The Barrier World project - Steampunk Magitech Post-Post Apocalyptic setting

Homebrew and House Rules

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Liberty's Edge

boring7 wrote:

I don't think that makes a difference as long as they're usable for attacks. I mean, a Kamakiri with 2 weapons could still roll the claw/claw/weapon/weapon fighting style, and it's the combat that they tend to care about in the rules. And thematically, you want them to have big mantis-claws (because that is generally how you define them as "mantis-like") and real hands (because intelligent tool-users need thumbs).

Not to mention Trox Grappling appendages or the like are pretty expensive too.

I'm still not sure how they eat. My first thought is that their adorable porcelain-doll mask hides far less-pretty insect mandibles under their chin.

I assume they have a home-brew feat that allows them to substitute verbal components with sign language.

I was more thinking the mandibles and mouth parts folded into the face, creating an apparent smooth mask like face.

I'm thinking just having a pair of claws and foregoing the Extra Arms thing would work, assuming the claws could not be used to wield weapons.

6 limbs, 2 big claws, 2 ending in weak hands, and four legs that can be used for climbing up the walls.

Isn't that eight?

As far as I know, the only real concern is multiattack. Doesn't matter that their little claws can't hold weapons, they still end up with the ability to get 4 attacks (2 arms with natural claw attacks, 2 arms with any regular PC attack) which (according to Paizo balancing theorycraft) is a hefty and expensive 8 RP. You could specify that they can't take multidexterity and multiattack because of something and thingy (Possibly "they lack the mental agility necessary to use both sets of limbs at the same time") but at that point we're getting awfully complicated.

Alternatively, you can just let 'em be a bit more powerful. I like the 4-armed monk or the gundancer who dual-wields pistols while claw-smacking enemies. It's cool and thematic and the best exploit of multiple arms is the sneak-attacker; rogues need all the help they can get as it is.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else considered what a war between the Kamakiri, the Texhutu, the Formian and the Thriae would be like?

So. Many. Bugs.

boring7 wrote:

Isn't that eight?

As far as I know, the only real concern is multiattack. Doesn't matter that their little claws can't hold weapons, they still end up with the ability to get 4 attacks (2 arms with natural claw attacks, 2 arms with any regular PC attack) which (according to Paizo balancing theorycraft) is a hefty and expensive 8 RP. You could specify that they can't take multidexterity and multiattack because of something and thingy (Possibly "they lack the mental agility necessary to use both sets of limbs at the same time") but at that point we're getting awfully complicated.

Alternatively, you can just let 'em be a bit more powerful. I like the 4-armed monk or the gundancer who dual-wields pistols while claw-smacking enemies. It's cool and thematic and the best exploit of multiple arms is the sneak-attacker; rogues need all the help they can get as it is.

Yes, eight. So they have only 2 legs. Any extras like multiattack will require feats or a class like ranger or Monk.

Goth Guru wrote:
Any extras like multiattack will require feats or a class like ranger or Monk.

Well yeah, obviously.

Silus wrote:

Anyone else considered what a war between the Kamakiri, the Texhutu, the Formian and the Thriae would be like?

So. Many. Bugs.

Then some human troopers with a penchant for fascist militarism jump out of their Starships and *is struck down by the gods of taste*

Liberty's Edge

boring7 wrote:

Silus wrote:

Anyone else considered what a war between the Kamakiri, the Texhutu, the Formian and the Thriae would be like?

So. Many. Bugs.

Then some human troopers with a penchant for fascist militarism jump out of their Starships and *is struck down by the gods of taste*

B-b-but...I would like to know more :O

Liberty's Edge

Right, new things for the pipeline:

Working on the underground sections/nations
Old Ones
An intentionally silly/backwards nation that buys into the "traditional" Tolkein/D&D fantasy narrative so much that it's painful.

Liberty's Edge

Right, well the Armageddon Cauldron Kaiju is done:

The full sheet can be found here.

Liberty's Edge

Right, so it's like 5AM here and I'm aaaaaaaalmost done with the revised race writeup.

