Orange Prism, Ioun Stone


I have a player who wants to make an advanced version of this stone using the "Pathfinder Chronicles Seekers of Secrets" info np there. My question is can this push his caster level beyond his total level or only up to his max. (Please site any ruling with page numbers as he is a rules munchkin & I hate just saying DM says NO !)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The orange prism ioun stone can push it BEYOND his max character level. However it only functions for the purposes of level-based variables such as a spell's range, damage dice, duration, etc. It does NOT increase the caster's spells known or spells per day.

Furthermore, it does NOT stack with effects that increase caster level but ARE limited by your total character level.

For example, if he was a fighter 2/wizard 4 with the Magical Knack trait (granting him CL 6 for the purposes of spell variables) and he procured an orange prism ioun stone, he would only get partial benefit from his trait (still leaving him at CL 6) since his trait can never push his CL beyond his character level.

It's a dumb ruling if you ask me, but the game developers have been absolutely clear on the matter on these forums.

As far as I know, it's not in official errata or FAQ documents though, so feel free to rule otherwise at your tables.

To my knowledge, the ONLY rule that lets you increase your caster level for spells known and spells per day AS WELL (outside of leveling up normally) are the organization rules for being a member in good standing with a Spellcasting Guild (see Inner Sea Magic).

I hope that helps to provide some clarity for you. :D

Thank you it helps a lot. As far as I know he wasn't trying to get more spells only cast them stronger.

He can also grab certain feats to help with that situation depending on what he casts. Like Varisian tattoo or Irrisen Ice Mage.

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