Destiny - Become Legend

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Lantern Lodge

I've looked around the forums for a bit without finding anything on Bungie's upcoming "shared world shooter". I played through the Beta and enjoyed it quite a bit and I was wondering who else on the boards might be looking forward to play it with me.

For me, I'll be recreating my Human Hunter from the Beta. I'm not entirely upset with the fact that our characters don't carry over whereas some are. Few betas actually do that anymore anyways.

So what about you? What are you going to be playing it on? What are you going to be playing as? What are you looking forward to the most? Let's discuss!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Yea - I was also wondering if anyone was going to get around to talking about this game. Having stayed away from the hype as much as possible, I got the chance to play the Beta and walked away very interested. I didn't think that after Mass Effect, I would be interested in trying another "epic sci-fi" themed game - but Destiny has managed to definitely sell me with a great Beta experience.

So yea - I'll probably be playing it when it comes out on Xbox 360. Probably going Exo Hunter - as I like the look of the race and the class. I might switch over to a Human Titan if I don't get quite the impact from the Hunter.

For myself, aside from the Halo story, I've always found that Bungie makes excellent worlds to see and explore, and little details litter their games to add to that. Myth: The Fallen Lords was probably the first truly dark fantasy world I immersed myself in at the time. Just from what I saw in Beta, I am very interested in seeing what the story they are building is. Some have complained/criticized that what we saw in Beta was too vague and generic. I tended to feel like
a)They only kept the basics of the story to minimum in Beta because the focus was on the technical side of the game.
b)That the vagueness was purposely done to enhance what you find as you proceed through the game.

Lastly - I think it would be helpful to listen to the music as you travel the game. It is beautifully done, and adds so much atmosphere to the game - whether you are in the tower or facing Fallen in Old Russia.

So, that's my bit on the game for now. Cheers!

Liberty's Edge

Played the alpha and beta. Picking it up on Sept. 9. PS4

Sovereign Court

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One of the games I'd like to play, but won't be playing. Freaking exclusives.

Yep gonna be getting it for 360. Played the beta having heard practically nothing about the game and was very impressed. Gonna be playing a hunter, can't remember the name of the blue-skinned race- but them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
KidDangerous wrote:
can't remember the name of the blue-skinned race- but them.

That's the Awoken. Bungie has described them as the "ethereal, mysterious" race of the series, sort of the space-elves or space-vampires of the game lore.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Hama wrote:
One of the games I'd like to play, but won't be playing. Freaking exclusives.

Not to question your concerns, but are you not playing because they have some stuff for PS3/PS4 owners only and you want to have access to it? Or is this more opposing it as a protest?

If it is the former, I've been looking at the exclusives here. Honestly, it's kind of "meh". There was early access to Beta, that honestly wouldn't have changed my opinion given that it was a capped system with limited content access. As far as release, it boils down to a single, extra team mission; an extra pvp map; and a few unique weapons and armor.

If your intent is the latter, and something the writer in the article also mentions as rather pointless of an exclusive, then disregard my inquiry. I can understand that stance. If there is something that annoys about exclusive content for this game, it's the fact the game can't even be bought on Xbox in Japan. It's Sony only in the whole country at launch, which does strike me as ridiculous.

Sovereign Court

I only own a PC. So I missed out on a lot of games. But i don't have enough of a disposable income to by a console, nor do I own a TV that is good enough.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Ah - I see. I thought you were talking about something totally different. Apologies for the confusion.

Lantern Lodge

I'll also be playing it on the 360 with a few of my friends. Feel free to add me so we can fill out a raid party together. My tag is Severed Ronin. I do agree with many of Alex's points. Much of the game during the Beta was kept technical as opposed to fleshing everything out, but the game even felt complete save for a few concerns. I'd heard about the game before and don't plan to pick it up until the Beta went free public access during it's last week. That's when I became hooked and instantly shifted one of my preorders over to Destiny.

I've pre-ordered this for PS4, psn: Artavan

Played the beta, and found it immediately and reliably satisfying.

This is the game that will put an Xbox One on my shelf.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Scott Betts wrote:
This is the game that will put an Xbox One on my shelf.

I would concur that Destiny is the game that has made me consider a new console. No other releases so far have really felt like it would be better visually, if nothing else.

Sovereign Court

Not shelling out 500 euro for a single game.

Lantern Lodge

I'm of the same mindset. While Destiny's made me consider updating consoles, there aren't enough games coming out that convince me I should and I won't buy for just one.