Things completed:

  • Added the Texhutu to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Added the Kamakiri to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Added the Mana Wights to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Did a little reorganizing of the racial writeups (Moving Languages to the bottom, keeping the beginning bits uniform, etc)
  • Set up a brief index of sorts with the races and a short blurb on each of the "unique" races.

    Things still to do (for Races):

  • Finish Drow writeup (Suggestions appreciated regarding ways to make these Drow feel like stock Drow, but toned down and fitting the "mad scientist" feel)
  • Begin work on some Alternate Racial traits (Harpy is more or less done in this regard)
  • Begin work on Racial Favored Class options (Again, Harpy is more or less done)
  • Brief writeup on the stock races and any "uncommon" races (Skinwalkers, Dhampires, etc.) and how they are different (if at all) from stock.

    Things still to do in general:

  • Location writeup for the Frozen Wilds, the Southern Jungles, the Kashana Desert, the Armageddon Cauldron, Xang-Tsan, and the Broken Isles.
  • Writeup for Ghost Stone Special Material
  • Writeup for Paladins
  • Writeup for notable factions (Suggestions welcome)
  • Brief blurb somewhere on the Kaiju and notable massive monsters
  • Begin working on archetypes (Aiming for at least one per class, maybe one per setting race)
  • Begin working on underground areas
  • Actually see if that parody nation (The one that takes the traditional fantasy setting thing too seriously) is actually viable. If so, begin work on it.
  • Begin working on "New" religions. More on this when I get around to it.
  • More artifacts. We have, UNACCEPTABLE!!!!1!
  • More legendary figures (ties in with the religion thing above)

    Feel free to chime in if you've ideas, 9 times outta 10 I'll run with it if it's good =D

  • Don't know much about the parody nation, but in terms of keeping them from being conquered by their more Darwinian neighbors I suggest the old "crouching moron, hidden badass" play. Aside from being surprisingly good at insurgency, they are a neutral ground between two expansionist powers that don't *really* want to go to war with one another.

    So diplomats and ambassadors deal with their idiocy, each trying to maintain an upper-hand in the influence game over monarchy that may or may not be as confused and foolish as they seem.

    Just like Lord Shojo's play.

    Liberty's Edge

    boring7 wrote:

    Don't know much about the parody nation, but in terms of keeping them from being conquered by their more Darwinian neighbors I suggest the old "crouching moron, hidden badass" play. Aside from being surprisingly good at insurgency, they are a neutral ground between two expansionist powers that don't *really* want to go to war with one another.

    So diplomats and ambassadors deal with their idiocy, each trying to maintain an upper-hand in the influence game over monarchy that may or may not be as confused and foolish as they seem.

    Just like Lord Shojo's play.

    Well the extended explanation of what I'd be trying to go for someone taking the wrong view too seriously.

    The theoretical nation (likely an island nation) would believe in the Tolkien/traditional D&D narrative so hard that it would be almost painful to try and comprehend for those on the Barrier World. All Orcs are evil marauding savages, all Drow are torture happy sexual deviants that worship spiders, dragons exist, all wizards have to be old, Paladins are always Lawful Good, etc.

    Bonus points if they try to keep up appearances by sticking fake beards on anyone with arcane training. Also, built into the ruins of the Barrier World's Disney World equivalent XD

    Shadow Lodge

    But... Paladins ARE always LG? Unless you mean they always have to belong to a chivalric order.

    Liberty's Edge

    Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
    But... Paladins ARE always LG? Unless you mean they always have to belong to a chivalric order.

    Weeeeeell we're switching up how Paladins operate. Alignments open up, but Paladins have to either belong to an order or have a strict code of conduct they must follow.

    Silus wrote:

    Right, so it's like 5AM here and I'm aaaaaaaalmost done with the revised race writeup.

    Things completed:

  • Added the Texhutu to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Added the Kamakiri to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Added the Mana Wights to the list of races with all the pertinent info.
  • Did a little reorganizing of the racial writeups (Moving Languages to the bottom, keeping the beginning bits uniform, etc)
  • Set up a brief index of sorts with the races and a short blurb on each of the "unique" races.

