Adventure Ideas for a Wedding Event


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Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am GMing a Pathfinder RPG game and we are going through the Rise of the Runelords Campaign. Currently, we are in a lull period between chapters, because I want to get them a bit more experience before continuing. I can also take this time to allow them to clean up a few loose ends and I can throw a couple of red-herrings their way. The characters are all level 6-7. One of the character's back story has them getting married. The character, Joseph, is a lesser noble who is marrying the daughter of another lesser noble. The whole grand affair will be very posh and will take place in Magnimar surrounded by gentry and upper class folk from all over the city.

I will be dedicating an entire 10-12 hour game session (we only game once a month) to the various festivities leading up to the wedding and the wedding itself. Lots of role-playing opportunities, but I want a bit more. Some sort of mystery might be appropriate. I am looking for ideas of what I can throw into the week of the wedding without actually ruining the event.

The characters in the party are:
- Joseph - A male Varisian Fighter [NG] (the lesser noble getting married. His family is in warehousing business)
- Ulfgar - A male dwarf ranger [CG] (Raised by a Shoanti tribe, he is rediscovering his dwarven heritage)
- Adonis - A male half-elf fighter [NG] (Ex Magnimar Military who aspires to nobility. Being 1/2 elf is a barrier)
- Belanor - A male elf wizard [summoner] [CN] (Power hungry personality who I expect might join the dark side if promised the right things)
- Tizra - An female elf druid [snake shaman] [CN] (Priest of the Grean Faith and somewhat of a druggie with all the "Herbs" she uses)
- Talisha - A female Varisian Rogue [NG] (A practitioner of Harrow Readings and very attuned to spirits and haunts)
- Jana - A female Varisian Cleric of Gozreh [LN] (A down to earth river barge captain with man issues)

There are three major events planned so far:
1. The Wedding Harrowing - Four days before the wedding, the couple along with family and friends march along the street in festive clothing to eventually end up at the home of the elder Harrower. Along the way, lots of passers by join in and all sing and dance as they are going along. When they get to the home of the Harrower, the couple go inside along with the Bride's best friend and the Groom's best friend. The Harrow Reading is performed and they exit the home. Then all go to a per-arranged tavern/hall and party most of the night away.

2. The Ball - Two nights before the wedding, there is a grand ball where everyone shows up in their finest clothes. It is a very formal affair.

3. The Ceremony - This will be the actual wedding ceremony performed in the Temple of Sarenrae officiated by the high priest.

Any and all ideas are welcome.


Liberty's Edge

I, for one, would go for the "fun" quests.
The cake was stolen! Where could it be?
The Flowers dried up, and you need to get a (fill the blank here) to revive them!
The dress is ruined! Who can cast mending RIGHT NOW!
One of the family got really drunk, and now is missing!
And, of course:

Silver Crusade

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Does the bride have an identical twin sister?

The wedding rings/altar are Mimics. The bride's eccentric aunt is a follower of Lamashtu and keeps trying to make "improvements" to the cake/dress, the party needs to stop her without risking alienating her.

In the lead up to the wedding, the priest seems a bit off, during the ball,a cacophony arises, what's going on out on the pati- OH NO! THE PRIEST WAS A HUECUVA AND ATE COUSIN JIMMY!

Sovereign Court

A succubus or an incubus could cause quite a stir during a ceremony like that. Maybe even better a succubus and incubus dynamic duo, like the Succubus seducing the husband while the incubus seduces the bride. The pcs in the middle trying to stop the strange new charismatic couple.

Silver Crusade

There's a Pathfinder Society scenario that takes place at a wedding - The Blackros Matrimony. You can't follow it exactly, given that the PCs are participants in the wedding, rather than just guests, but you could still use it as a source of inspiration.

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Another suitor shows up and challenges the groom for possession of the bride. Maybe this is an armed challenge, maybe this is a legal challenge... ("she was betrothed to me first! I have a betrothal contract!")

An infestation of mephits gets into the kitchen. Can the PCs drive them out without blowing up the place?

An old witch shows up, angry at not being invited -- can the PCs deal with or distract her before she curses the wedding rings?

A bunch of beggars show up and pester everyone for largesse. (Give them food and they go away...). Or maybe the King of the Beggars shows up and says this will happen unless the PCs pay him something...

An angel, or other servant of the PCs' patron gods, shows up to bless the ceremony -- but one of the guests thinks the angel is after him and starts a fight.

An angel shows up disguised as a beggar and sees what the PCs will do. Secret Test of Character, anyone?

A devil shows up to deliver a message to the Pcs. Nasty hijacks MIGHT ensue, particularly if the PCs are anything less than strictly polite. (The devil shows up with a copy of Emily Cross's book on famous etiquette blunders under its arm -- verbum sap.!)

A belligerent champion of Goum shows up and wants to start a wild wrestling match in honor of the wedding. Does anyone take up his challenge?

A delegation of peasants shows up to beg for the customary lightening of feudal dues for a year in honor of the wedding.... Is there such a custom? Well, they think there is.

A gnome subtler shows up with a whole pile of gifts to sell to the other wedding participants. Including a really POTENT bottle of ale that somehow gets into the punch.

Someone casts animate object on the wedding cake. Can the PCs defeat the monster without destroying the cake? (The cake has AC 5 and vulnerability to bite attacks, but its hits also do Charisma damage.)

The caterer's entire staff came down wth food poisoning the morning of the baking... What do the PCs do?

Further recommended reading: Barbara Hambly, Stranger at the Wedding

Perhaps some guests are beset upon by bandits on their way to the wedding from far off, the bride insists her uncle Benja Minsrice be present for the wedding, and tasks her beloved husband to get him back.