Silver Crusade

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I'll be playing on PS4. My PSN ID is the same as my username on here.

Liberty's Edge

I liked the game well enough, I will pick the game plus an XB One to play the game with my nephews. I was thinking about getting an XB One for Dragon Age anyway.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

So tomorrow is release day. While I have tried to avoid the hype train that has followed it, I'll admit I am very curious to sit down and play it tomorrow evening or the following day.

That's assuming the servers don't crash or some other opening day mess. The forecasted number of users I've seen in articles is claiming they are expecting as many 10 million users in the first few days.

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After two evenings of extensive play, I have to say that I love this game.

First, it's drop dead gorgeous - Bungie has made an amazing universe that I find myself frequently stopping to admire in a reaction similar to when I first played Skyrim.

Second, the game play is tight. Guns have appreciable look, feel, & performance differences. Bungie has incorporated FPS features lacking from Halo without sacrificing Halo-style fun.

Third, the setting & story are interesting. Honestly, these were the elements that on the surface in interviews & trailers underwhelmed me but I was completely sucked in after the intro.

Fourth, it's just FUN. It's not grimdark like most post-apoc and I really appreciate the fact that it's rated T rather than M so my kids can enjoy it. It doesn't have the CoD run-and-twitch gameplay (doesn't force it at any rate) and maintains the positive Halo-style gameplay while adopting a Borderlands-style RPG & loot structure.

Grand Lodge

If anyone is playing on PS4, feel free to add me! My PSN ID is the same -- ThreeEyedSloth.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

BPorter above has said many of the things I would agree with.

Been playing for a week - on/off when possible - and I have been enjoying it. While the reviews have been less than stellar, I cannot say I have been as overly critical. Was there a lot of hype to promote the game to the point of ridiculousness? Probably so.

But the game is still a lot of fun and interesting. If you stop and look or listen, you realize that Bungie has put a lot of small details into the game.

Is there anyway to play it offline and single player if you wanted?

We have Internet, but the fastest that comes to the area I'm at is around 150 Kps...which is really slow comparatively to what's around these days in more populated areas.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Is there anyway to play it offline and single player if you wanted?

We have Internet, but the fastest that comes to the area I'm at is around 150 Kps...which is really slow comparatively to what's around these days in more populated areas.

The game is online only, though the main campaign can be completed solo. Your bandwidth may or may not be sufficient; I don't know what sort of data demands Destiny puts on your connection.

Picked it up for PS3. Got to level 6 on an Awoken Warlock, got kinda bored, swapped to Exo Titan. Level 12, fun so far.

It's literally Halo, gameplay-wise. I have no issues with this.

Game's difficulty is inconsistent. It's super easy for 90% of the game and then it just decides to ramp the difficulty to 11. Granted, I'm playing all the missions alone, and maybe those segments are designed for 3 people, but it's just kind of irksome sometimes. My one real major complaint with the game is that.

Other one is that Scout Rifles seem to have no place in the game, which makes me sad. Bungie is usually so good at balancing weapons, but the Scout Rifles seem to have fallen through the cracks. I was expecting a similar Battle Rifle (Pulse Rifle)/Assault Rifle (Auto-Rifle)/DMR (Scout Rifle) dichotomy from Halo, where the Pulse Rifle kills slightly faster than the Assault Rifle, but requires better aim, and the DMR is the same vs the BR, but what it really boils down to is Auto-Rifle is best crowd control, Pulse Rifle is best middle ground (fast fire with high damage if you have good aim), and the Scout Rifle laughably under-performs in its niche as a marksman weapon, being considerably outstripped by the Hand Cannon, which does the same niche but better.

The Scout Rifles FEEL really good, but I can't justify using one when a Hand Cannon kills in one headshot (vs a headshot and another shot) or 2-3 shots anywhere else (vs...lots more. Like 4 minimum on a Dreg.).

Fusion Rifles are top shelf, love 'em. Titan's ability to punch things to death makes me happy. His ability to tank (or lack thereof) does not. Seems to be only marginally less squishy than on my Warlock, since I get hit more; I can't dodge as many shots since I'm a bit slower.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Rynjin wrote:

Other one is that Scout Rifles seem to have no place in the game, which makes me sad. The Scout Rifles FEEL really good, but I can't justify using one when a Hand Cannon kills in one headshot (vs a headshot and another shot) or 2-3 shots anywhere else (vs...lots more. Like 4 minimum on a Dreg.