    Things still to do (for Races):

  • Finish Drow writeup (Suggestions appreciated regarding ways to make these Drow feel like stock Drow, but toned down and fitting the "mad scientist" feel)
  • Begin work on some Alternate Racial traits (Harpy is more or less done in this regard)
  • Begin work on Racial Favored Class options (Again, Harpy is more or less done)
  • Brief writeup on the stock races and any "uncommon" races (Skinwalkers, Dhampires, etc.) and how they are different (if at all) from stock.

    Things still to do in general:

  • Location writeup for the Frozen Wilds, the Southern Jungles, the Kashana Desert, the Armageddon Cauldron, Xang-Tsan, and the Broken Isles.
  • Writeup for Ghost Stone Special Material
  • Writeup for Paladins
  • Writeup for notable factions (Suggestions welcome)
  • Brief blurb somewhere on the Kaiju and notable massive monsters
  • Begin working on archetypes (Aiming for at least one per class, maybe one per setting race)
  • Begin working on underground areas
  • Actually see if that parody nation (The one that takes the traditional fantasy setting thing too seriously) is actually viable. If so, begin work on it.
  • Chaotic neutral beachhead. I call them Free Spirits. They take the form of animals that act like people and strangely mutated humans. They act out absurd legends, over and over, often including dying, over and over. You can have half free orcs that look a lot like pigs. Half free elves that are obsessed with bowmanship and perfecting the perfect cookie recipe. Yeah, free spirits use awful grammar such as redundancies.

    Liberty's Edge

    Ok, working on the Drow, here's what we have so far:

    Ability Score Racial Traits: Drow are naturally quick and unusually charming for being so mad, but their devotion to the sciences has begun to play merry hell on their health as a race. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution.
    Type: Drow are Humanoid creatures with the Elf subtype.
    Size: Drow are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    Base Speed: Drow have a base speed of 30ft.
    Skill Bonus: Drow are, as a race, devoted to science and medicine. They receive a +2 bonus to Craft (Alchemy) and Heal, and Heal is always a class skill for Drow.
    Darkvision: Drow have Darkvision of 120ft
    Elven Immunities: Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
    Elven Magic: Drow gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, they also receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
    Poison Use: Drow are skilled with poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons.
    Languages: Drow begin play speaking Common and Undercommon. Drow with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Gnome, Laquetan, Harpy and Centaur.

    Silus wrote:

    Ok, working on the Drow, here's what we have so far:

    Ability Score Racial Traits: Drow are naturally quick and unusually charming for being so mad, but their devotion to the sciences has begun to play merry hell on their health as a race. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution.
    Type: Drow are Humanoid creatures with the Elf subtype.
    Size: Drow are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    Base Speed: Drow have a base speed of 30ft.
    Skill Bonus: Drow are, as a race, devoted to science and medicine. They receive a +2 bonus to Craft (Alchemy) and Heal, and Heal is always a class skill for Drow.
    Darkvision: Drow have Darkvision of 120ft
    Elven Immunities: Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
    Elven Magic: Drow gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, they also receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
    Poison Use: Drow are skilled with poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons.
    Languages: Drow begin play speaking Common and Undercommon. Drow with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Gnome, Laquetan, Harpy and Centaur.

    Base Drow have a secret sign language that they developed to secretly communicate with each other without making predator-attracting noise or giving away their nature to the surfacers when on extended recon.

    Since the CK-class restructuring, they've mostly abandoned state secrets and ambush hunting for Mad Science and publishing. So it seems like a section of their populace would use a version of Laquetan as mutated and twisted as their most egregious biological experiments to "tech-speak" to one another. Like 1337-speak but less annoying and adolescent.

    Liberty's Edge

    boring7 wrote:
    Silus wrote:

    Ok, working on the Drow, here's what we have so far:

    Ability Score Racial Traits: Drow are naturally quick and unusually charming for being so mad, but their devotion to the sciences has begun to play merry hell on their health as a race. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution.
    Type: Drow are Humanoid creatures with the Elf subtype.
    Size: Drow are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    Base Speed: Drow have a base speed of 30ft.
    Skill Bonus: Drow are, as a race, devoted to science and medicine. They receive a +2 bonus to Craft (Alchemy) and Heal, and Heal is always a class skill for Drow.
    Darkvision: Drow have Darkvision of 120ft
    Elven Immunities: Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
    Elven Magic: Drow gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, they also receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
    Poison Use: Drow are skilled with poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons.
    Languages: Drow begin play speaking Common and Undercommon. Drow with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Gnome, Laquetan, Harpy and Centaur.