Someone has been spreading rumours about the bride's... promiscuity. She's clearly upset about such slander, can the PCs track down the source and make the slanderer reneg? Maybe the slanderer happens to turn out to be her cousin, and the PCs can't rough him up, requiring a more... subtle approach.

An arcane trickster has opted to use the event to highlight her skills, chaos ensues.

The star performer has been held up in Sandpoint, and is kind of a jerk, the PCs need to recover him and tear him away from his fans/drinking/fly leaf.

Naturally at the party, I imagine there'll be drinking, and thus drunkeness, and maybe the party needs to make gradually increasingly difficult fort saves, or risk becoming drunken fools.

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I saw this thread and hoped it was about how to work running a Pathfinder game into a real-life wedding.

Anyone have any good ideas on that front, I'm getting hitched in a few weeks and would take all the advice you got. Bride demanded a 2-foot diameter inflatable d20 be involved in the ceremony somehow and I haven't yet solved that one.

Sovereign Court

Alex Cunningham wrote:

I saw this thread and hoped it was about how to work running a Pathfinder game into a real-life wedding.

Anyone have any good ideas on that front, I'm getting hitched in a few weeks and would take all the advice you got. Bride demanded a 2-foot diameter inflatable d20 be involved in the ceremony somehow and I haven't yet solved that one.

The dungeon is the cake...not sure how much that would cost to make a dungeon wedding cake but it would be pretty epic.

I think I am going with the following:

The body of a young woman is found dead in her home a couple of days before the wedding ball. Upon investigation by the town guard it appears she died of natural causes. When the undertaker is preparing the body he finds a hole in the back of her throat, which leads to him learning that her skull is completely empty. Being superstitious and a devout worshiper of Abadar, he call in his local priest to bless the body.

Young Priest Francisco Gallant is somewhat of a savant in that he never forgets anything he reads. He remembers from his years at the monastery reading something about a similar case and how it lead to nearly a dozen deaths before discovery of a creature known as an Intellect Devourer.

He takes his theory to the High Priest and the Council of Elders at main the Temple who are secretly aware of the existence of these creatures in Magnimar and how difficult they are to locate and destroy. Priest Gallant is thanked for his astute discovery and sent back to his parish. "We will look into this", he is told.

The council then informs an elite team of five people who have been charged with investigating, hunting and trying to destroy these creatures. The team consists of five 8-9 level characters who are specialized and educated for this type of work. They have been doing this type work for the last three years. The team is code named Foxhound.

Foxhound learns that the victim was employed by a high-end kitchen, who prepares food for the wealthy for special events. The next such special event on their schedule is the Visdorn-McKlintock Wedding. The team decides to infiltrate the wedding to try to locate the Intellect Devourer and kill it. Considering that this event will have some of the wealthiest and most influential people in Magnimar in attendance, secrecy is paramount.

Imagine all the things going on behind the scenes at the ball (much like the second Back to the Future movie) with the PCs noticing things going on, but not exactly sure what it is. When one of the PCs discovers another dead body in a closet, they are about to raise the alarm when Foxhound stops them. To raise the alarm would cause the ID to flee.

Slowly, all the PCs are brought into the hunt except for the Groom who is too busy and preoccupied. If the ID is discovered, a fight breaks out inside one of the side rooms of the temple just before the wedding ceremony begins. If they keep the ID from getting out of the room and kill it, then the wedding will continue without disruption. Otherwise, things could get a bit chaotic.

Think of the stories the PCs will have to tell the groom when he comes back from the honeymoon.

What do you think?

Some major noble shows up for the wedding and some of his 'friends' decide it's a good time for him to take a long 'nap'.

FIRE! A major fire breaks out during one of the events. Rescue the people and help put it out. What started it could be anything from a accident, a escaped fire element, to being deliberately set.

2 of the major figures in the city get involved in a heated (comes to blows) argument and it threatens to disrupt the wedding as they demand the wedding participants take sides.

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The band starts playing Rains of Castamere.

Alex Cunningham wrote:

I saw this thread and hoped it was about how to work running a Pathfinder game into a real-life wedding.

Anyone have any good ideas on that front, I'm getting hitched in a few weeks and would take all the advice you got. Bride demanded a 2-foot diameter inflatable d20 be involved in the ceremony somehow and I haven't yet solved that one.

I went to a wedding recently where the bride and groom were married by their GM who performed the ceremony from behind his Pathfinder screen. I told them they should roll a wedding skill check but the groom said he'd just take twenty.

Humphrey Boggard wrote:
Alex Cunningham wrote:

I saw this thread and hoped it was about how to work running a Pathfinder game into a real-life wedding.

Anyone have any good ideas on that front, I'm getting hitched in a few weeks and would take all the advice you got. Bride demanded a 2-foot diameter inflatable d20 be involved in the ceremony somehow and I haven't yet solved that one.

I went to a wedding recently where the bride and groom were married by their GM who performed the ceremony from behind his Pathfinder screen. I told them they should roll a wedding skill check but the groom said he'd just take twenty.

+1 for that idea, and another +1 for the name "Humphrey Boggard".

Some noble close enough to the families involved has pissed off fey creatures. The bride and groom and wedding party make their entrance to the reception. The fey creatures have basically taken the place of the wait staff, guests are alseep or in other forms of danger.

Dark Archive

Everyone but the PC's are doppelgangers. All of them mimic either the bride or the groom. "I'm the real bride to be!" "No, I'M the real bride to be!"

This is how real doppelgangers get married.

A jealous couple who scheduled their wedding on the same day challenge the bride and groom to a dance off. Both of you roll Perform (Dance) checks as quickly as you can while playing something upbeat and catchy in the background.

The stakes are nothing but pride and bragging rights, which makes it more important than any treasure to the PCs.

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