Custom GM Screen - The Players' Side

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello all. I've created pages that go into inserts for a custom GM scree, but only for the GM's side. What I would like to know, is what should be put on the player side?

Now, I realize that it's kinda up to my group on what we want, and what rules we look up often. But I'm looking for what other people would want, as players, to see on their side of the GM screen.

Regarding art, I will probably put art on the left and right most panels, just because they are usually obscured or at an angle.

I look forward to creative and helpful suggestions!

The whole combat section of the core rules seeing how so many players appear to have not read it!

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Possibilities: house rules, mounted combat rules (I'm convinced very few people know them), campaign information (who's who of NPCs, city info, calendar, etc), or an artistic rendering of the party's gruesome demise. >:)

I have one of the Hamerdog Games "The Worlds Greatest Screen" and I always put Order of the Stick cartoons in it.

There's an awful lot to be said, in my experience for making the player facing side of a GM screen just a big ol' explanation of exactly how AOOs work, with big easily readable text and diagrams.

There's also something to be said for big bold letters on the GM's side that just say: "You didn't set the map up in a way they can reach and kill the cool monster before it gets to use its weird ability again, did you?"

I wish I could instill the entire combat section of the CRB into peoples' brains, however, it's way to much information for someone to actually be able to read it.

House Rules was an idea I already had, but most them just involve not being a dick. Maybe I should just plaster that all over the place.

I like the cartoons, but they would be way to distracting.

AoO is a great suggestion, thanks!

Sovereign Court

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I'm not so sure if reading the GM screen from the player-side is really all that practical. They'd probably be better served with a handout sheet.

I think illustrations are actually really good. You know how a picture can say more than a thousand words? Make sure the picture on the screen is really relevant to your game. Don't take some random picture with Paizo iconics that has nothing to do with your campaign; take something like these:

  • A lovingly illustrated (touristic) map of the part of the setting the PCs are in.
  • Faces of major NPCs, particularly the main BBEG. If the PCs don't know about him yet, make him an ominous figure in the background of the picture.
  • Monsters that are iconic for your campaign.

    Your players are looking at that screen all the time. It's prime advertising ground.

  • Liberty's Edge

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    I also made a custom screen of three landscape panels that allow normal pages to be inserted.

    On the Player side, the left and right panels currently have town or area maps that are relevant to the current story. The center panel has pictures of each of the characters along with their name and class. If there is also an important NPC traveling with the PCs for a time, I will also add them to the center panel.

    Verdant Wheel

    +1 Ascalaphus

    RedDogMT wrote:

    I also made a custom screen of three landscape panels that allow normal pages to be inserted.

    On the Player side, the left and right panels currently have town or area maps that are relevant to the current story. The center panel has pictures of each of the characters along with their name and class. If there is also an important NPC traveling with the PCs for a time, I will also add them to the center panel.

    I second this.

    Grand Lodge

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    Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Abandon All Hope Ye Who Can Read This.

    Liberty's Edge

    LazarX wrote:
    Abandon All Hope Ye Who Can Read This.

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    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    ReliantLion wrote:
    Hello all. I've created pages that go into inserts for a custom GM scree, but only for the GM's side.

    What information did you put up for the GM info? Any chance of posting a link to your file?

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