    Base Drow have a secret sign language that they developed to secretly communicate with each other without making predator-attracting noise or giving away their nature to the surfacers when on extended recon.

    Since the CK-class restructuring, they've mostly abandoned state secrets and ambush hunting for Mad Science and publishing. So it seems like a section of their populace would use a version of Laquetan as mutated and twisted as their most egregious biological experiments to "tech-speak" to one another. Like 1337-speak but less annoying and adolescent.

    Was actually considering switching out Elven Magic for the Elf alt of Envoy.

    Envoy: Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf's level. This racial trait replaces elven magic.

    Liberty's Edge


    Races are (for those following along at home): Orcs, Drow, Centaur, Harpy, Kamakiri (mantis people), Texhutu (Non-drider spider people) and Mana Wights (Entities of solidified mana).

    All classes (barring Summoner) are open for suggestions for favored class options. Harpies are more or less done for everything but the ACG classes, so any suggestions for those would be helpful.

    Liberty's Edge

    Right so the Favored Class Options (v.1.0) are finally done (Damn near took me all day to do).

    They cover all the classes, save for Ninja, Samurai and Anti-Paladin.

    Next up are alternate racial traits.

    Edit: Also, fun fact, the guide is up to 70 pages.

    Liberty's Edge

    So, uh, gonna go on hiatus for this for a bit. Just feeling a little burned out is all.

    Feel free to post ideas and suggestions here and I'll add them to the WIP doc for integration later.

    I think most of us have run out of steam for a bit.

    Working on manufacturing inspirado.

    Liberty's Edge

    Well with the addition of the People of the Stars book and the in-progress Iron Gods AP, we'll be adding more stuff slowly but surely.

    Also, looking to gather a group to actually playtest some of this stuff. With any luck it'll be better than my current group.

    Liberty's Edge

    So, little update: Gonna try to finish up the unfinished locations in the guide and work a bit on the cults/organizations in the WIP document. Also, gonna look at how to implement Psionics into the setting.

    I've got Telepathy and Telekinesis in leveled mutations. If you could look it over and offer any suggestions, I would appreciate it.


    I'm back in the saddle again, woohoo.

    I suppose the Poisoned Lands and Harpies are pretty much finished, need to find me another pet project.

    Is someone working on the Southern Jungles? If not, I'd happily take them, as soon as I get Silus to give me the general concept.

    Will probably read the updated guide as soon as I have internet on my PC at home, and give some organisations.

    Also, about the playtest, any chances of that happening on roll20? I still want to take part in that, but I started my own homebrew Pathfinder campaign, so I don't think I'll be able to get the time to run another one. Also, ballistic harpies.


    Since apparently I can't edit the posts now, I'll have to doublepost, yuck.

    Huge deserts with riding lizards? Medusas as prison wardens? Sand thingies? I'm going to post something about the Kashana desert. May think of an artefact as well.

    I will try not to have any Riddick's Chronicles references, but no promises.

    Again, some basic info on what Silus thinks the desert should be will be appreciated. But seriously, desert prisons. And riding lizards. And medusas. And lizard people. Like.

    Liberty's Edge

    Southern Jungles are untouched more or less save for like three cities and the Death World vibe.

    As for the Desert itself, was thinking more Grand Canyon rocky desert instead of sand dunes (though parts could be Sahara type). Towns/cities not native (Principality or Queen settlements) would have a Old West feel. Tribal settlements, cities and ruins would I think have a Spirit Temple look to them. As always, I'm open to suggestions.

    Edit: also, alternate racial thing need to happen D: still wanna do a wing-arm harpy variant D:

    How about an isolated snake people city who view humans as the horrors?

    Liberty's Edge

    Goth Guru wrote:
    How about an isolated snake people city who view humans as the horrors?

    Serpentfolk might work.

    Maybe some homebrew Lizardfolk variants? Komodo-Dragon, Horny Toad Lizard, etc.

