Radioactive undead template - anyone?

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

Anyone have a radioactive undead template? I'm running a post apocalyptic game and my players are reaching a boss. He is a blast shadow necromancer with a uranium golem and I'd like him to have some special minions.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Give them a sicken aura, based on the Radiation domain?

Dark Archive

Ooh, found this while looking for the radiation domain. Thought of this:
5 or lower HD = low
Between 5 and 10 = moderate
Between 10 and 20 = High
20+ = Severe on natural attacks

20ft. Aura of radiation one level lower than the natural attack radiation level.

Dark Archive


If they stack, you're probably looking at a TPK. Unless the PCs manage to kill it at range.

I mean it sounds good, my only concern is challenge rating. It's like a save-or-die/suck spell, REALLY nasty if it hits.

In my leveled mutations topic, the undead trait guarantees that they rise. They become a monster of a similar level, so they could have ghouls, ghasts, and a vampire working with them. The few that died directly of radiation will be contaminated, but Cr500cricket's rules look ok.

13: Undead. Class Skill Knowledge Religion and bloodline powers. Death causes you to rise as corporal undead of similar level immediately. (This is a suggestion for mutations. The GM can skip it or apply it to bloodlines too if going for a horror movie feel.)
Sorc. Gets bonus spells, bonus feats, and of course the bloodline arcana.
A sorc. vampire lieutenant radiating moderate radiation would rock.

Just have their bodies give off an effect similar to Viridium

This deep green volcanic glass is similar to obsidian but is formed when molten rock is tainted with anomalous trace minerals from deep beneath the earth whose emanations are toxic to living things. It can be fragmented to razor sharpness, but even a tiny amount of viridium contacting the bloodstream can pass on a wasting sickness.

Any successful hit with a viridium weapon causes the target to contract leprosy (Fortitude DC 12 negates). On a successful critical hit, a tiny fragment of viridium breaks off within the target, affecting it as though with greenblood oil (Fortitude DC 13 negates).

A creature carrying a viridium weapon must save every 24 hours or contract leprosy unless the weapon is kept inside an extradimensional space (such as an efficient quiver) or a scabbard lined with lead.

Oozes, plants, and outsiders are immune to the deadly emanations of viridium.

Make the Save DC CHA based, and perhaps be an aura instead of through wounds...

Just a thought.

Very Respectfully,

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Too strong for minions, I'd leave it at sickened.

Dark Archive

Screamers from Gamma World - radioactive melted humanoids.

Screamers appear as emaciated and shrunken humanoids with yellowish-grey skin. They are usually clad in the rotting remains of what was once normal clothing. The heads of screamers are virtually hairless and their faces have disappeared, mutated and melted into a glistening, featureless mass of sickly-colored flesh. Only a formless, cavernous, toothless mouth is still discernible. From this mouth come the unnerving moans, shrieks, and howls that give the creature its name. Though unable to communicate verbally and seemingly not capable of rational thought as we understand it, screamers appear to have a highly developed, instinctive sense of balance and direction.

Radiation causes screamers to emit a bluish-green glow, the brightness of which varies according to the level of screaming maintained by the creature. All screamers are totally immune to laser, radiation, stun, poison, heat, and cold-based attacks. They possess the abilities of directional sense and life leech, the latter with a range of 20 meters (mental strength 12). In addition, the touch of a screamer gives a sudden dose of intensity 13 radiation to its victim.


The Life Leech mutation is very powerful - drain a few hit points from everything around you and you get those hit points for the day.

Or you could have get 5hp per point of Con drain from it's radioactive claw attack.

A unique mechanic would be for it to have a claw attack that checks on a regular attack/damage scheme while also rolling it's attack as a touch attack (for the radioactivity) and checking for exposure simultaniously.

Just an idea - figured the original radioactive dead from the first PA should have a shot.

Dark Archive

The most powerful radioactive minions will only be doing 1d4 Con with a DC 17 save. The party wizard has 50% chance of making it without spells and the party has neutralize poison and restoration.

You can always make the governors call. A character becomes sickened, but instead of dying, they mutate. It might take 3D6 days to become obvious, so you can pass them notes for a while.

Cr500cricket wrote:
Anyone have a radioactive undead template? I'm running a post apocalyptic game and my players are reaching a boss. He is a blast shadow necromancer with a uranium golem and I'd like him to have some special minions.

Well you know, Uranium decays by release of alpha particles (Helium with no electrons) that can't actually penetrate skin. Typical protective gear to avoid radiation damage when handling radioactive uranium are gloves & a respirator. Actual damage comes from ingestion of uranium oxides (dust) by inhalation, in food or water. A uranium golem would have additional radiation burn damage on attacks (call it force damage), and really it should should scale with the age of the golem or its materials due to half-life.

If you wanted to damage/sicken at range, well now you're talking about gamma rays-- effectively energetic photons. There are some solid materials that will give off gamma (Cobalt-60 is a good common source), or you can just but a fission reactor inside the golem-- this will produce neutrons as well as your gamma.

Neutrons directly degrade materials as well as tissue, embrittling or swelling many metals. Brittle portal or shatter effects come to mind, as well as swelling joints in armor plates.

Oh, ha, you are making minions. Reading comprehension fail.

I guess I would point out that radiation doesn't leave biological tissue 'hot'. Radioactive decay and emission would have already been completed. But if you want a quick and dirty point source radiation effect, just make the minions persistent, mobile Word of Chaos sources. Change the HD/effect level to a ft & rounds spent table. This accounts for the rapid decay of radioactive effect (best defense is distance). Here's what I'd say:
40-30 ft = 100 rad/round
30-20 ft = 200 rad/round
20-10 ft = 400 rad/round
10-0 ft = 800 rad/round

And now, ripping off Fallout:
200 rad = Slight tingle
400 rad = Blinded / -2 con
600 rad = Stunned/Sickened / -4 con / -2 dex
800 rad = Confused / -6 Con / -4 dex / -2 Str
1k rad = killed / -6 Con -4 dex / Str

Blindness over deafness as cataracts are a known effect of radiation.
Consider offering no save- there is no amount of experience or training that can counter the effects of radiation poisoning. Give additional bonuses to heavier/bulkier characters. Radioactive particles/waves are extremely energetic, so consider its disrupting effects on magical energies and or armors, like a static Dispel Magic effect within the shell.

But again, those are all characteristics best suited to the golem carrying a blast furnace around, rather than ghouls.

Oh, duh, ghouls:
These undead are healed by radiation fields. Applicable!
-2 Cha (HA!)
This is more like it.

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