #1 without being compelled to throw my self in harms way or throw a teamate in harms way, any advice you can give me will help immensly just a spell build and items to get at start, or work towards getting. its a super high dungeon/ magic item/ Dragon. campaign my DM is making up as he goes.

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Hi Malikii, welcome to the boards. : )
First off, while it is tempting to be able to do everything, you really are better off if you pick at least one area to focus in. Most of the arcane schools grant powerful abilities, as well as one bonus spell slot of every level you can cast (I can't overstate how good this is!); the universalist doesn't have much to offer next to that. You can also take the Opposition Research feat if you want, so that you only have one banned school. Remember, even if you pick something as an opposed school, you can still prep spells from it by using two slots.
What does the gnome sorcerer specialize in? Whatever it is, I would suggest picking that as an opposed school, and picking a favored school that does something no one else in the party can do. If you really don't know what to pick, I'm always a fan of Conjuration or Transmutation - there are a lot of really good spells in both schools that are almost always useful. If you pick Illusion or Enchantment, you may find yourself out of luck against undead and other mindless foes, especially if your campaign leans towards a dungeon crawl.
Here are some other recommendations that are generally good all-around, though.
Improved Initiative
Spell Focus
Improved Familiar
Combat Casting
Craft Wondrous Item
Fast Study
Skill Focus
Iron Fortitude
Metamagics (Silent, Persistent, Empowered, etc.)
Pearls of Power
Cloak of Resistance
Metamagic rods
Headband of Intelligence
Belt of Physical Perfection (Dex and Con)
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Handy Haversack
Tree Feather Token
Potions of Cure Moderate/Serious Wounds
Potions of Lesser Restoration

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Use overland flight, and stay invisible a lot, and you should be OK. I like to take traits that gives me stealth and perception as class skills - this lets me keep a low profile and see trouble coming. Use magic items to enhance these skills.
Conjurer teleportation specialization is really good for this, because you can almost always teleport out of trouble as a using the Shift ability as a free action that doesn't require a concentration check.
Staying invisible and casting summoning spells is a standard trick - since they can fight and not disrupt your invisibility - I don't like this much in my party because it's a large party and it tends to bog down play, but it's a solid tactic.
Use reduce person to get tiny, so you are harder to see/hit.
Stick with battlefield control - this tends to make you appear to be less of a threat and therefore less of a target.
Try to develop a style of play that you enjoy - if you want to blast, then none of this stuff matters much. If you want to do battlefield control, you can be pretty subtle.

Malikii411 |
the sorcerer is a necromancer, and our artificer can craft wounderous items so what would you suggejest I put in place of that feat? and besides the pearls and tree token are those items easily obtained through shops? oh also my ratfolk will horde magic items so anything that helps me locate them would also rock :D and tysm for your advice I think imma go
Conjuration - Transmutation, could you recomend any spells specifically from these classes that would be of extra use?

Malikii411 |
also I want to be utility maybe not battlefield controll or blast em dps, just make my party thankful my toon is there. obviously I wanna be somewhat useful in combat, lets face it most pathfinder games we play are 70% battles anyway, but when your stuck between an abyssal demon and a lava pit id like to be the one to save the day out of nowhere, maybe not kill the guy but live to fight another day, or just make the dungeons generally easier on the party

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Haha, you're going to have to pick one or the other, I'm afraid. :p Some strong spells from each:
1st: Obscuring Mist, Grease
2nd: Create Pit, Glitterdust, Web
3rd: Aqueous Orb, Stinking Cloud, Sleet Storm
4th: Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Infernal Healing (Greater), Summon Monster IV
5th: Teleport, Cloudkill, Wall of Stone, Major Creation, Summon Monster V
6th: Ice Crystal Teleport, Summon Monster VI, Acid Fog
1st: Enlarge/Reduce Person, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat
2nd: Bear's Endurance, Knock, Pyrotechnics, Spider Climb
3rd: Burrow, Fly, Haste, Shrink Item, Slow
4th: Earth Glide, Obsidian Flow, Stone Shape, Beast Shape II
5th: Overland Flight, Baleful Polymorph, Fickle Winds, Passwall, Telekinesis, Elemental Body II, Transmute Rock to Mud
6th: Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Enemy Hammer, Form of the Dragon I, Undead Anatomy III
There are a few divination spells that might help you find things. Detect Magic, obviously, but also stuff like Detect Secret Doors or Locate Object.
Those are all standard fare for magic shops, though stuff like the Ring of Freedom of Movement might be over the pay grade of most shops.
also I want to be utility maybe not battlefield controll or blast em dps, just make my party thankful my toon is there. obviously I wanna be somewhat useful in combat, lets face it most pathfinder games we play are 70% battles anyway, but when your stuck between an abyssal demon and a lava pit id like to be the one to save the day out of nowhere, maybe not kill the guy but live to fight another day, or just make the dungeons generally easier on the party
Either of those schools will work great with this. Many conjuration spells can affect the battlefield with NO save for the enemies - putting up strategic Walls of Stone can completely change the flow of a battle. Transmutation's buffs are also 100% guaranteed to work - your party would probably love you even if you did nothing but hand out Fly and Haste all day long.

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Some spells that are useful let see:
Permanency + Enlarge Person: do it on your fighter/melee guys, permanently large.
If they took the feat, Animal Soul from the ACG, you might want to consider using Animal Growth instead of Enlarge Person.
Wall of Force or Wall of Stone, I prefer wall of stone because how many ways you can shape it.
Teleport, always useful to get out of sticky situations.
Planar Binding Lesser: Summon an outsider, pay him to do a job for you.
Phantom Chariot: travel in style with your party.
Confusion: Underrated spell...
and the rest of the other spells, heh depend what you want to do.

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Sorry, that's houserule stuff. There's a spell called Create Demiplane, and with the greater version you can affect the time flow inside it; but only half or double time, and you need to be a 17th level wizard to cast it.
You can read about the properties of the outer planes here.
Flowing Time
On some planes, the flow of time is consistently faster or slower. One may travel to another plane, spend a year there, and then return to the Material Plane to find that only 6 seconds have elapsed. Everything on the plane returned to is only a few seconds older. But for that traveler and the items, spells, and effects working on him, that year away was entirely real. When designating how time works on planes with flowing time, put the Material Plane's flow of time first, followed by the flow in the other plane.