[Interest Check] Dragonlance 5E


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I have always loved Dragonlance, and only got to run a few short things in it. However I am greatly enjoying the new 5E ruleset, and seen a few other 5E games that seemed to fill up quickly so now I propose the following concept for an Interest Check...

A modern re-imaging of the War of the Lance with the new Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. There has been a great many things that have come out since the early ages of D&D and Dragonlance, and that is why I am calling it a modern re-telling because A) You will be your own heroes. B) I have no plans on using the actual War of the Lance modules (maybe a few elements here and there), but I feel like there are better versions of the Evil Dragon Goddess invades with her armies and the heroes have to save the world from her machinations now.

So I purpose the following line-up with some of my own custom alterations to the storylines...

A) Keep on the Borderlands (or Return to the Keep on the Borderlands) in Dragonlance, set in the New Coast area just a few days from Solace (not set on that yet, but I've been reading around it would be a good area for it).


B) Red Hand of Doom (set across the whole of Krynn where Takhisis' invasion happens as opposed to the Vale in the book). This module has tons of dragon elements, and Evil Dragon Goddess elements that can be altered to Takhisis.


C) Something epic to end the machinations of Takhisis on Krynn and send her fleeing back into the abyss.

I will continue to investigate this concept while I await to see how much interest it would generate.

Dotting for interest.

You...You I like.

Woot! I am on board for either a Qualinesti White Robe Wizard (maybe Abjurer or Evoker) or a Solamnic Human Knight of Solamnia (not sure if I want to go Cleric and be a Sword Knight, or go Paladin and be a Rose Knight, hmmm). So many choices.

Names: Xaraven Arcanrae for the Elf, Drake Steelwind for the Knight. :)

I'm interested, but I don't have the Player's Handbook yet, just the Starter Set, so I'm not sure what all I can be or make. :P

If you don't have the Player's Handbook I would suggest the Basic Rules atleast... It has a limited write up of the Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, and Cleric from level 1-20.

Basic Rules V2

I also got the Player's Handbook so I am certainly open to helping with characters.

And finally the Player's Handbook releases officially in 2 days which means... everyone should be free to get one by the time the interest check could be translated in an actual recruitment thread.

Cool, I think I'm interested in playing a fighter, either great weapon or archer. Probably human, but I'll have to see what other races are available in this Dragonlance campaign.

Liberty's Edge

sounds very interesting!! I would be very interested in making a character for this game.

I have never played Dragonlance, but I was a huge fan. Interested.


Dark Archive

Interested as well.


YES YES YES. I have a character idea already that I want to try.

Nice. Consider me interested.

I'm in, but I'm holding off on character concept until I've refreshed my memory of Krynn. Or I'll just play a sickly wizard.

Hmm. Definitely looks like enough interest! I'll see what happens today since the PHB releases tomorrow and then put up a recruitment thread!

I am interested as well, waiting for the Players Handbook to be released.

Interested strongly for the setting. Have several builds in mind, I ordered my book and it wont be delivered til the 28th... :C .

Very interested, I should preface though that I don't really know anything about the Dragonlance setting.

Ladies and gentlemen, and Kender of all ages... tonight I will attempt to draft a recruitment thread for this.

Sounds great!

Terrific. I am thinking a Cleric of Kiri Jolith is my starting point for a concept.

War of the Lance Evolved

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