    Liberty's Edge

    Okay, two ideas for locations and additions that I wanted to put to ya'll:

    1. The Draconic Ecological Preserve. Pre-Barrier, it was an island for research of the more...mundane draconic species, mostly non-aquatic drakes. Think like...Jurassic Park but with better security. Barrier happens, the preserve falls into disrepair, the drakes escape and populate the island. Generally avoided by the general population of the world because, well, drakes. Also the only source of dragon blood and dragon hide.

    2. An as-yet unnamed Scottish/celtic inspired land (probably in the faaaaaaaar south). Secluded dwarven nation inspired by the Wildhammer clan from Warcraft (Dwarven Griffon riders, because Dwarven Griffon riders are hella boss).

    Draconic Preserve: Need something keeping the critters from migrating off the island, (drakes can get pretty far, and if they can't make the trip why/how would anyone else?). My first thought is giant dome field (semi-permeable) with primary access being a mostly-defunct and infested tunnel system. Could rapidly become its own sub-location with flooded sections, a sub-race of Morlocks trying to appease the gods with ritual-like maintenance practices, security systems, and Drakey hybrids.

    Wildhammer Peaks: Gryphons in PF are smart and riding them is either an alliance/cohort paradigm or enslavement. This can work, (Golarion already has Dragonriders of Pern in all but name, plenty of precedent) or you can roll Hippogriffs to neatly sidestep that question entirely. When I play the mental game of "Simcity Pathfinder" hippogriff air forces feature prominently. Also there's an interesting opportunity for rivalry with the harpy tribes. Do they hate each other and are completely different? Are they strikingly similar to each other with a Crips/Bloods or East side/West side theme? Some brand of rare, high-risk, but totally awesome to watch aerial rugby might be interesting.

    Throwing hammers are kind of crap, so you'll need to homebrew a specialty throwing hammer or switch to something else, crossbows are fairly logical, and with the new Bolt Ace Class and the old Repeating Crossbow can work pretty well. Oh yeah, almost forgot: Flying, ranged-attacking dwarves would probably Natural-select for higher dexterity, so alternate racial traits are probably apropos.

    Liberty's Edge

    boring7 wrote:

    Draconic Preserve: Need something keeping the critters from migrating off the island, (drakes can get pretty far, and if they can't make the trip why/how would anyone else?). My first thought is giant dome field (semi-permeable) with primary access being a mostly-defunct and infested tunnel system. Could rapidly become its own sub-location with flooded sections, a sub-race of Morlocks trying to appease the gods with ritual-like maintenance practices, security systems, and Drakey hybrids.

    Wildhammer Peaks: Gryphons in PF are smart and riding them is either an alliance/cohort paradigm or enslavement. This can work, (Golarion already has Dragonriders of Pern in all but name, plenty of precedent) or you can roll Hippogriffs to neatly sidestep that question entirely. When I play the mental game of "Simcity Pathfinder" hippogriff air forces feature prominently. Also there's an interesting opportunity for rivalry with the harpy tribes. Do they hate each other and are completely different? Are they strikingly similar to each other with a Crips/Bloods or East side/West side theme? Some brand of rare, high-risk, but totally awesome to watch aerial rugby might be interesting.

    Throwing hammers are kind of crap, so you'll need to homebrew a specialty throwing hammer or switch to something else, crossbows are fairly logical, and with the new Bolt Ace Class and the old Repeating Crossbow can work pretty well. Oh yeah, almost forgot: Flying, ranged-attacking dwarves would probably Natural-select for higher dexterity, so alternate racial traits are probably apropos.

    Perhaps a sort of "genetic field" so non-drakes/draconic creatures (or at least those with sufficient draconic blood) cannot pass through, with a weakened section in the tunnels (I really like the idea of a mythic trial being to get onto the island, steal a drake egg and make it out in one piece). As I mentioned to Ninjaxenomorph, imagine going to Jurassic Park to get raptor eggs, but the island is dominated the things and have grown to fly and breath fire.

    I could see the dwarves regard harpies in a general neutral "You leave us alone and we leave you alone" manner, and most of said dwarves being some variety of Hunter, Ranger, Druid or Shaman. Also, Mythic trial to get into the tribe's good graces and earn the right to fly a griffon/hippogriff.


