Question about the bonus spells for Eldritch Scion

Rules Questions

19 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bonus Spells: At 7th level, an eldritch scion gains the bonus spell from his bloodrager bloodline that is normally gained at 10th level. He gains the next three bonus spells from his bloodline at 9th, 11th, and 13th levels, respectively.
This ability replaces knowledge pool.

My question is, what about the 7th level bonus spell? Does one still get it in addition to the one they would get at 10th, or is it just skipped?

My bet is they meant get the 7th at 7th and the others as listed. Because Bloodrager doesn't have three more spells after the 10th level one.

Lantern Lodge

This is just begging for errata. Bump.

No fix will be given until they release the errata for the entire book.

I just ran into this problem in the game I'm playing in. It seems like the most reasonable solution is what was suggested early that you get the bonus spell that blood ragers normally get at 7th at 7th and the 10th at 9th, the 13th at 11th, and the 16th at 13th.

Otherwise there is no spell you actually get at 13th because it says "the next three". There are only two more after the one you get at 10th.

This is begging for errata.

annoyingly this doesn't seem to have been addressed yet - this whole book has a ton of Errata that is needed - I wish they would publish at least a bunch of FAQ's to clarify all the editing errors such as this one (I agree that the ability as worded is very very strange indeed - clearly something is wrong)

The Concordance

Just came looking for an answer on this and found that the OP was marked as "answered in the errata", but I'm not finding it... am I blind and am just totally missing it somehow?

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I'm not seeing it either. I would think it should be on something matching page 104, but it doesn't appear to be there.

Unless it's coming out in Errata today it hasn't been answered. In fact Mark i think was unaware that it had a problem until after the Errata came out.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Why is this flagged as Answered in Errata? Has anyone seen an answer to this?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm really surprised even in the 'interpreted' version of this. It makes the bonus spells pretty insignificant to the magus.

For the Bloodrager, he gets the bonus spell as soon as he learns to cast the next higher level of spell. He gets a bonus 1st level spell at 7th level, which is when he gets his first 2nd level spell. 2nd level spell at 10th when he gets his first 3rd level spell, and so on.

Taking that same logic to the Eldritch Scion, and she should actually get these bonus spells at 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th. Does anyone feel this would be overpowered (like anything on the Eldritch Scion could possibly be overpowered to begin with).

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Bump. The Errata for the book has no fix for this.
" Taking that same logic to the Eldritch Scion, and she should actually get these bonus spells at 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th. Does anyone feel this would be overpowered (like anything on the Eldritch Scion could possibly be overpowered to begin with)."
is something I could work with.
or even "Nope we mean it exactly as it printed currently, giving the 10th lvl spell at 7th" meaning you not only dont get the regular 7th lvl spell, but you get "blank" spell @ 13 as there are no other spells to fill it from the bloodline feature.

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