PACG Subscription showing September?

Customer Service

Dark Archive

Hi guys,

I have been a subscriber to the adventure path line since it's inception. I added the PACG line as soon as it was available. I probably wouldn't even post but you guys have spoiled me with your great service :)

I have been waiting to receive my e-mail to say my products have shipped soon or that my PDF for the adventure path was available. Today I decided to look at my subscription page. It shows my PACG box set and add on deck pushed back to September and my adventure path order pending.

First, Could I have access to the PDF for Iron Gods adventure 1 since the street damage has arrived?

Second, I am hoping the display is incorrect and my PACG subscription will still ship this month. Could I get a confirmation for this or at least an explanation of what is happening?

Any and all help you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Disinherited Knight wrote:

Hi guys,

I have been a subscriber to the adventure path line since it's inception. I added the PACG line as soon as it was available. I probably wouldn't even post but you guys have spoiled me with your great service :)

I have been waiting to receive my e-mail to say my products have shipped soon or that my PDF for the adventure path was available. Today I decided to look at my subscription page. It shows my PACG box set and add on deck pushed back to September and my adventure path order pending.

First, Could I have access to the PDF for Iron Gods adventure 1 since the street damage has arrived?

Second, I am hoping the display is incorrect and my PACG subscription will still ship this month. Could I get a confirmation for this or at least an explanation of what is happening?

Any and all help you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

You're not alone. My S&S sub order has flipped back and forth at least a couple times the last few days. Mine now shows August and September, and I'm still pending. They'll get it together. : )

Dark Archive


Customer Service Ray of Funshine

We've been having some weird display glitches on affecting subscriptions. I keep hearing about it, and then not being able to see anything odd from our side of things when I go to look for them, so it's been hard to pinpoint and track down to let the tech team know about what is happening. Sorry for any inconvenience or confusion!

As far as I can tell, it look like things are still on schedule to have all the subscriptions orders shipped out by the original estimate of the 22nd.

If you have have any further questions, please let us know.


Dark Archive

I do have one question, could you please release the PDF to me for my adventure path since the street date is passed?

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

PDF access is linked to the shipment of the physical items (which is when the payment for the items is charged). We do not have a way to circumvent this process. Unfortunately, August is kind of a weird month for us because Gen Con makes the street date earlier than normal, and Gen Con also makes our subscription shipping window longer than normal. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience with this.

Dark Archive

To add to the list, I just got an e-mail saying "waiting on back order items." Everything in the order is a subscription. I should not be waiting for back order items. I have never had these kind of problems with Paizo before. Please tell me this is a mistake.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sharaya wrote:

PDF access is linked to the shipment of the physical items (which is when the payment for the items is charged). We do not have a way to circumvent this process.

I don't mean to sound like a smart a**, but from the main stickied thread, Sara Marie released the PDFs for those attending GenCon on August 8th. At least that's how it was phrased. I believe that made some of your subscribers twitch a bit, especially as we're still awaiting shipment. As previously mentioned, this was exacerbated by the fact that we could have had the PDFs last week if we'd just purchased directly, and that we're waiting for a major hardback and first book of a new AP.

On top of the above, for many (me included) S&S is showing back order status. Apparently a "glitch", as you've explained, but adds to the twitch factor while we patiently wait. : )

Dark Archive

Thank you Anaro, I couldn't have put it better myself :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Anaro wrote:
Sharaya wrote:

PDF access is linked to the shipment of the physical items (which is when the payment for the items is charged). We do not have a way to circumvent this process.

I don't mean to sound like a smart a**, but from the main stickied thread, Sara Marie released the PDFs for those attending GenCon on August 8th. At least that's how it was phrased.