I understand this, but I have found a great deal of success with the Scout Rifle. I find is that it is very effective in the Hunter class' hands. Maybe it's because most of the their gear I found is focused to enhancing the rifles (greater zoom; better accuracy; enhanced ammo, etc.) I find I can use it almost as effectively as a sniper rifle for long/mid-range, so I can use shotgun or fusion rifle in the special category if necessary.

I do find that in the hands of the Warlock the hand cannons are very effective, since they tend to be more squishy. It's funny, because Bungie's ads, etc., seem to want to sell the Hand Cannon as the Hunter's special weapon, but I find that doesn't have to be the case in game.

Mind you, this all in application to the PVE element of the game. In PVP, its definitely the AR/Shotgun/Fusion Combo that's a killer so far in whatever class I play.

Yeah, I don't play the Crucible. It's like all of the most frustrating and un-fun parts of Halo: Reach (which I loved, but was flawed) and CoD (which IMO is almost nothing BUT flaws but that's another topic) had a baby.

Scout Rifles are effective in PvE, but that's because EVERYTHING is effective in PvE, and Hand Cannons just seem to be MORE effective.

It becomes more noticeable when tougher enemies start showing up, EX both can OHKO a Dreg on a headshot...but a Vandal is left with a sliver of health from a Scout Rifle, and it just ramps up from there, taking almost twice as many shots to kill, say, a Captain.

It's doable, but it's far from optimal, and it's really noticeable if you're hitting above your weight class (fighting enemies higher level than you).

The one major upside to it is that it has a good range, so you can pick off weaker targets with your piddly shots better than the Pulse Rifle or Hand Cannon, but the way enemies duck behind cover constantly means you need to close to kill anyway, unless you want to wait around for 15 minutes killing a group.

I guess, really, it's pretty good for the normal parts of the game, where you can calmly and coldly take out everyone and almost never get hurt, but it falls flat on its face for the "Defend this spot" or "F~$#ing Hive from the walls oh god" parts, which get increasingly common as the game goes on.

I've taken to using it for some parts and immediately swapping to Mr. HC when I see anything that requires me to Deploy Ghost.

Liberty's Edge

Just picked up this game last night: beautiful graphics, great sound, and absolutely awesome controls.

Reminds me a lot of Halo, but highly refined and polished.

I'm WickedTimeLord on the PS Network, if anyone wants to jam.

I got bored with this game REALLY fast.

Sovereign Court

Played it for a few hours on a friend's PS4. Not very impressed.

Liberty's Edge

I really enjoyed the first chapter, and my first visit to the Tower. When I returned to the Cosmodrome, there were suddenly all these other //players// jumping and sprinting and phase shifting all around me, and Fallen that were impossible for me to beat on any setting. It took a little while for me to understand that I could choose to interact with these other gamers, that it wasn't a requirement--I'm no fan of MMOs, but I had just spent $70 for this game based on the demo (which included no other //players//), and was determined to give it a thorough run before chucking it.

I also learned that there are other games going on all around me: the Fallen with //???// are enemies for co-ops or other solos, and they won't attack me by default (and I also can't destroy them; but they will definitely kill me if I attempt to engage).

I kind of wish I could completely opt out of the online aspect. I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure what happens if I disconnect: can I still play the game? Ultimately, it's not a big deal, and the other gamers have never gotten in the way; they tend, after a while, to remind me of subtitles--if I don't need to read them, I eventually stop 'seeing' them.

I'd say, if you enjoy Halo, you'll probably enjoy this game.

Andrew Turner wrote:

I kind of wish I could completely opt out of the online aspect. I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure what happens if I disconnect: can I still play the game?

No. You also can't play a good chunk of the game without players regardless.

Andrew Turner wrote:
I'd say, if you enjoy Halo, you'll probably enjoy this game.

Maybe. It's basically Halo with a less coherent story, less tight gunplay, a MUCH less well balanced multiplayer, and an expansion on the Armor Abilities idea.

Liberty's Edge

Rynjin wrote:
...Maybe. It's basically Halo with a less coherent story, less tight gunplay, a MUCH less well balanced multiplayer, and an expansion on the Armor Abilities idea.

By 'tight gunplay', are you talking abut the controls? I thought the controls were a nice refined version of the Halo controls, but maybe I'm just getting better at FPSs (or the game is too easy).

Also, sad to hear about the eventual requirement to join with others---I'm not being unsocial, it's just that while I really enjoy these games, I recognize my skills and limitations: I'm not skilled enough (or consistent enough) to be an asset in a co-op.

