[ACG] White Mage Archetype question

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

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This may sound like a silly question, but I am trying to rebuild a character and would like to know especially for use in PFS play.


Spontaneous Healing (Su): At 1st level, a white mage can

expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to use one of her
spell slots to cast a cure spell (any spell with “cure” in its
name) from the cleric spell list as if it were on her spell
list and prepared. The spell must be of a level the arcanist
can cast.

Does this wording on Spontaneous Healing allow for the White Mage to be able to use cure wands without the need for a UMD check?

Scarab Sages

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I would say no. It doesn't add the spells to the spell list, it allows you to cast it as if it were. It's a fine distinction, but it lands it on the side of needing to UMD wands.


"Normally, to use a wand, you must have the wand's spell on your class spell list."

Its not on your class spell list (you 'treat' it likes its on your spell list, but you cannot prepare them), its an ability. Treat it like a SLA.

They would, however, grant you access to Mystic Theurge PrC, as that only requires:

"Able to cast 2nd-level divine spells and 2nd-level arcane spells."

Which you are able to cast with this archetype.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Fearspect wrote:


"Normally, to use a wand, you must have the wand's spell on your class spell list."

Its not on your class spell list (you 'treat' it likes its on your spell list, but you cannot prepare them), its an ability. Treat it like a SLA.

They would, however, grant you access to Mystic Theurge PrC, as that only requires:

"Able to cast 2nd-level divine spells and 2nd-level arcane spells."

Which you are able to cast with this archetype.

Note that you'd still need a level on a divine casting class to advance, and your spell progression is already a level behind though.

Oh yeah, it would suck to do it, but you would qualify for the PrC without taking any divine levels.

I dont think the cures would be divine spells.

Fearspect wrote:
Treat it like a SLA.
Spontaneous Healing (Su)

Perhaps you want to rethink that buddy.

What's the point of your comment in this context, Brias? Does it change the fact that its not on the spell list?

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Tali Zephyr wrote:
I dont think the cures would be divine spells.

Agreed. Like a bard, this would be an arcane caster casting an arcane spell, that just happens to normally be a divine spell.

I'm certain that by the letter of the rules all of this is correct, but I'm not sure it's the intent of it.

Why be so specific to refer to it being considered 'on the caster's spell list'?

Why be so specific to point out that it is from the cleric spell list when there are arcane casters with the full range of cures on their lists (I think. Witches do, right? I could be wrong here).

Why write the fluff referencing divine power specifically?

'A white mage is an arcanist touched by a divine power and gifted with the ability to heal others.'

It just points to a more nuanced intent than the RAW approach would indicate.

Fearspect wrote:
What's the point of your comment in this context, Brias? Does it change the fact that its not on the spell list?

I'm guessing the point is that it's Su and not Sp... so not an SLA and doesn't qualify for early entry.

Even if it was Sp though, it wouldn't count as divine but rather arcane, since it comes from an arcane class feature.

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