    Okay, so special mounts for the Barrier World:
    Riding Birds (CHOCOBOS)(Using the 3.5 stats with appropriate tweaks)
    Riding Lizards (BOGA)
    Drakes (HAHA GOOD LUCK)
    Giant Ravens (REALLY hard to catch and tame)(3.5 stats with appropriate tweaks)
    Dire Wolves (ORC MOUNTS WOOT WOOT)
    Bears (BEAR CALVARY)

    Possible twist ending: Some kind of superweapon that genocided all dragon-blooded species is still active in the world at large; the evidence of this atrocity which originally killed all the dragons (as well as the device that suppresses the effect) are near the center of the Island and protected by a clan of half-dragon (lizardfolk? something?) that may or may not have killed their kin worldwide in order to reduce competition.

    Or an arcane lab full of experimental genetics including the ability to infuse a life form with the half-dragon template.

    Hmm, I recall a character from a Forgotten Realms campaign that was a Half-dragon, but was made that way via stitchery and wizardry from a Red Wizard of Thay, and you DO have grafts as a thing...

    Anyhoo, it's been a long day so I'm kind of wandering.

    boring7 wrote:

    Throwing hammers are kind of crap, so you'll need to homebrew a specialty throwing hammer or switch to something else, crossbows are fairly logical, and with the new Bolt Ace Class and the old Repeating Crossbow can work pretty well. Oh yeah, almost forgot: Flying, ranged-attacking dwarves would probably Natural-select for higher dexterity, so alternate racial traits are probably apropos.

    Go to hammer_throw_world_record_progression.

    What would be the damage on an Olympic hammer?

    Liberty's Edge

    Goth Guru wrote:
    boring7 wrote:

    Throwing hammers are kind of crap, so you'll need to homebrew a specialty throwing hammer or switch to something else, crossbows are fairly logical, and with the new Bolt Ace Class and the old Repeating Crossbow can work pretty well. Oh yeah, almost forgot: Flying, ranged-attacking dwarves would probably Natural-select for higher dexterity, so alternate racial traits are probably apropos.

    Go to hammer_throw_world_record_progression.

    What would be the damage on an Olympic hammer?

    1d6 or 1d8 with a range of...15-20ft?

    It's up to you. Thrown weapons have a range limit of 5 increments (as in, if your enemy is more than 50 feet away you just can't hit them, period) and a griffon rider can easily move 320 feet between attacks (80 base X charge X flying downward). On the other hand, riding a gryphon suggests the character is at least 7th level, so they're probably packing magic.

    A custom shocking, throwing and returning warhammer which does 1d8, 3x crit, has a 50 foot range increment when the wielder is not touching the ground, and costs 10k?

    An Olympic throwing hammer is a two handed throwing weapon, so one handed throwing rules shouldn't really apply. Are giants hurling boulders similarly restricted?

    PRD wrote:
    Range: Any attack at more than this distance is penalized for range. Beyond this range, the attack takes a cumulative –2 penalty for each full range increment (or fraction thereof) of distance to the target. For example, a dagger (with a range of 10 feet) thrown at a target that is 25 feet away would incur a –4 penalty. A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five range increments. A projectile weapon can shoot to 10 range increments.

    Rock Throwing entry has this to say:

    PRD wrote:
    Rock Throwing (Ex) This creature is an accomplished rock thrower and has a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks. A creature can hurl rocks up to two categories smaller than its size; for example, a Large hill giant can hurl Small rocks. A “rock” is any large, bulky, and relatively regularly shaped object made of any material with a hardness of at least 5. The creature can hurl the rock up to five range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the creature. Damage from a thrown rock is generally twice the creature's base slam damage plus 1-1/2 its Strength bonus."

    So...I think so. Same 5 increment limit, different range increment because Monster Rules. This opens up another avenue; i.e. Sky Dwarf alternate racial trait that revolves around throwing hammers really really far.

    Sorry if I'm beating a harp with a dead horse, it's just the first thing that jumped to mind when I thought about the Thunderhammers of the Warcraft Gryphon Riders.