Andrew Turner wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
...Maybe. It's basically Halo with a less coherent story, less tight gunplay, a MUCH less well balanced multiplayer, and an expansion on the Armor Abilities idea.
By 'tight gunplay', are you talking abut the controls? I thought the controls were a nice refined version of the Halo controls, but maybe I'm just getting better at FPSs (or the game is too easy).

More the whole package. It controls identically, in essence, but it Everything feels less smooth, the guns are much less well balanced with each other (granted, I haven't played since the balance patches came around), and the times it takes for your health to start to recharge feels just a hair too slow as well, at least for how quickly you take damage in some cases.

Go back and play Halo: Reach, or ODST, and then back to Destiny and you'kll see what I mean.

ODST especially is just so SATISFYING just to play.

Liberty's Edge

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Considering that everyone is b$@~%ing about everything being overpowered or underpowered in the Crucible, balance is probably fine.

Basically its all:

Dear Devs,

Rock is overpowered, Paper is fine, buff Scissors.



Liberty's Edge

This is by far my favorite game right now. If you're trepidatious about playing an online-only game with other players running around while you're executing solo missions and the main campaign, put your fears to rest: the other gamers are never in the way, are often helpful. I actually look forward to Defend the Warsaw and Defeat the Extraction Crew public events: even without talking to one another everyone works together and accomplishes the mission--plus you get rewards for participating.

Awesome game.

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I play as Xsi627 on PS4; feel free to send a friend request.

Liberty's Edge

Wyntr wrote:
I play as Xsi627 on PS4; feel free to send a friend request.

I won't be back to the States until after the New Year, so when I'm online you're likely killing Fallen in your sleep.

As soon as I get to Texas, I'll take you up on that friend request.

Mars is calling!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Andrew Turner wrote:

This is by far my favorite game right now.

Awesome game.

I have found that game fits well with the time I have to play, and enjoy the setup enough to find it interesting. The world of Destiny - as with many Bungie worlds - is about the layer of details and activity you find. The thing with this game is that in trying to add MMO elements, they are doing in small bits instead of offering this huge palette like most MMO's. I think hype (their own as much as general media) has played a part in making this a mistake of an approach. It just created too much expectation.

Single-player, there's not enough story in my mind to wholly enjoy it as is. There's clearly a lot of lore and miscellaneous stuff that falls between Bungie wanting you to find/see it and little details that is more in the "hmm...that's interesting now that I have caught it after the 50th pass through." The additions/DLC are more of addendum style where it can add some lore to the whole picture but it doesn't really prove critical.

While the PVP element can be brutal, with some practice you can feel like can go at it with decency. I'll never be one of these "uber" players, but can play enough to get my licks in. Keeping the "level-parity" in effect also helps in some ways.

Still - I am enjoying it and continue along despite what misgiving there may be. I'm on Xbox 360, so I can't extend my own request. Good luck and hope you have fun.

Liberty's Edge

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Admittedly, it's a little bit of a letdown (or slow-down) once you hit level 20; progression with Light is (to me, at least) very, very slow. But I was so worried about future missions off-Earth (the difficulty level, that is) that I spent a great deal of time patrolling the Cosmodrome and replaying missions at increasingly difficult levels--I hit 20 before ever getting to Venus. So, even though level progression is titanically slow, I've got the vast majority of the campaign left to play; and I really can't get over how enjoyable the small public events can be!

Yes, definitely, a huge draw for me is that I can sit down and get something done in 20-30 minutes. I'm a husband and father of three, with a career, and I'm 40: finding time to finish awesome, immersive games with huge backstory and long cutscenes, bosses that require 10 playthroughs, puzzle rooms that take 15 minutes just to figure out it's a puzzle room...I love these games, but rarely have the time (and that's why I can take a year to finish one).

Lantern Lodge

I have to say that having played it for as long as I have (I play it off and on) that it's a fun game at times (especially when played with friends) and it can certainly be a bit addicting, but the politics of the game and it's developer simply VOG the game down. Constant hot fixes and, in my opinion, lies from the development team make me not want to play the game. Between RNG and their prioritization of fixing non-critical "cheesing methods" over game-breaking glitches that've been there since Day 1, it really makes me hate that I continue to play sometimes.

My Idea of a Development Team's Conversation:

"Well, we fixed things so the players can't beat a boss a particular way."
"So we're punishing them for being creative and playing their way?"
"No, we're keeping them from beating the boss by taking cover when he fired at them."
"But we've added a kill timer to the area. Why not just extend the enemies' range of fire?"
"Because that's not the way we intended Destiny to be."
"But we told the players to play their way. We told them to become legend."
"Oh they can still become legend. They just need to grind through RNG to do it. Not to mention when they do finally become legend, we'll simply patch it so they have to do it a new way."
"But what about the heavy ammo glitch? Or the Deathsinger bug?"
"Screw that! This guy's using the environment, movement abilities of his class, and our own game mechanics against us!"