The key difference for those Gen Con pick up people is that they're orders were "shipped" for pick up in our system and were no longer pending. Fixing a bug for people who were supposed to qualify is a lot different than forcing the system to do something that it isn't intended to do. And even that fix was a nightmare on my end.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

That being said, today is my first day back in the office since Gen Con. I'm trying to get a picture of all the various fires that need extinguishing and figuring out where to start digging the fire lines.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
Anaro wrote:
Sharaya wrote:

PDF access is linked to the shipment of the physical items (which is when the payment for the items is charged). We do not have a way to circumvent this process.

I don't mean to sound like a smart a**, but from the main stickied thread, Sara Marie released the PDFs for those attending GenCon on August 8th. At least that's how it was phrased.
The key difference for those Gen Con pick up people is that they're orders were "shipped" for pick up in our system and were no longer pending. Fixing a bug for people who were supposed to qualify is a lot different than forcing the system to do something that it isn't intended to do. And even that fix was a nightmare on my end.

Honestly, I figured it was something like that. I appreciate the response.

Still a bummer that subscribers can't get their PDFs on the street release date, but I think I understand the technical issues. In my case, I wouldn't mind having the whole order charged against my card on the release date to get the PDFs sooner, then have physical items follow as your staff/time allows. Many in the current situation would likely agree.

I know you guys do your best, and always appreciate your promptness and efficiency. Just anxious...

Sara Marie wrote:
That being said, today is my first day back in the office since Gen Con. I'm trying to get a picture of all the various fires that need extinguishing and figuring out where to start digging the fire lines.

Awesome, Sara. Thanks. This is what popped into my head reading that:

Paizo CS "helping a customer with their enquiry".

Dark Archive

So... I am not sure what is going on. Last I heard my order was supposed to ship by August 22nd. I haven't received any e-mail or explanation. Please help.

Dark Archive

Disinherited Knight wrote:
So... I am not sure what is going on. Last I heard my order was supposed to ship by August 22nd. I haven't received any e-mail or explanation. Please help.
From the August Sub thread
Erik Keith wrote:

Greetings again Everyone,

Its likely that you know how crazy this month has been for us. When we were setting up this months subscription shipments we were confident that we would be able to have both the Skull & Shackles Base Set and Character Add-On Deck shipped out within our originally estimated fulfillment times. As you may have seen in our previous blog relating to the Character Class Decks the card game suffered a number of manufacturing issues that slowed down our originally planned release dates. While we pushed back to release dates on the Character Class Decks we still expected that we'd have the Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck ready for shipment without delaying this months subscriptions.
As the estimated fulfillment date drew closer we still had confidence that the Character Add-On Deck would be ready to fulfill subscribers orders, but, as of today the 22nd, its clear we misgauged our ability to do so.
At this time customer service is moving subscriber copies of the Character Add-On Deck and preexisting promotional cards to ship with September subscription shipments, ensuring Base Sets aren't delayed any further. We were able to ship out a fair number of them today, and expect to have any remaining orders containing the Base Set in the mail early next week. We've considered a few different options, and this is the best one available for ensuring you receive your products as soon as possible.
You have our apologies that we let this occur. We let our optimism cloud our judgement when we should have taken action on this sooner. Many of you have been excitedly waiting for your August items, and we should have them processed and shipped as soon as possible. We should be sending out an official email to everyone effected by this in the near future, so please keep an eye on your inbox.
Character Add-On Decks and promo cards should now be shipping in September shipment, and we'll make sure that everyone receives everything they should. At this time we don't want to cause any further disappointment or delays with your shipments. If you received a confirmation email for your subscription earlier this month stating that your shipment should leave our warehouse by the 22nd your S&S Base Set left the warehouse today. We should have the Character Add-On Deck shipping in September with the promo cards, and you will not be charged again for them.
If you feel that this could have been handled better we completely agree. This has been an ongoing learning experience for us as a collective team, and we hope to put the wisdom we've gained to use next time something like this pops up.

Dark Archive

so, should we have received an e-mail saying that it shipped? I ask because I got the e-mail earlier this month saying mine would ship by the 22nd. According to your message above, if I got that e-mail, then mine went out on Friday the 22nd. But the status on your website still says pending. And I have received no notice.

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