    Liberty's Edge

    boring7 wrote:

    Sorry if I'm beating a harp with a dead horse, it's just the first thing that jumped to mind when I thought about the Thunderhammers of the Warcraft Gryphon Riders.

    *Holds up the Warcraft D20 core rulebook*

    I think I'd like to steer away from the whole "We're going to transplant the Wildhammer clan into the world" kinda thing. Certainly have there be some parallels, but try to steer them away from explicitly Warcraft'ishness.

    Fair enough. Saddle-mounted oversized repeating crossbow (crossbow crossbow) would probably make more sense, point-and-click interface for an unstable firing platform.

    Figure move-equivalent action to draw the string back, full-round to replace a 5-bolt clip, range increment of 120', 2d8 damage, counts as a siege weapon because it's mounted. Rapid Reload can apply. Probably rules for mounted archery I'm not familiar with (I think you get a penalty for firing while your mount is moving really fast) and of course, they use lances for dive-bombing swoop attacks.

    I think the Gryphons would have an easier time compensating for the recoil of a crossbow.
    Spinning around so you can release a hammer at double range should be left to the land based Dwarven Olympians.

    Liberty's Edge

    Well the D20 Warcraft stats for a standard Dwarven Throwing Hammer is:

    [Hammer, dwarven tossing] 15 gp — Small 1d4, Med 1d6, x3 Crit, Range 20 ft., 4 lb., Bludgeoning

    And the Stormhammer stats are as follows:



    Description: The Wildhammer dwarves’ signature weapon, this dwarven battle hammer is beautifully crafted, with a lightning bolt pattern carved into the polished wooden haft and clouds and lightning etched into the faceted metal head. Even the leather wrapped around the handle is mottled to suggest clouds and rain.

    Powers: The stormhammer is a +1 shock dwarven battle hammer. The wielder can swing the hammer can cause a copy of the weapon to appear and fly toward the target, allowing him to use it as a ranged weapon as well. When used in this way, the battle hammer has a range increment of 30 feet and a maximum range of 10 range increments (300 feet). The wielder is proficient in this use of the weapon if he is proficient with the battle hammer as a one-handed melee weapon. The ranged copies function just like the hammer, and the wielder adds her Strength bonus on damage rolls with them. Since she does not have to draw ammunition, she can make more than one ranged attack with the hammer in a round, even if she does not have the Quick Draw feat.

    Moderate evocation; CL 11th;
    Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
    lightning bolt; Price 28,330 gp; Cost 14,220 gp + 1,120 XP.

    Wouldn't be opposed to having a Stormhammer be a thing, but nothing near as prevalent as in Warcraft.


    I am currently working on The Gully, which is the prison.

    The main idea is a plateau on the edge of a big cliff. The maximum security wing is in the middle of the canyon, connected with a always guarded bridge.

    It's on a tall natural tower (since I can't explain it better, think WoW's Thousand Needles), and in case of emergencies, such as a wing-wide insurgency, just under the base of the wing there is a belt of explosives, sending everyone there crashing down nearly 900 feet.

    NPCs and guard/prisoners behaviour will follow.

    You could have it send a Spiritual Weapon-Hammer at the foe.

    Have you considered to include stuff from the Technology Guide?

    Liberty's Edge

    Entryhazard wrote:
    Have you considered to include stuff from the Technology Guide?

    Already done =D

    Also gonna add in some of the stuff from Iron Gods.

    Liberty's Edge

    So here's the current map with a little work done for lettering and outlines. Gonna be working on it a bit over the next week or so.

    Map here.

    looks pretty good. I can only see it in small-o-vision though, no account.

    Liberty's Edge

    Okay so late update on stuff, got a group together for a Saturday game to give the setting its initial run.

    We have, at lvl 5:
    A Human Magus who hates the Principality and wants to start a Merc company.
    A Texhutu Brawler who wants to create a religion glorifying the Pre-Barrier Exile.
    A Harpy Ranger who...I'm not sure of her deal just yet.
    A Kamakiri Cleric who has been converted to the Texhutu's religion.

    They're all Chaotic Neutral (in a "We go our own way" sort, not the "KILL ALL THE BABIES!!" way) and starting on a boat freshly arrived at Steamport. This game is gonna be...interesting.

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