I'm sorry. I know I seem to complain about this game a lot. My problem lies in the fact that there were so many promises made that were re-negged on once money exchanged hands. In addition, while the game remains fun for short bursts, I refuse to blindly defend any game with such glaring flaws as these.

I will play this game once March's DLC drops (because I bought the Limited Edition; told it was the only version left to preorder at the store) and then I'll wash my hands of the game. Hopefully I can come back at the end of their 10-year plan when all the games have been released and things will have, hopefully, been fixed by then.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I was about the ask how folks who play are feeling about this game? I see Ronin's remarks and I can't say I am as disgusted as all that. I am still enjoying the game and find it fills in a niche of time when I have it. That's hardly the rousing stamp of approval, but I guess my expectations weren't as high. I think the thing that impresses me is that despite the lack of detailed story, there's still plenty to keep me interested and playing.

To Bungie's credit, they keep trying to make changes - some better; some worse - instead of just leaving it as is and ignoring issues. For example, the pulse rifle issue. This is a weapon that's been essentially useless for most players. The fact that they are trying new damage mechanics to make it worthwhile is interesting. I know some people hate it because they are nerfing auto-rifles in the process. Similarly, issues with Iron Banner and the leveling system have been worked on.

Do I wish they would work on story, maybe? Sure - but I have come to the realization that this game, despite its promise of being epic, isn't about that kind of narrative aside from the basics. Is that the right approach? - hard to say. I am also skeptical of how gear and some team missions are handled depending on if you own the DLC or not. That seems unfair.

There's is one other point: did the developers lie to us? Not so clear on that one. The problem lies in how much of the hype you choose to believe from a bunch of E3 videos and talks. These were guys who were boasting about a "living world" in their videos. Bungie was famous for making shooters; not MMOs - that's when I choose to ignore the hype.

And this phenomena is hardly new to Bungie or Destiny. Anyone remember all the amazing things we were shown in Bioshock Infinite's demos and developer diaries? Of which nearly none of those features showed up in the game. Let's take another "epic game" similar to Destiny that's coming up: The Division. Similar combination of team shooter with RPG/MMO elements online. Accepting all those cool elements you see in their videos at face value is asking for disappointment at this point - especially considering the game has already suffered two delays.

Bottom-line, there's certainly some reasons to quit the game if you are disappointed in the some of the mechanics; or got disappointed by the hype; or just find it has gotten boring. But I certainly think there's still some interesting gameplay to be found. And despite what we may consider important or not, Bungie is still working on the game development consistently.

I'm still enjoying it, but I wasn't paying any attention to the hype and didn't get the game at launch (I have a coworker who plays; he's enjoying it but was disappointed that the game didn't live up to the hype). I am still progressing on my characters, which helps prevent burnout, but I also like the gameplay enough that it is my FPS game of choice.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I think that is a good point to make. If you are somewhat newer to the game, I think your experience is different than those that picked it up at the start. Bungie has definitely made changes (whether they are good or bad depends on who you ask) that I feel have streamlined the game and made for a better experience.

I still wish they would extend a matchmaking system to raids and the weekly strikes setup to broaden that venue of the game.

I have three Level 32s. Story is non-existent but the gunplay is good.

Game lacks content. After raiding all I have left to do is PVP.

Sovereign Court

Tried it. Got boring after a few hours of the same.

Liberty's Edge

I gave up when I found out it's pretty much grinding same areas same quests to level up mad. Boring doing the same thing all the time.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I gave up when I found out it's pretty much grinding same areas same quests to level up mad. Boring doing the same thing all the time.

Couldn't agree more. Plus when they wanted $20 for each DLC that came with very little content.

Dark Archive

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The new house of wolves expansion is actually really good especially compared to the last expansion. It is still a grind but it is a fun FPS. If you have friends to play with this game becomes very fun.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Agreed - it has certainly added more details and events to the game. The Wolves are proving to be a little tougher and smarter than I thought.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Given the reveal of new releases shown at E3 coming soon, I have to wonder how much Bungie/Activision will be working to make sure the next release this fall impresses. I can see how quite a few people giving the game up for upcoming releases like Doom, Fallout 4 and XCOM 2.

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